

Analysis on Wastewater of Manganese Mineral Pollution and the Microbial Remediation Technology Study

【作者】 黄海燕

【导师】 连宾;

【作者基本信息】 贵州大学 , 环境工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 锰作为一种重要的冶金、化工原材料,为我国工业快速发展做出了巨大贡献。在锰矿大量产出的同时,生态环境也遭受严重破坏,其中以锰矿废水及尾矿淋滤所引发的环境问题最为严重。作者在两年多时间内多次对遵义长沟锰矿开采区域进行实地调查,开展了遵义地区锰矿废水污染分析和胶质芽孢杆菌处理锰矿废水的试验研究,并采用模拟烟气与胶质芽孢杆菌联合处理锰矿废水,获得初步研究结果。运用单项污染指数法、内梅罗综合污染指数法等评价方法以及污染评价标准,分析了该锰矿地区河流——底泥——土壤——农作物中的重金属污染特征。研究表明,遵义湘江河长沟河段已受到锰矿废水污染,多项水质指标均已超出国家二级排放标准;矿区河流底泥重金属含量高,锰含量高出土壤背景值上百倍,污染严重;矿区土壤潜在酸度较大,锰含量高达115051.10mg/kg,而且还伴有锌、铅轻度污染,铜中度污染,镉重度污染,重金属综合污染程度深;锰矿开采区及加工区农作物都受到锰矿废水及尾矿重金属影响。各种采集的农作物同时受锰、铁、锌、镉不同程度污染,尤其是受锰污染最为普遍,其中苋菜、莴笋、白菜污染最为严重,分别高出农作物一般营养成分29.7倍、16.2倍、15.9倍;其次镉污染在白菜和苋菜中最为严重,其污染程度分别高于国家最高允许量的12.3倍和11.2倍;部分农作物还受到锌和铁的重度污染;受锌重度污染的农作物有:白菜、苋菜、萝卜、莴笋;受铁重度污染农作物为玉米。采用微生物吸附法,以胶质芽孢杆菌BM03菌株开展对锰矿废水的微生物治理初步研究。结果表明,废水中的SS最高去除率达到99.13%,最大絮凝率为96.97%,对锰去除率可达100%,絮凝率可以达到97.94%,SS去除率高达99.43%,效果显著。在此基础上,采用微生物与模拟废气联合作用处理锰矿废水,结果表明,锰矿废水重金属得到更好处理效果的同时,废水颜色也得以改善,处理后产生硫酸钙、碳酸钙、硫酸铁、碳酸铁、硫酸锰等,废气中的二氧化硫和二氧化碳也得到利用。此外,采用不同解吸剂,研究了微生物处理后的絮凝沉淀物重金属的解吸。结合微生物吸附法治理锰矿废水的试验结果以及对锰矿废水环境污染评价,设计出较为可行的废水处理组合工艺。遵义地区锰矿资源丰富,矿点分布较多,污染严重,亟待治理。研究采用微生物法治理锰矿废水具有广阔应用前景。

【Abstract】 As an important part of metallurgical and chemical raw materials,Manganese has made great contributions to the rapid development of China’s industrial.However,with manganese ore substantial output,the ecological environment has also suffered serious damage.In particular,the most serious environmental problems are caused by wastewater of manganese mineral and tailings leaching.The author has investigated manganese mining region of Changgou in Zunyi several times in last two years,and carried out analysis of manganese pollution in wastewater and study on the use of Bacillus mucilaginosus dealing with wastewater of manangese mineral of Zunyi region.Then,the combination of simulated flue gas and BM03 are used to deal with wastewater of manganese mineral,and acquired preliminary research results.Use the pollution evaluation methods,such as single pollution index method and Nemero integrated pollution index,and evaluation criteria to analyse characteristics of heavy metal pollution in river of manganese mineral and river mud sediment and soil and crops of this region. Studies show that the Changgou section of Xiangjiang River in Zunyi has been contaminated by wastewater of manganese mineral,and a number of water quality indicators have been beyond the limits of national emission secondary standards.There is high heavy metals content in sediments of the mining river,and manganese content in the soil than a hundred times the background value, pollution problem in mud sediments of river is serious.The soil potential acidity of mining region is large,and manganese content in soil is up to 115051mg/kg.Simultaneously,with mild pollution caused by zinc and lead,moderate pollution of copper and severe pollution of cadmium,heavy metals comprehensive pollution in deep-General.The crops in manganese mining and processing region receive an impact which by manganese tailings wastewater and heavy metals.A variety of collected crops are affected by manganese,iron,zinc and cadmium pollution in varying degrees, In particular,manganese pollution is the most common,and pollution in the amaranth,lettuce and Chinese cabbage are most serious,have also preponderated over General nutrient composition of the crops contents by 29.7,16.2 and 15.9 times,respectively.Followed by most serious pollution of cadmium in Chinese cabbage and amaranth,which the degree of pollution is higher than the national maximum allowable amount of 12.3 and 11.2 times,respectively.Some crops also receive pollutes seriously by zinc and iron,crops that polluted seriously by zinc as follows.Chinese cabbage,amaranth,radish,lettuce,heavily polluted crop by iron is the corn.Use the microbial assay with Bacillus mucilaginosus BM03 to carry out preliminary study on micro-organisms treatment on wastewater of manganese pollution.The results showed that the highest removal rate of SS reached 99.13%in wastewater,maximum flocculation rate is 99.97%, the removal rate of manganese up to 100%,it’s flocculation rate can be achieved 97.94%and the removal rate of ss is also up to 99.43%after treatment,the effect is obvious.On this basis,The results showed that use the method which simulated flue gas and micro-organisms joint role in dealing with wastewater of manganese mineral is better than any single,and the effect on water color also can be improved.Then calcium sulfate,calcium carbonate,ferric sulfate,iron carbonate, manganese sulfate,etc was found after treatment.At the same time,the method aslo make use of sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide in flue gas.In addition,utilize different desorption agents, author researched on desorption of heavy metals in flocculation sediments after treatment by microbial.In order to design a feasible confederative process of wastewater treatment,combined of experiment results of using microbial adsorption method to deal with wastewater and the environmental evaluation of that.The resource of manganese ore is rich in Zunyi region,and the distribution of ore is extensive, but the pollution is serious,urgent need of treatment.Apparently,study on Microbiological method to deal with wastewater of manganese mineral has broad application prospects.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 贵州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期

