

Species Diversity of Hookeriales in Guizhou

【作者】 郎玉卓

【导师】 熊源新;

【作者基本信息】 贵州大学 , 环境科学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 贵州省位于中国西南部云贵高原东部,北接四川,南接广西,东邻湖南,西与云南毗连。介于东经103°36′--109°31′,北纬24°37′--29°13′之间。面积17.61km~2。地属亚热带高原山区,气候温暖湿润,适于各种植物生长发育,而且地势起伏剧烈,地貌类型多样,植被类型较多,植物种类丰富,区系成分亦十分复杂。本文针对贵州省油藓目(Hookeriales)植物进行研究,主要探讨其物种多样性及区系特点。以期为加强西南地区的苔藓植物区系与生态学研究,能够为西南藓类植物分类累积资料,为林业、环境等部门提供一些参考。通过对贵州省油藓目植物较详尽的野外考察、标本采集、物种鉴定和系统整理,现知贵州省共有油藓目植物4科、10属、22种、2变种。其中包括2个贵州新纪录种,分别为小雉尾藓Cyathophorella intermedia和九洲雉尾藓Cyathophorella kyusyuensis。同时,根据标本和资料编制了贵州省油藓目植物科、属、种检索表,并详细描述了每个种的形态特征、分布等。并对部分种进行了拍照和绘图。另通过对油藓科Hookeriaceae植物传统的九个属进行了聚类分析,将灰果藓属移进灰藓科Hypnaceae,本文作者将中国油藓科植物重分为3亚科,将假黄藓属和小黄藓属归为Daltonioideae,强肋藓属、拟油藓属、毛柄藓属、黄藓属、圆网藓属归为Callicostoideae,另将油藓属作为Hookerioideae。根据Takhtajan(1992)世界植物区系划分的观点,将贵州油藓目植物区系划分为5大类11类型,5大类分别为泛北极成分(Holarctis elements)、古热带成分(Palaeotropis elements)、新热带域共有成分(Neotropis and others elements)、澳大利亚成分(Australis elements)、中国特有成分(Endemic to elements)。通过分析,贵州省油藓目植物主要地理成分是东亚成分和东亚、印度-马来西亚共有成分,占总数的33.3%。中国特有成分,占总数的20.8%。古热带成分占总数的16.7%。其中新热带域共有成分和澳大利亚成分不为重要成分。本文通过与我国其它18个省份油藓目植物进行丰富性比较,贵州省油藓目植物区系丰富性在与我国其他有油藓目植物分布的省份中比较排第四位,其中贵州、云南和四川等西南省份的油藓目植物丰富性远高于其他省份,这也再一次的佐证了西南部也是中国油藓目植物现代分布的一个多度中心。经过比较,贵州省油藓目植物与云南省相似性最高,其次是四川,与海南、台湾、广东、广西等相似性较低一些,与北部省份的相似性在20%以下。为了研究油藓目植物与环境的关系,本文对对贵州省油藓目植物的生长基质、海拔及分布地进行了统计,得出的结论是,生长基质对油藓目植物产生的影响不是很大,湿度和郁闭度对油藓目植物影响较大,对于部分贵州省油藓目植物来说,海拔高度对其分布影响不大。通过对贵州省油藓目15个分类单位进行茎横切解剖研究,以探讨藓类植物茎形态结构与水分的关系,结果证明了藓类植物的茎表皮细胞的形态结构与水分的获取有关,而中轴的分化与否,与中轴起到水分疏导作用无直接关系。

【Abstract】 Guizhou province (103°36’-109°31’N, 24°37’-29°13’E) is situated in the east of Yunnan-Kweichow Plateau in southwest of China. Namely, It is north to Sichuan, south to Guangxi, east to Hunan, and west to Yunnan province with an area of 17.61km~2. In addition, Guizhou province is attached to the subtropics plateau mountainous area where is warm and moist suitable for many kinds of plant growth. Moreover, due to the fluctuant topography, various landform types, multiplex cover types and plolific plant species, the plant flora in the area is very complex. This article is mainly conducts to the research of Hookeriales in Guizhou province, including the species diversity and the characteristics of this plant flora. Therefore, this research is expected to increase the research of moss flora and ecology in the southwest of China in order to accumulate material for the southwest moss classification and supply references of forest and environment department.By means of field studying, sample gathering, species identification and system organizing, there are 4 families, 10genera and 24 species, including 2 variety species of Hookeriales in Guizhou Province. .In this research, two new records of Guizhou Province have also been discovered they are Cyathophorella intermedia and Cyathophorella kyusyuensis. At the same time, according to the sample and the material, we established the Guizhou Province Hookeriales branch, the kind of retrieval table, and described each kind of shape characteristics, and the distribution in detail. In addition, photograph and cartography are carried on partly. Through cluster analysis on Hookeriaceae,suggested divide the Hookeriaceae into 3 families. And Chaetomitrium is transferred to Hypnaceae and put the Daltonia and Actinodontium into Daltonioideae combinated the Callicostella、Hookeriopsis、Calyptrochaeta、Distichophyllum、Cyclodictyon to Callicostoideae, put the Hookeria in a separate family-Hookerioideae.According to the opinion of Takhtajan in 1992, the flora of Hookeriales in Guizhou Province are devided to 5 types, including Holarctis elements, Palaeotropis elements, Neotropis and others elements, Australis elements and Endemic to elements. Through the analysis, the Guizhou Province Hookeriales main geography ingredient exudes the Holarctis elements, accounts for the total 33.3%, Endemic to elements is for 20.8%, and 16.7% for Palaeotropis elements. Among them, Neotropis and others elements and Australis elements are not the important composition.Comparing with the other 18 provinces in the flora richness, the result are that Guizhou Province Hookeriales is the fourth. Guizhou, Yunnan and Sichuan the Hookeriales abundances of southwest province is more higher than the other provinces.,It is the evidence that the southwest was also modern distributed center of Hookeriales in China . After the comparison, the Guizhou Province Hookeriales and the Yunnan Province similarity are highest, but Sichuan Hainan, Taiwan, Guangdong, Guangxi are lower, with northern province similarity below 20%.In order to study the relationships between Hookeriales and the environment, this paper statistics the growth matrix and elevation. The results show that growth matrix do not influence Hookeriales, but the humidity and the shade density influence the Hookeriales significantly. Regarding to a part Guizhou Province Hookeriales, the altitude above sea level is not big to its distribution influence. In order to discuss the relation between the plant stem shape structure with the water, the author selected the stems of 15 species of Hookeriales to cut. The result was that the stem of mosses epidermal cell’s shape structure and the moisture content gain related, but middle axle’s differentiation or not, which plays the moisture content unblocking role not direct relation with the middle axle.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 贵州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期

