

China’s System of District Court with the Judge

【作者】 吴春民

【导师】 葛明珍;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 法律, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着依法治国进程的深入,越来越多的社会关系被纳入司法调整的范围,法院审判案件的数量每年都在上升。随着参与过审判的社会公众越来越多,法院与法官越来越引起人们的关注,社会对法院与法官的评价既有积极的赞许,又有不满和指责。司法裁判的本质是一种判断,有其自身固有的基本原则和运行规律。法官的判断客观、中立、公开、公正,既要保证不受外来的干涉,又要保证不违背自己的良知。法院体制和法官制度的构建,必须体现司法基本原则和基本规律。任何不尊重客观规律的做法,都会在实践中暴露制度的缺陷,损害司法的公正与权威。当前,社会对司法的不满和司法自身存在的问题,都可以从制度上找到原因。虽然问题出现和表现在法院和法官身上,但问题的根源在于违背司法基本规律和特点的制度设计,是法院与法官自身无法解决的。本文围绕地方法院与法官制度,从三个方面进行了论述。第一部分,提出问题。从司法权的性质入手,分析了法院与法官的特点,论述了法院的解决纠纷和延伸性功能;法官职业只有具有专门性知识与经验的人才能胜任法官职业。从我国司法制度形成的历史过程看,我国现行的司法制度,是马克思主义法律思想、西方法律思想、中国传统法律思想的混合体。封建社会的“一人政府”持续到清朝末年,司法总体上是残暴、黑暗的;清末修律引进西方法律制度,北洋政府、国民政府持续进行司法的改良;中国共产党则在根据在建立了人民司法制度。第二部分,分析问题。地方法院与法官制度存在的三个问题:一是任职资格“大众化”。《法官法》作为特别法,把法官从国家机关工作人员区别开来,无疑具有积极意义。但《法官法》一些地方存在漏洞,不够完善,执行过程中约束力不强,致使部分不符合条件的人员进入法院,还造成了部分基层法院法官“断层”。二是内部管理行政化。由于法院无法避免外来的干涉,不得不采取行政的方法进行对抗,如审判委员会“集体负责”下的“集体不负责”,成为法院的“保护伞”;院长、庭长有权决定案件,成为法官的“保护伞”。法官身份虚拟化,法官在法院成为一种符号、一种象征、一种待遇;人事管理等级化,法院设置了从科员级到副总理级的法官等级制度,与法官平等参与审判相矛盾;审判管理审批制,审判审批作为长期以来法院工作运行的“潜规则”,反而替代了正式的规则,对审判结果具有决定作用。三是人身关系地方化。法院的经费、法官的职务来自地方,形成了对地方的依附关系。宪法规定法院“不受行政机关干涉”,但由于人、财、物掌握在行政机关,实际上无法独立于行政机关,更无法独立于其他机关。第三部分,解决问题。党委领导、人大监督,是必须坚持的政治原则,在不触及国家政治体制层面的前提下,从法院体制、法官制度存在问题入手,按照增强对抗外来干涉、完善内部职权配置的思路,循序渐进地进行改革完善。从外部讲,主要是以保障独立审判为核心,推进地方法院体制改革,落实法院的宪法地位;法院逐步实行垂直管理,人、财、物由最高法院、省级法院会同同级人大商定。从内部讲,主要是以保障公正司法为核心,完善审判工作运行机制,取消院长、庭长签发文书制度;完善审判流程运行机制,采取灵活方式化解社会矛盾和纠纷;完善审判委员会职能设置,多研究宏观问题,少研究个案;完善行政工作运行机制,保障法官独立、高效、便捷行使审判权;完善法官管理制度,明确法官编制,法官任免要增强权威性;完善人民陪审员制度,成为公众参与司法的平台,形成法院与社会良性互动等。总之,当前研究法院与法官问题,可能比研究宪法和法律问题更具有现实性,也可能更有意义。要采取全面、系统、多层次的办法来分析当前法院体制和法官制度存在的问题,先易后难地解决存在的问题,达到一定的目的和成效。

【Abstract】 With the rule of law process, in-depth, more and more social relations were included in the scope of judicial adjustment, the court tried the number of cases is rising each year. Involved in the trial with the public more and more courts and judges have increasingly attracted attention, the community court and the judge’s assessment of both positive and praise, there are discontent and accusations.The nature of the administration of justice is a judge, has its own inherent laws of the basic principles and operation. The judges to determine an objective, neutral, open, fair, and it is necessary to ensure non-interference from outside, but also guarantee not to violate their own conscience. Court system and judges to build the system, must reflect the fundamental principles and basic rules of justice. Respect the objective laws of any practice will be exposed to the system in practice, defects, damage to proper administration of justice and authority. At present, the community dissatisfaction with the administration of justice and judicial their own problems, can be found from the system causes. Although the problem occurs and the performance of courts and judges in the body, but the root of the problem is that contrary to the basic laws and characteristics of the judicial system design, is the Court and the judges themselves can not be resolved.This system around the court with judges from the three aspects are discussed. The first part, ask questions. From the nature of judicial power, analyzes the characteristics of the court and the judge discusses the Court’s dispute resolution and extension of sexual function; judges only with the specialized professional knowledge and experience of judges who can perform job. From the formation of the historical process of China’s judicial system, China’s current judicial system is a Marxist legal thought, the Western legal thought, the traditional Chinese legal thinking a mixture. Feudal society, "one man government" continued into the Qing Dynasty, the whole administration of justice is brutal, dark; Qing law amendments to introduce the Western legal system, the Northern Government, the National Government’s continuing improvement of the administration of justice; the Chinese Communist Party in accordance with the establishment of the People’s Justice system. The second part, analyzing the problem. District Court with the judge system is the three questions: First, qualifications "popular." "Judge Law" as a special law, the judges from the staff of state organs separately, will undoubtedly have positive significance. But "the Judges Law," there are loopholes in some places, inadequate implementation of the process of binding is not strong, resulting in some staff do not meet the conditions of access to the courts, but also caused some grass-roots members of the Court "fault." Second, administration of internal management. Since the Court can not avoid external interference, had to take administrative means to confront, such as the Judicial Committee, "collective responsibility" under the "collective irresponsibility" as the Court’s "umbrella"; the President, the President the power to decide cases, as judge’s "umbrella." Judge identity virtualization, the judge in the courts become a symbol, a symbol, a treatment; personnel management hierarchies, the court set the level from the Clerks to the vice-premier level hierarchy of judges, with equal participation in the trial judge in contradiction; trial management review and approval, as a long-standing work of the Court approving the trial run of the "hidden rules", but replaces the formal rules, have a decisive role on the outcome of the trial. Third, the relationship between physical localization. Funds of the Court, the judge’s office from the local form of local dependence. Constitution provides that the court "from executive interference", but because of human, financial, and material held by the executive authorities, in fact can not be independent of the executive, let alone independent of other organs. The third part of the problem. Party leadership, people’s congress supervision, and political principles must be adhered to, without touching the country’s political system, under the premise level, from the court system, judges system is plagued with problems, we should, according to strengthen against foreign interference, improve the internal terms of configuration ideas, step by step manner Reforming and Improving. From external stresses, the main concern is the protection of independent trials as the core, to promote the district court system, the implementation of the Court’s constitutional status; Court of the progressive introduction of vertical management, human, financial, and material from the Supreme Court, provincial courts in conjunction with the National People’s Congress agreed. Internally, the main concern is the protection impartial administration of justice as the core, improve the working mechanism for the trial to remove the President, the President issued instrument system; improve the operational mechanism of the trial process and adopt a flexible approach to resolve social conflicts and disputes; improve the functions of the judicial committee set up, more research on macro issues, less a case study; a well-run administrative mechanism to ensure that judges are independent, efficient, and convenient to exercise jurisdiction; improve the management system of the judges, the judges clearly prepared to enhance the authority of appointment and dismissal of judges; improving the people’s jury system, and become a public involved in the administration of justice platform, forming a benign interaction between the Court and the community.In short, the current examination of the Court and judges of the problem may be worse than study the constitutional and legal issues more realistic, it may be more meaningful. To take a comprehensive, systematic, multi-level approach to the analysis of the current court system and judges exist in the system, starting with the easier to solve existing problems and achieve a certain purpose and effectiveness.

【关键词】 司法体制法官制度完善
【Key words】 judicial systemjudge system improved
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】D926.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】145

