

【作者】 屠志青

【导师】 汪学明;

【作者基本信息】 贵州大学 , 计算机技术, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 当前,电子政务系统是政府机构用于执行政府职能的信息系统。政府机构从事的工作内容跟国家紧密联系,政务网由于其地位的特殊性,一旦遭到入侵,将可能给政府带来巨大的损失,所以如何保证电子政务系统的安全问题是摆在建设者与管理者面前的首要问题。电子政务系统的安全目标是防止来自外部和内部的各种入侵和攻击,防止非授权的访问,防止各种冒充、篡改行为,防止信息泄密和被破坏。因此,在建立电子政务系统时,必须根据各种需求,综合各种安全技术,整合各种安全管理措施,采取“统一规划,分步实施”的总体战略,实现对电子政务系统的整体安全防护。要想建立安全的电子政务网络系统,必须建立完整的信息安全保障体系。为了解决以往方案中只注重技术保障,不重视安全运作的问题。本文根据某市电子政务的特点提出了信息保障技术安全模型,该模型由五部分组成:基础安全服务设施、安全技术支撑平台、安全管理保障体系、响应与恢复机制和应用系统。其中包括安全技术保障体系。本文首先总结了电子政务系统信息安全的国内外发展现状,并叙述课题的研究意义。然后对电子政务安全相关技术进行研究。随后对电子政务网络安全风险进行分析,合理结合当前的网络安全技术,针对安全建设的问题,根据提出的信息保障技术安全模型和建设目标,设计了一套电子政务的安全解决方案,详细分析了该方案的组成和各部分的主要功能,以及要用到的安全技术。包括网络攻击防御—防火墙、攻击实时防范—入侵检测(IDS)、数据传输保密—虚拟专用网络(VPN)、计算机病毒防御—网络防病毒、加密技术、PKI等,并实现集中统一的配置、监控、管理。最后阐述了该方案的实现。

【Abstract】 At present, e-government system is the government agencies for the implementation of government functions of the information system. Government agencies engaged in the nature of the industry with national ties. The Chief Network status because of its specificity, as a victim of invasion, the government’s image would bring about irreparable losses. So, how to ensure the security of e-government system is placed in front of builders and managers the most important issue.E-government system security goals is to prevent external and internal intrusions and attacks, prevent unauthorized access, prevent all forms of pretending to, acts such as tampering, and denial to prevent the leakage of information, and been destroyed. Thus, in the establishment of e-government system, must be based on a variety of needs, integration of security technology, integrating a variety of safety measures, adopt a "unified planning, step by step," the overall strategy to achieve overall system of e-government security.To establish a secure e-government network system, we must establish a complete information security system. In order to solve the program in the past to focus only on technical support, do not attach importance to the safe operation of the issue. Based on the characteristics of a city, the e-government information security technology and security model is made. The model consists of five parts: basic security services, security, technical support platforms, security management security system, response and recovery mechanisms, and applications. These include security technology security system.This paper summarizes the e-government system, the development of information security, the status quo at home and abroad, and describes the significance of the study subjects. And then e-government security-related technology is researched. By analysis of e-government network security risk, a reasonable combination of current network security technology is taken. The building for security problems, according to the proposed model of information assurance technology security and construction objectives, designs a set of e-government security solutions. A detailed analysis of the program’s composition and the various parts of the main function is made, as well as to the use of security technology. Including network attack defense - firewalls, real-time attack prevention - Intrusion Detection (IDS), data transmission security - Virtual Private Network (VPN), a computer virus defense -Network anti-virus, encryption, PKI, etc., and to achieve centralized configuration, monitoring management. Finally the realization of the program described.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 贵州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期

