

College Teachers Teaching Evaluation System

【作者】 冯华

【导师】 李学庆;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 软件工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着近年高校规模的迅速扩大和教育体制的不断改革,提高高校教学管理水平和高校教师课堂教学评估工作量逐年增加,其复杂性也不断提高。如何提高高校教学质量已成为高校教育工作者普遍关注的课题。随着我国高等教育改革的不断深化和教育管理现代化的不断推进,全面实现教务管理网络化、信息化已迫在眉睫。开展“课堂教学评估”工作,有利于学校领导和教学管理部门全面、准确地掌握教学信息,强化教学管理、提高工作效率、节省了人力、物力、财力资源,提高教学管理的科学决策水平。“课堂教学评估”有助于教师及时获得大量的反馈信息,了解自己的教学情况,从而不断充实、调整教学内容,改进教学方法,提高教学质量。同时提高了高校的资源共享能力,简化管理人员的录入及统计等相关工作。这使得高校教学管理工作的信息化和网络化势在必行,开发高效的教师课堂教学评估成为当前紧迫的任务之一。目前,校园网的建立和Internet技术的普及和应用为建立这样的系统提供了必要的条件。本文针对高校具体的教学管理模式,开发了基于B/S架构的高校教师课堂教学评估系统。本系统是基于Web的网络教师课堂教学评估系统,采用B/S结构开发技术,是针对原有客户机/服务器(C/S)结构系统的缺陷而改进的新型结构,是基于服务器端开发、处理结果,客户端借助于浏览器运行,使整个校园网上的用户都可访问本系统。因而就可在多地域、任意时间段以不同身份来访问系统中的数据,大大加强了系统数据共享的能力。在开发系统的过程中,采用先进的UML面向对象技术和面向数据流进行需求分析的结构化研究方法进行分析与设计。针对系统客户端众多的特点,采用了以B/S模式,ASP.NET(C#)开发B/S界面。考虑到数据量大,处理过程复杂,数据库采用MS SQL SERVER2005。从教学评估系统的需求入手,确定了系统的模块结构,设计了教学评估系统的指标体系,对指标体系中评价因素权重使用了AHP层次分析法,AHP方法是一种定性与定量相结合设计权重的比较好的方法,它能为评价因素权重的确定提供科学的依据和方法。我们使用UML技术设计了系统静态和动态的设计模型,使用用例图描述了系统的功能和操作者;使用类图描述了系统的静态结构;时序图用来显示对象之间的关系,强调对象之间的消息的时间顺序,同时显示对象之间的交互,文中分析了较复杂的学员投票功能的时序图。根据数据库的规范化设计理论,设计了系统的数据库结构,在设计中通过对冗余的控制,大大提高了系统的查询速度,论文给出了数据库关系图。经过实际使用,系统性能稳定,运行正常,满足了教学评估的基本要求,与传统手工评估方式进行比较,极大的提高了评估的效率。本系统具有友好的交互界面,对高校教学质量和管理水平的提高起到积极的作用。

【Abstract】 As colleges and universities in recent years, the scale of the rapid expansion and the continuing reform of the educational system to improve college teaching management and assessment of classroom teaching workload of teachers in colleges and universities increases every year, its complexity is also rising. How to improve the quality of college teaching has become a common concern to workers in higher education issues. With the continuous deepening of China’s reform of higher education and education management modernization progresses, the full realization of Educational Management Network, and information was imminent. Carry out the "classroom assessment" work is conducive to school leadership and teaching management comprehensively and accurately grasp the teaching of information, strengthen education management, improve work efficiency, saving manpower, material and financial resources to improve teaching management science and decision-making. "Classroom Assessment" will help a lot of feedback from teachers timely access to information, understand their own teaching situation, so as to continuously enrich, adjust the teaching content, improving teaching methods to improve teaching quality. Colleges and universities while increasing resource sharing capabilities, simplifying the management of the entry and statistics and other related work. This makes the work of teaching management information technology and networking is imperative to develop highly effective teachers in classroom teaching evaluation become urgent tasks. At present, the campus network for the establishment and popularization of Internet technology and applications for the establishment of such a system provides the necessary conditions.In this paper, the specific colleges and universities teaching management model, developed based on B/S structure of the college teachers teaching evaluation system. This system is Web-based classroom teaching evaluation system, using B/S structure, development of technology, against the original client / server (C/S) structure, improving the system’s shortcomings and the new structure is based on server-side development, processing results, the client by means of the browser running, so that the whole campus network users can access the system. And thus can be in a multi-region, an arbitrary period of time in different capacities to access the system data in the system greatly enhanced data sharing capabilities. In the development process of the system, the use of advanced technology and UML object-oriented data stream-oriented requirements analysis and structured methodology for analysis and design. For the system, many features of the client, using to B/S mode, ASP.NET (C #) development of B/S interface. Taking into account the large amount of data to deal with complicated process, the database using MS SQL SERVER2005.From the start of teaching evaluation system needs to determine the system’s modular structure designed index system of teaching evaluation system on the target system weight of evaluation factors used in AHP Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP approach is a combination of qualitative and quantitative design weight better way to evaluate the factors that can determine the weight to provide a scientific basis and methods. We use the UML technical design of the system static and dynamic design model, using the use case diagram describes the system functions and operators; the use of class diagram describes the static structure of the system; timing diagram used to show the relationship between objects, emphasizing the object of the messages between the time sequence, also shows the interaction between objects, this paper analyzes the more complex function of the students to vote timing diagram. According to the standardization of the database design theory, design the system’s database structure, through redundancy in the design of the control of the system greatly improved query speed, papers are given a database diagram.After the actual use, system performance, stability, and operating normally, to meet the basic requirements for teaching evaluation, and to compare traditional manual methods of assessment, which greatly improves the efficiency of the assessment. The system has a friendly interface, the teaching in colleges and universities raise the level of quality and management play an active role.

【关键词】 教学评估B/S指标体系教学管理
【Key words】 Teaching evaluationB/Sindex systemteaching managemen
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】275

