

On Reformation of the Network of Commercial Banks

【作者】 姚军

【导师】 张蓉蓉; 汤京一;

【作者基本信息】 贵州大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着商业银行业务量不断的增加,投产运行的IT应用系统也在不断增多,并已形成相当的规模;为了给以后不断增加的核心系统业务提供一个稳定的网络环境,商业银行已经建设一张新网用于承载核心的系统业务;但老网也同时使用,并承载OA等重要业务;由于运行时间较长,多数设备老化严重;网络结构也还处在几年前的状态,无法达到现在的网络设计要求;在高可靠性、可扩展性、高安全性、可管理性等方面已经不能满足业务需求。怎样利用网络设备,进一步发挥各种设备的功能,实现商业银行各项业务系统的集成,提高应用水平将是商业银行网络建设的下一个工作重点。随着计算机的发展,人们越来越意识到网络的重要性,通过网络,将分散在各处的计算机被网络联系在一起。商业银行广域网做为网络的组成部分,把多个金融网点的终端、计算机联系在一起,使商业银行网点与核心网络能够进行数据的交换,及时、安全、高效的将业务数据传送到金融系统业务服务器。同时,商业银行网络建设一直保持着稳步、快速的发展,网络的带宽逐步增加,可提供的QOS等服务质量保障能力不断提高,这一切为商业银行完善网络平台,构建系统内部数据、话音、视频等融合的网络提供了必要的基础。另外,随着经济全球化进程的加快,竞争开放性的不断增强,商业银行面临的压力越来越大。大力发展新业务,为用户提供全方位、客户化的服务成为金融系统发展的方向,这就对商业银行的网络建设提出更高的要求,以满足商业银行业务日益发展的需求。为满足分行新业务系统快速增加、稳定运行的要求,原有的网络在稳定性、安全性、可靠性等方面已远远不能满足业务发展的要求,现需要对商业银行的一级分行以及二级分行网络进行优化改造,以适应新的形势下业务发展的需求。通过对商业银行网络工程建设方案研究,从而得知,建设商业银行网络,首先要从商业银行网络工程的总体架构开始分析,其次要在对网络协议选型、路由策略设计、安全策略设计、网络管理设计等各方面作出详细的分析之后,才能在此分析的基础上提出解决基全网的QOS解决技术方案,最后还要对全网路由和策略进行规范化设计和部署,最终才能建设一个高可靠性、可扩展性、高安全性、可管理性的商业银行网络。

【Abstract】 With the commercial bank business continue increasing , the running of IT applications are increasing , and has formed a considerable scale; In order to provide the increasing core system services a stable network environment in future,Commercial banks have been building a new network system used to carry the core business;But the old network will also be used simultaneously, and carry OA and other important business; Most of the equipments are aging seriously due to the longtime operation. The network construction condition that still stays as years ago can not satisfy the network design requirement. The requirement of high dependability, expansibility, security and manageability can’t follow the business goes.How to use the network equipments, and exert all systems function to improve the application and realize the integration of different businesses is the key point of the next priority. With the development of computers, people are increasingly aware of the importance of network. The computers scattered in different places are linked together through the network. As part of the network, WAN network of commercial banks linked a number of financial terminals and computers together, to exchange data between commercial banks and core network, The data can be sent to the financial system’s server timely, securely and efficiently.Network building of commercial banks maintained steady and developed rapidly. The network bandwidth gradual increase, the quality assurance capabilities of the availability of QOS and other services continue improving. The network provides the necessary foundation for commercial banks to improve the network platform and build inter system data, voice and video integration. Meanwhile, with the accelerated process of economic globalization, growing of opening competitive, commercial banks are facing increasing pressure. To develop new business, and provide users comprehensive, customer-oriented services become the direction of the development of the financial system, which need a higher demand for the system’s network building.After studying the construction program of commercial banking network, begin with the analysis of the general framework engineering, then analysis the selection of network protocols, routing design strategy, security policy design, network management and design in detail. And propose solutions on the basis of the whole network-based QOS resolve technical program, a detailed analysis of standardization design and depose of the whole network routing and strategy, combine with the network construction closely to programming the full-network plan, to optimize the whole framework of commercial bank network, to further enhance their support ability.Reformation of the first-level and second-level branches of commercial banks is required to meet the need of business development under the circumstances where new business systems soar and they are expected to steadily develop. This thesis probes into the scheme of the construction of the network of commercial banks. It starts with an analysis of the overall plan of the project of the network of commercial banks, and then analyzes in great detail the design of network protocols, routing strategies, security strategies and network management. It is on this basis that a technical solution to QOS of Security Network is presented. The thesis also elaborates on the standardized design and arrangement of all routings and strategies, which aim at optimizing the overall plan of the network of commercial business banks and enhancing the sustaining ability of their businesses.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 贵州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期

