

【作者】 王显明

【导师】 刘桥; 吴声志;

【作者基本信息】 贵州大学 , 软件工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着电信行业的改革重组和全业务运营的综合竞争,通信企业之间的竞争日趋激烈,国内、国际电信业的竞争态势,对电信运营企业的服务意识、服务内容、服务方式、服务质量以及经营管理水平等均提出了严峻的挑战,客户作为通信企业生存和发展的最重要的资源成为争夺的焦点。客户对服务的要求越来越高,不同的客户群体将产生不同的需求。一成不变的市场策略不再能满足多样化、个性化发展的客户需求。资费套餐是电信行业的重要产品,是以满足市场需要,获得最佳经济利益为目的的组合营销方式,即将各种业务进行组合,以满足不同消费群体的目标客户需求,同时优惠的资费使用户得到了切实的利益,提高了业务的吸引力,很大程度上提高了用户的满意度和忠诚度,增强了企业在新增市场的竞争力和存量市场的用户粘性,同时也促进了各种业务在组合中增值,增强了企业的盈利能力。资费套餐作为新的竞争方式,已经成为运营商主要的竞争手段之一。本文的研究建立在某省移动经营分析系统(BASS,Business Analysis Supporting System)用户的真实数据基础上,根据客户的自然属性、社会属性、通信属性、消费习惯、消费行为等特征,采用数据挖掘中的聚类方法,对客户进行需求分群,建立客户消费需求细分模型,并结合资费套餐设计原则进行移动资费套餐的研究,设计出一整套全新的移动资费体系,为移动运营企业进行套餐设计提供了科学的方法支撑,在提高客户满意度、移动运营商的竞争力和经营效益的同时,也对其他行业的资费套餐设计有一定的借鉴价值。

【Abstract】 With the reform and reorganization of the telecommunications industry and comprehensive competitive full-service operations, communication enterprises increase fierce competition. The competitive situation of domestic and international telecommunications industry, telecom companies on the sense of service, service content, service mode, service quality and management level all put forward a serious challenge. Customer is the most important resource of communications enterprise survival and development, it becomes the focus of contention, Customer service have become increasingly demanding, different customer segments will have different needs. Static market strategies can no longer meet the diversified development of individualized customer needs.Tariff package is the important product the telecommunications industry, meets the market needs, gets the best combination of economic benefits for the purpose of marketing, it will be combined a variety of services to meet different needs of target consumer groups, while preferential tariff allows users to have tangible benefits and improves the attractiveness of the business, largely improves customer satisfaction and loyalty, enhances the enterprise’s competitiveness in the new market, and the stock market, the user stickiness, and also promotes various kinds of business in the portfolio value and enhances profitability of the enterprises. Tariff packages as a new form of competition had become a major competitive carrier one of the means.This research establishes mobile operators in the province BASS (Business Analysis Supporting System) user’s real data based on the customer’s natural attributes, social attributes, communications, property, consumer habits, consumer behavior and other characteristics. It uses data mining clustering method to group customers needs, then builds customer segmentation model of consumer demand, combines mobile tariff packages design principles to study tariff packages, then we design a set of new mobile tariff system , provide a scientific method support for mobile operators and enterprises package design, with improving customer satisfaction, mobile operators, competitiveness and operational effectiveness, while for other sectors also have a certain tariff packages designed to reference value.

【关键词】 数据挖掘聚类客户细分资费体系
【Key words】 data miningclusteringcustomer subdivisiontariff system
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 贵州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期

