
文章合为时而著 歌诗合为事而作

Creative Articles and Poems to Reflect the Social Reality

【作者】 周婵

【导师】 胡继琼;

【作者基本信息】 贵州大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 大历十才子是唐大历年间十位诗人所形成的一个诗人群体。根据姚合《极玄集》和《新唐书》的记载:十才子为李端、卢纶、吉中孚、韩翃、钱起、司空曙、苗发、崔峒、耿湋、夏侯审。他们的共同特点是偏重诗歌的形式技巧。大历年间,作为大唐王朝一个特殊的时期,它承载着盛唐的风貌却面临着安史之乱带来的动荡。这一时期的文人才子,在盛唐已养成的入世和救世济民的思想使他们仍关注着社会现实,期望能够借以实现自己的抱负和理想。同时,作为整个社会中对于社会变化最容易产生感应诗人群体,大历十才子的作品中也时时表现出身处动荡时代、深受战争离乱的切身感受。这种感受在其作品中展现出来的,是一副真实的社会画卷。它们从诗人的亲身经历出发,展示了诗人生活的时代的各个层面:政治、军事、宗教、文化以及闲适生活。然而,大历十才子诗歌创作中的这一最重要的方面恰恰是被过去的研究所忽略的。论文收集了大历十才子现存作品,依靠现有的文献资料对十才子的作品进行了分类整理。有针对性的研究了大历十才子反映现实社会生活的作品。通过作品与具体历史事件的对应分析,进一步展现了大历年间诗歌的发展进程和大历年间的真实社会风貌。文章通过研究大历十才子的现实题材作品,认为在唐朝的历史发生重大转折的时候,是他们,挽救了诗歌发展的命运。面对衰败的社会,他们把目光从一己之忧投射到整个社会生活的各个层面,用诗歌来分担着时代的忧患。他们作为文学发展尤其是诗歌发展史上一批承前启后的诗人,远承谢康乐的传统不断、近启律诗创作的新格局。为诗歌发展做出了卓越的贡献。

【Abstract】 Ten Wets in Tang Dynasty-ta-li are a poet group formed by 10 major poets in Great calendar year of the Tang dynasty.According to Yao He "very mysterious collection" and "new Tang Dynasty History",they are:Li Duan,Lu Lun,Ji Zhongfu, Han Hong,Qian Qi,Sikong Shu,Miao Fa,Cui Tong,Geng Wei,Xiahoop Shen.Their common feature is emphasis on skills in the form of poetry.Great calendar year,as the Tang dynasty,a special period,which carries the style of Tang Dynasty but is confronted with a destabilizing Shih Rebellion.Literary genius of this period,in the Tang Dynasty have developed a culture of close to the social reality and the economic salvation of thinking so that they are still concerned about the social reality and look forward to in order to realize their aspirations and ideals.At the same time,as the whole society for the social change groups most likely to produce sensitive poet,the performance of Ten Gifted Gcholars’sworks from time to time came at turbulent times,deeply personal feelings of chaos and war.This feeling has demonstrated in their works out is a set of real social picture scroll.They proceed from the poet’s personal experience,showing the poet live in an age of all levels: political,military,religious,cultural and leisure life.However,,pass through ten greatly gifted scholar this once most important aspect in poetry and song creation is to be ignored by past research institute exactly.The thesis is collected having arranged passing through Ten Wets in Tang Dynasty-ta-li is extant work,depends on the now available document data to have carried out classification on work of ten gifted scholars.The work having studied ten gifted scholars reflect real social life greatly one by one having pertinency.By the fact that work has displayed development of big previous years room poetry and song further with corresponding concrete history event analysis,the course composes in reply big true society scene among over the years.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 贵州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期

