

【作者】 杨咏鹃

【导师】 丁筑红;

【作者基本信息】 贵州大学 , 食品科学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以贵州本地新鲜红辣椒为实验原料,进行人工干制工艺技术及干制品质特性的研究。通过建立辣椒干燥模型、干制辣椒色泽的模型,对辣椒干制工艺进行研究、人工干制与传统干制辣椒的品质进行评价,并对引起干椒“花壳”现象的形成原因进行初步研究。实验结果表明:1、采用薄层干燥的单项扩散模型、指数模型、Page模型进行模型分析,结果显示:电热、远红外、微波干制辣椒时,含水率的变化可用Page模型表示;在干燥过程中,干制温度(或功率)越高、装载量越小、单位质量干制温度(或单位质量干制功率)越大,辣椒干制所需的时间越短。2、色泽是辣椒品质的重要指标,本文将机械视觉技术、色度学运用于辣椒干制研究,定量评价颜色的感觉。通过测定微波干燥过程中辣椒的CIE三刺激值、各色泽参数及水分含量,以此为依据建立相应色泽参数评价模型。结果表明,a值是色泽参数中的最佳指标,可作为整果直接检测和控制辣椒干制过程辣椒色泽变化的方法。3、通过单因素试验筛选,并通过L9(34)正交试验进行辣椒干制工艺研究。结果表明:单因素试验结果可以确定联合干制试验的水平。联合干制正交实验中,前期干制方式、装载量、转换水分含量、后期干制方式四个因素对辣椒品质的影响均达到极显著水平。对正交试验结果的分析,可以确定影响各联合干制试验的最优工艺参数。4、以干辣椒中重要组成成分及其含量为一个数据集,采用聚类分析方法对自然干制、炕房干制、远红外-微波联合干制、远红外-电热联合干制、电热-微波联合干制方法进行归类。结果表明,五种干制方法分为3类:(1)自然干制、(2)远红外-电热联合干制、(3)炕房干制、电热-微波联合干制、远红外-微波联合干制,此时λ最大值可达到0.995。同一类干制方法加工的干辣椒,其品质具有相似性。5、比较电热-微波联合干制、远红外-微波联合干制、远红外-电热联合干制三种方法加工的干辣椒的品质。结果显示:电热-微波联合干制优于远红外-电热联合干制,远红外-电热联合干制优于远红外-微波联合干制。比较自然干制、电热-微波联合干制、炕房干制三种方法加工的干辣椒的品质。结果显示:电热-微波联合干制优于炕房干制,炕房干制优于自然干制。该结果说明,人工干制辣椒的品质优于自然干制辣椒的品质;电热-微波联合干制是最佳的干制方法,最佳参数是:电热干制温度80℃、220g装载量、转换30%水分含量,微波715w。6、针对辣椒干制加工中容易出现的色泽褪变、“花壳”现象,本文初步探讨了辣椒色泽变化的影响因素,研究紫外线对不同成熟度辣椒色泽变化的影响。对辣椒“花壳”部位进行微生物分离及初步鉴定,观察分离微生物对辣椒色泽的影响。试验结果显示:紫外线照射是干辣椒色泽褪变的重要影响因素,不同成熟度辣椒对紫外线照射的稳定性差异明显,成熟度越低,变色越严重。辣椒“花壳”部位的微生物主要为细菌、霉菌两类。

【Abstract】 The local red capsicums in Guizhou as experimental materials, this paper studies on artificial drying technique and the quality characteristic of dried-capsicum. This paper establishes drying model of capsicum. This paper establishes color model of dried-capsicum. This paper studies on drying technique of capsicum. This paper evaluates quality of dried-capsicum, which dried by artificial drying method and traditional drying method. This paper researches the reason of the phenomenon above the change of dried-capsicum’s color. Experimental results show that:1. The single-item diffuseness model and index model and page model are thin layer drying model. Thin layer drying is adopted by analysis of the drying mathematical model. The results show that:The change of capsicum’s water content can be showed by page model, when capsicum dried by electric or far-infrared or microwave. During the drying process, the bigger the drying temperature or drying power, the smaller the loadage, the bigger the drying temperature per gram or the drying power per gram and the shorter the required time.2. The color is an important quality appraisal target. In this paper, machinery visual technique and colorimetry are used by researching capsicum’s drying technique. This paper studies quantitative evaluation of color. Determination of microwave drying process of capsicum CIE tristimulus values, as the basis for establishes of the corresponding model. Determination of microwave drying process of capsicum color parameters and water content, as the basis for establishes of the corresponding model. The results indicate that "a" of value is the optimal parameter in those values. It can be regard as the method about detection of the whole capsicum and control of the color’s change.3. Through the single factor experiment, the experiment conditions are sieved. In this study, orthogonal designs L9(34) are adopted for the research of capsicum’s drying process. The results show that:through the result of the single factor experiment, the levels of combined drying orthogonal tests are determined. In combined drying orthogonal tests, four factors are frontal drying method、. loadage、transform moisture and posterior drying method. The effect of every factor on the capsicum’s quality reaches very significant level. Through analysis of the result of the orthogonal tests, the parameters of the best artificial dried method are determined.4. Different methods are used to dry capsicum. They were separately the natural drying method, dried in drying room, infrared-microwave combined drying method, infrared-electric combined drying method and electric-microwave combined drying method. The important composing components and its contents in dried-capsicums were considered as a date congregation. Through hierarchical cluster analysis, the dried methods are classify. The results show that five kinds of capsicum are subdivided into three categories. First is dried with the natural drying method; second is dried with infrared-electric combined drying method; the third is dried with other three methods. The results show that when those five kinds of dried methods are subdivided into three categories, maximum value of X can be 0.995. Moreover, capsicum has similar quality, which dried by the same kind of methods.5. Compare the quality of capsicum, which dried by electric-microwave combined method, infrared-microwave combined drying method and infrared-electric combined drying method. The results show that the quality of capsicum dried by electric-microwave combined method better than dried by infrared-electric combined drying method, and the quality of capsicum dried by infrared-electric combined drying method better than dried by infrared-microwave combined drying method. Compare the quality of capsicum, which dried by the natural drying method, dried in drying room and dried by electric-microwave combined method. The results show that the quality of capsicum dried by electric-microwave combined method better than dried in drying room, and the quality of capsicum dried in drying room better than dried by the natural drying method. Those results show that the quality of capsicum dried by artificial methods batter than the quality of capsicum dried by the natural drying method. The electric-microwave combined method is the best dried method. The best parameters are electric-microwave combined dried at 80℃, the loadage of 220g, transform moisture with 30%, the microwave power at 715.6. Aim at the phenomenon of the change of dried-capsicum’s color during drying process, this paper studies the influence factor of the change of dried-capsicum’s color. This paper studies the ultraviolet radiation’s effects of the change of capsicum’s color, which in different ripening degree. Separate microorganism at the location of the color’s change. Appraise microorganism. Observe the effect of microorganism of the color’s change. The results show that ultraviolet irradiation is an important effect factor of the color’s change of dried-capsicum. The stability of ultraviolet irradiation of capsicum in different ripening degree has obvious differences. The lower the ripening degree, the more seerious the color’s change. The microorganism mainly contains bacteria and mold, which at the location of the color’s change.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 贵州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期

