

Function and Mechanism of Narration in Cognition

【作者】 蒋勇军

【导师】 熊沐清;

【作者基本信息】 四川外语学院 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 第二代认知科学认为,认知源于人的感觉运动系统与外界的互动体验,认知决定语言,并受语言的影响。Turner (1991, p. 4)认为“文学离不开语言,语言离不开日常生活,因而研究文学必须研究语言,研究语言必须研究日常心智”。这就使得文学与日常认知结合了起来,后来认知诗学也认为,文学心智与日常心智并无差异(Stockwell, 2002; Gavin & Steen, 2003)。本文重新界定了“认知”和“叙述”。首先,在认知语言学和认知心理学的研究基础之上,作者认为认知是“身体”的基本功能,包括“身体”的行为和这种行为活动所产生的效果。大脑的第一系统产生的认知是神经-生理学意义上的认知,具有无意识性;大脑第二系统产生的认知是现象学意义上的认知,具有意识性。根据Burner(1986)对人类思维方式的划分,作者把认知分为日常认知、文学认知和科学认知。然后,作者把叙述定义为构建和识解故事的一种整合性心智活动。作者看来,叙述被用来描述和理解特定的时间和空间,它不是一种简单的叙述行为或叙述话语,而是人类特有的一种的心智融合过程,是“人类认识与表达世界的一种基本方式”(丹图, 2007, pp. 12-13)。它具有间接体验性、整合性、虚拟性和意识性等特征。叙述呈现人类经验的特殊性(Cassirer, 1944, p. 58),它不仅是人类体验世界的一种认知方式和认知手段,也是一种思维工具。通过自我叙述,故事讲述者可以构建自我身份;通过叙述,我们不但可以感知世界和表达认知,而且还可以完善和提高叙事、记忆和想象等认知能力。叙述对认知的这些功能主要基于叙述机制。首先,故事是一种认知结构,是心智的基本原则,是一种基本认知能力,“人类以故事的方式去组织我们的大部分经验、知识和思想”(Turner,1996,p.V)。“小空间故事”、故事记忆和故事投射对新经验或新故事的理解和活动起着非常重要的作用。其次,视点是认知处理的一大原则,视点的选择和组织影响认知的处理过程,进而影响认知的结果。视点引导故事和叙事思维的构建与识解。最后,叙事思维为构建和识解故事提供了因果模式。通过心智空间中的故事投射和视点的引导,我们能够基于故事记忆或故事图式对新故事进行补充、预测、解释和理解,获取新的认知。三者的共同作用下,叙述成为一种思维工具和认知工具。

【Abstract】 The second generation cognitive scientists claim that cognition, which originates from the interactional embodiment between our sensori-motor systems and the world, determines language and is also influenced by language. Turner (1991, p. 4) points out,“Literature lives within language and language within everyday life. The study of literature must live within the study of language, and the study of language within the study of everyday mind.”Hence, literature is connected with ordinary cognition. Afterwards, cognitive poetics also claims that literary mind is the same as everyday mind.This thesis redefines“cognition”and“narration”. First, based on the researches of cognitive psychology and cognitive linguistics, cognition is the basic function of our“body”in the world, including the behavior of the“body”and the results of the behavior. Cognition from System I is unconscious in a neuro-physiological sense while consciousness mainly comes from System II. According to the modes of thought proposed by Bruner (1986), cognition can be divided into three categorizations: ordinary cognition, literary cognition and science cognition. After that, narration is defined as an integrating mental action constructing and interpreting stories. In author’s opinion, narration is adopted for describing and understanding particular time and space. It is not simply narrative activities or narrative discourse but the integrated mental action. It is“a basic way in which human beings cognize and express the world”(Danto, 2007, pp. 12-13). It has the features of indirect embodiment, integration, fictionality and awareness.Narration shows particularity of human experience (Cassirer, 1944, p. 58). It is not just a cognitive device or a cognitive instrument for humans to embody the world, but also a tool of thought. Storyteller constructs self-identity through self-narration and by means of narration we can not just make sense of the world and express our cognition about the world, but also complete and enhance cognitive competence in narrative, memory, problem-solving, imagination, etc. The function of narration in cognition is based on the mechanism of narration. Firstly, story is a cognitive structure, a basic principle of mind and a basic cognitive ability, for“most of our experience, our knowledge and our thought are organized by stories”(Turner, 1996, p. V). Small spatial story, story memory and story mapping play important roles in understanding and obtaining new experience or new stories. Secondly, point of view is one principle guiding cognitive process; the choice and arrangement of point of view affect the processing of cognition so it shapes cognition. The construction and interpretation of stories and narrative thinking are guided by point of view. Finally, narrative thinking supplies causal model to construct and interpret stories. Combined with story mapping or narrative projection in mental spaces and guided by point of view, narrative thinking can complete, predicate, explain and understand stories on the basis of story schema or story memory. It is under the co-action of the three that narration becomes a cognitive artifact and a cognitive device.

【关键词】 叙述认知故事功能机制
【Key words】 narrationcognitionstoryfunctionmechanism
  • 【分类号】H04
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】133

