

【作者】 母光磊

【导师】 张达敏; 李永仁;

【作者基本信息】 贵州大学 , 电子与通信工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 电视播控系统作为电视台节目的最终出口,其播出的安全可靠性一直是每个省市电视台乃至中央电视台重点考虑的问题。在电视数字化步伐加快的今天,播出作为数字电视的重要环节和最终出口,播控系统的数字化亦是大势所趋。较之传统播控系统,选用具有数字化特征、安全可靠性更高等优点的数字化硬盘播出系统作为电视播控系统,已经成为众多国内电视台的必然选择。数字化硬盘播出系统以视频数字压缩编码技术、大容量存储技术、宽带网传输技术为基础,将电视节目数字化编码压缩后,存储在硬盘上,通过网络传输和控制,可以方便地实现数字或模拟电视节目播出。播出安全性也得到很大的提高。本文以作者参加设计、建设的贵阳电视台六频道硬盘播出系统为主线,首先简单介绍了数字电视的定义及发展过程,电视播出技术的发展,硬盘系统的应用,并简单介绍了硬盘系统中较为重要的部分:视频服务器和视频矩阵。然后详细记述了硬盘系统从需求分析、设计要求到各模块硬软件设计的思路与过程。重点研究了硬盘播出系统的模块设计及硬盘播出中可能会出现的问题及相应的解决办法与思路等。硬盘播出系统不仅省事、省力、信号质量高、扩展能力好、播出安全性高,而且把计算机技术和视频、音频技术完美地融合在了一起。在设计该系统时结合了实际情况和实际需要,从安全、实用、方便的角度着想,将技术先进性和实用性融为一体,充分考虑了数字化的发展趋势以及数字化硬盘播出系统的智能化、可靠性、扩展性等综合因素,在软件、硬件上预留了扩展空间。

【Abstract】 As the TV play and control system is the last export of TV programs,its safety and reliability is always the main considered factor in every TV station.Following the development of digital TV,digtal will be the necessary direction of TV play and control system.Compared with the tradional broadcast system,HD play system has been used in more and more TV station by virtue of the digital characteristic and the higher secure performance. HD play system is based on some key techniques,such as video compress, large-capacity storage technology, broadband transmission technology. TV shows will be encoding the compressed digitized, stored on the hard disk through the network transmission and control, can easily achieve the digital or analog broadcast television programs.In this paper, the author participated in the design, construction of Guiyang TV Channel 6 hard disk broadcast system, first of all, There is a brief definition of the digital television and the development of television broadcast technology, the hard disk system, and a brief introduction of the hard disk system more important part: the video server and video matrix. And then a detailed account of the hard disk system from the needs analysis, design requirements to the modular design of hardware and software ideas and processes. Focus on the hard drive module broadcast system design and the hard disk may be broadcast on the problems and corresponding solutions, such as with the ideas.The hard disk play system not only has excellences in simplifying matters, saving labor, higher signal quantity and good scalable ability, but also perfectly fuses computer technique and audio technology. From safe, practical and convenient point of view, during the designing process, we have taken considered the actual circumstance and the effective and concrete demands of our play and TV station, and obtained an integral system by harmoniously dealing with the demands of advanced technologies and the practice. Given full consideration to the development trend of digital broadcast systems, as well as hard intelligence, reliability, scalability and other factors, in software, hardware on the expansion of space reserved.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 贵州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期

