

Discussion on Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language

【作者】 李静波

【导师】 牟东篱;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国近现代史, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 语言,是文化的载体,也是文化交流最重要的桥梁和纽带之一。对外汉语教学在传播中国文化,促进中西文化交流方面具有非常重要的作用。面对全球“汉语热”和传播中华文化的新形势、新任务,对外汉语教学在教材、教法、师资等方面需要进一步改革和完善。因此,加强对外汉语教学理论研究,梳理总结对外汉语教学的经验,对于提高对外汉语教学质量,促进中西文化交流,提升中国“软实力”具有重要的理论和现实意义。论文坚持以辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义世界观和方法论为指导,主要采用文献综述法、比较法等方法,综合运用历史学、语言学、教育学等学科知识和理论,突出理论联系实际,将全球“汉语热”的客观形势和“走出去”传播中华文化的国家战略相结合,研究对外汉语教学在这一形势和战略中出现的新问题,新任务。论文明确界定了对外汉语教学的概念,简述了对外汉语教学的研究现状。论文回顾总结了对外汉语教学的历史沿革,简要梳理了主要历史时期的汉语国际化进程。论文简述了对外汉语教学在中西文化交流中的重要地位和影响,提出对外汉语教学要积极适应“汉语热”的新情况,更好地完成传播中华文化的新任务。论文介绍了韩国、英国等国出现的“汉语热”,指出了当前对外汉语教学过程中出现的问题。论文研究发现了制约对外汉语教学可持续发展的教材单一、教法落后、师资短缺等问题,并针对这些问题做了原因分析,提出了相应的改进措施。论文研究结果认为,应借鉴发达国家语言国际化的经验,从国家文化战略的高度规划对外汉语教学,加强对外汉语教学的理论和政策研究,建立、健全对外汉语教学的学科体系,促进对外汉语教学全面可持续发展。从提高师资质量、改革教法、优化教材入手,整合对外汉语教学资源,做强做大孔子学院品牌,可以更好地提高对外汉语教学质量和效益,促进中西文化交流,传播中华文化,提升中国文化影响力,为实现和平发展的国家战略服务。论文分六部分:第一部分:前言第二部分:以语言教学和文化传播的关系为切入点,明确了对外汉语教学的概念,回顾了汉语国际化的历程阐述了对外汉语教学在中西文化交流中的地位和影响。第三部分:介绍对外汉语教学的蓬勃开展,论述对外汉语教学在师资、教材、教法等与全球“汉语热”不相适应新情况、新问题。第四部分:对外汉语教学面临的的新问题分析第五部分:针对对外汉语教学存在的问题,阐述了加强对外汉语教学理论研究,通过做强做大孔子学院,提高对外汉语教学质量,促进中西文化交流的对策选择。第六部分:结论

【Abstract】 Language is the carrier of culture and also one of the most important media of cultural communication. Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (TCFL) demonstrated great significance in spreading Chinese culture and Sino-western culture communication.Facing the new tendency and new task of Chinese-learning and Chinese culture spreading, there is great need of further reform. Therefore, we need to conduct more theoretical studies in TCFL, summarize our previous teaching experience. It must enhance the teaching quality, promote Sino-western cultural communication.Adhering to the world outlook and methodology of dialectical materialism and historical materialism as a guide and mainly using the methods of literature review, comparison, etc.,and the knowledge in the fields of history, linguistics, and pedagogy, etc.,this paper highlights the principle of combining theory with practice, and studies the new problems and tasks of TCFL by combining the objective situation of global "Chinese fever" and the national strategy of "going out" to disseminate Chinese culture.This paper clearly defines the concept of TCFL and briefly reviewed the history and research situation of TCFL and the process of internationalization of Chinese.This paper outlines the importance and influences of TCFL in the Sino-western cultural communication and suggests that TCFL should be adapted to the new situation of "Chinese fever" so that the new tasks of disseminating Chinese culture can be better accomplished.The author introduces the "Chinese fever" appearing in Korea and Britain and points out the problems of TCFL,such as the limited textbooks, the lagging of teaching methods and the shortage of teachers, etc., which limits the continuous development of TCFL.The author tries to offer some according countermeasures by analyzing the reasons of these problems. The writer suggests that we should learn the experience of language internationalization in developed countries, plan TCFL strategically from the perspective of national culture, strengthen the research of TCFL theory and policies, and establish and improve the academic system to promote the comprehensive and continuous development of TCFL.By improving the quality of teachers, teaching methods and textbooks, making good use of resources, and strengthening and expanding the brand of Confucius Institute, we can better improve the quality and efficiency of TCFL, promote the Sino-western cultural exchanges, disseminate Chinese culture and enhance China’s cultural influence, which can better serve the national strategies of achieving peaceful development. The thesis consists of six parts:Part one:preface Part two:The writer made a clear definition of culture and cultural communication was mentioned.The writer offered the definition of TCFL and reviewed the its position and effects in the internationalization of Chinese.Part three:The development of TCFL was introduced and some problems was mentioned which were not in harmony with the popularization of Chinese learning.Part four:the analysis of some problems in TCFLPart five:Aiming at solving the existed problems in TCFL, the writer offered some countermeasures to improve the teaching quality and facilitate Sino-western cultural communication.Part six:Conclusion

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期

