

On the Collegiate System in the Administration of Justice in China

【作者】 谢振平

【导师】 牟宪魁;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 法律, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 合议制度作为我国基本的诉讼制度之一,在审判工作中占有着极为重要的地位。这一制度功能的实现与否,直接关系着法院审判职能能否实现以及社会的公平、正义能否得以伸张。自上个世纪八十年代起,我国就开始着手进行审判方式改革,通过庭审方式改革、法官法的修改以及审判长选任制度改革等一系列的改革措施,使得合议庭庭审功能得到了一定的加强,合议庭组成人员素质有了一定的提高。但是,由于没有触及到法院行政化管理模式问题以及其他更为深层次的司法体制问题,加之合议制度中的一些具体规则还存在着欠缺,因而改革并没有达到预期的效果。如何才能寻找和发现改革的新的切入点,从而克服合议制度中存在的种种弊端,建立符合现代法治理念、高效运转的新型合议制度,成为我们面临的新的问题。本文共分五个部分。第一部分为合议制度的概述。阐述了合议制度的概念、特征、基本类型,使读者从总体上对合议制度有大致的了解,并对各国合议制度有最基本的认识。第二部分为我国合议庭的运行机制。分别从合议庭组织机制、合议庭审理机制、合议庭评议机制、合议庭裁判机制四个方面展开论述,从立法上对我国合议制度的运作规则进行阐述,使读者对合议庭的具体运作有一个更为详细和直观的了解,便于理解作者的观点。第三部分主要从基层法院的审判实践出发,论述我国合议制度运行机制中存在的问题。为了使读者能够更为清晰的了解这些问题,作者按照案件的审判流程来进行分阶段的分析,将审判流程大致分为立案和分案、合议庭的组成、合议庭的审理、合议庭的评议、合议庭的裁判等几个阶段进行研究。从中发现:独任制审理转为合议庭审理的不规范,合议庭组成人员更换的随意性大,合议庭审理过程中“一人主审,其他人陪衬”的现象严重,合议庭评议规则操作性不强,合议庭裁判结果受到多种因素的制约等诸多的问题。第四部分着重分析产生上述问题的根源,发现我国合议制度运行机制中存在问题的原因。指出产生问题的原因主要可以概括为外在原因和内在原因。外在原因包括:法院管理体制行政化、缺乏现代法治的理念、司法资源配置不合理导致审判力量严重不足;内在原因包括:内部工作机制的不健全、法官的素质参差不齐、合议庭监督制约机制不完善。第五部分是对合议制度的完善提出一些构想。合议制度出现的问题与成因之间,常常是一因多果或者一果多因的关系,需要我们制订综合的改革措施。文章主要从制度环境的完善和运行机制的完善两个方面提出自己的见解。制度环境的完善主要包括:理顺法院内部行政职能与审判职能的关系;保障法官依法独立行使审判权;继续推行法官职业化改革。运行机制的完善主要包括:完善合议庭评议规则;完善人民陪审员制度;改革承办人负责制和错案追究制,完善监督制约机制。

【Abstract】 Collegiate system as a basic legal system in China, one of the trial works, occupies an extremely important position. To achieve this system functions or not, is directly related to the realization of the functions of courts, the social equality and justice can be done. Since the eighties of last century onwards, China began some reforms to proceed with the trial mode, the reform of the trial way, the reform of the Judges Law, the amendment as well as the chief justice system reform, the reform measures. These reforms make full court trial function to be somewhat strengthened, a certain improvement of the quality of personnel composed of the collegial panel. However, these reforms do not touch the administration of the Court of management issues as well as other, more deep-seated problems the judicial system, coupled with a lack of specific rules in the collegiate system, and therefore these reforms do not achieve the desired results. How can I search for and find a new entry point of reform in order to overcome the drawbacks of the collegiate system, and establishing the new collegiate system with the modern rule and philosophy and efficient operation of law, as new problems that we have to face.This paper is divided into five parts. The first part is an overview of collegial system. Elaborated on the concept, characteristics and basic types of collegial system, so that readers have basic understanding on the collegiate system of our and others countries. The second part is the operational mechanism of China’s full court. Respectively from the organizational mechanisms of Full Court, the hearing mechanism of Full Court, the review mechanism of Full Court, the decision mechanisms of Full Court. From the legislation, introduction the operation rules of our collegiate system, helping the readers to have more detailed and intuitive understanding in operation of the full court, to know the author’s point of view. The third part mainly starting from the practice of the trial-level courts, discuss the problems in the operational mechanism of China’s collegiate system. In order to enable readers to have a clearer understanding of these issues, the author carry out a phased process analysis in accordance with the trial of the case, the trial process can be divided into sub-case, the composition of the full court, full court hearing, the collegial panel’s deliberations, the collegial panel referee several stages to study. Discovered:the single system for the trial to the full court hearing is not standardized, the collegial panel composed of the arbitrary replacement of large, the serious phenomenon "a take charge of the trial, others foil" in full court proceedings, the rule of the Full Court of Review is not strong operating, Full Court referee results were constrained by many factors and many other issues. The fourth section focuses on analysis of the root causes of the above-mentioned problems and find the problems exist in operation mechanism in our collegiate system. Pointed out that the main causes of these problems can be summarized as external causes and reasons. External causes include:administration of the Court’s management problems, the lack of modern judicial philosophy, trial of a serious shortage of power. Underlying causes include:unsound of the internal working mechanism, uneven quality of judges, supervisory and regulatory mechanisms is inadequate. Fifth part put forward some ideas in improvement of the collegiate system. Agrees between questions which and origin the system appears, is frequently one because of the multi-fruits or a fruit many because of the relations, needs us to draw up the comprehensive reform measure. Articles mainly put forward their own views from the improvement of the institutional environment and operating mechanism. The improvement of the institutional environment include:rationalizing the relationship between the Court of internal administrative functions and judicial functions, protection of judges exercising their judicial power independently according to law, continue to implement the reform of professional judges. The improvement of operational mechanisms include:improving the rules of the Full Court Review, improving the people’s jury system, perfecting the supervision and control mechanism.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】D926.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】232

