

【作者】 付欣艳

【导师】 刘宇红; 毛文;

【作者基本信息】 贵州大学 , 电子与通信工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文分析了当前计量测试设备管理的现状,立足于计量测试设备管理的特点,结合本院已有的ASP网络平台,采用安全性能较高的SQL Server管理系统,用以提供作为应用程序的数据来源存放各种数据,并可以使用户很容易地达成所要进行的数据存取操作。同时协助数据库系统管理者可以更方便更快速得管理和设计库数据库的内容,并对数据库进行维护。该系统采用软件工程的思想进行分析与设计,由较小的相对独立的模块组成,并且大多数模块都与现实世界中的实体相对应,降低了该系统的复杂性,提高了系统的可重用性和可理解性。该系统最终通过Dreamweaver高效的设计、开发和维护基于标准的网站及应用程序的开发工具,建立了一个基于ASP的计量测试设备网络管理系统,通过B/S结构方式,实现质监实验设备的纵横向管理,这从很大程度上解决目前计量测试设备管理存在的诸多问题。

【Abstract】 This article analyzes the current management of equipment and measurement of the status quo, quality supervision departments based on the characteristics of the instruments and equipment management, combined with our existing network platforms. Safe use of high performance SQL Server database management system to provide data applications as a source of stored data and allows users to easily reach to be carried out by the data access operation. At the same time database system to help managers can more quickly facilitate the management and design of the library database, as well as the maintenance of the database. System is used to the idea of software engineering analysis and design of the system by the relatively small independent modules, and most of the modules with the real world of physical corresponding to reduce the complexity of the system and improve the system reusability and Comprehensible. Dreamweaver through the final system efficiently in the design, development and maintenance of standards-based websites and applications development tools, the establishment of a quality inspection of ASP-based network management system equipment,Through the B / S structure of the way quality supervision departments to achieve the management of the laboratory equipment to China, to a large extent from the quality supervision departments to resolve the current management of equipment problems.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 贵州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期

