

Optimization Research on the Production Organization Pattern Based on Postponement Strategy in SR Company

【作者】 王连文

【导师】 吴爱华;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 工商管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着世界经济全球化的不断发展,企业间的竞争日趋激烈,产品的供大于求的现象越来越突出。特别是去年下半年的全球金融危机,已经逐步影响到实体经济中来,许多外向型企业为了生存也转向了国内市场,使国内的中小企业面临着巨大的竞争压力。随着人才的不断流动,技术的同质化倾向越来越明显。而消费者需求出现了个性化和多元化的趋势,传统的标准化、大批量的生产方式受到了前所未有的挑战,产品价格、产品质量、企业响应客户需求能力以及服务水平已经成为反映产品竞争力的主要方面。本文首先介绍了大规模定制和延迟策略的定义及研究现状;其次介绍了客户订单分离点的概述及分类;又介绍了基于模块化的产品设计原则;最后介绍了基于延迟策略的供应链管理。本文以山东SR公司为研究对象,对该公司最主要的产品以一体化激光夜视仪遇到的问题进行了的分析。该产品随着竞争的不断加剧,客户定制化要求越来越高,公司面临着交货期变长,成本变高等问题,销售不断的下降。必须要对原有的生产组织方式进行优化改进以适应新的形势。本文在借鉴国内外学者研究成果的基础上,首先对客户的定制要求进行了分析归纳,然后对产品进行了模块化设计,分析了每个模块的生产流程和生产周期,根据不同的模块分别采用了设计延迟、采购延迟及装配延迟策略,优化了生产流程,使交货周期和库存成本大大降低。本文通过对山东SR公司一体化激光夜视仪采用延迟策略,可以从降低成本和缩短交货周期大大提高综合竞争力,也为山东SR公司其它产品的应用打下基础。国内对于延迟策略的研究还处于初步阶段,本文为延迟策略的理论如何和企业运作的实际结合提供案例,为延迟策略在制造业的广泛应用提供参考和借鉴。

【Abstract】 With the development of world economy globalization, enterprises competition is becoming more and more fierce, and supply exceeds demand for products is becoming more and more obvious. Especially global financial crisis the second half of last year, which has gradually influenced entity economy, and many export-oriented enterprises turned to domestic market for survival, so that domestic small and medium enterprises are facing high competition pressure. Flowages of personnel make the technology homogenization trend more and more obvious. However, customers’ requirements are liable to individuation and diversification, so that traditional standardization and large quantity production mode can’t meet this any longer, and products price, quality, requirements customization ability and service are becoming more and more important for products competitive power.The text firstly introduces mass customization and postponement strategy definition and study status; secondly is Customer Order Decoupling Point summarize and assort; thirdly is products design principle based on modularization; finally it refers to supply chain based on postponement strategy.The text is studied as Shandong SR Company, and analyses to problems of integrated laser night vision camera, which is main products of SR Company. With the fierce competition and higher customization requirements, SR Company sales amount is decreasing caused by longer delivery time and higher purchase cost.The text, which is based on reference domestic and foreign scholars study, firstly analyzes to customers’ requirements, secondly make modularization design for products, analyzes production process and period for every module, and uses design postpone, purchase postpone, assemble postpone strategy, which can optimize production process and reduce delivery time and storage cost.The text is studies to Shandong SR Company integrated laser night vision camera using postponement strategy, which can highly promote integration competitive power at decreasing cost and reducing delivery time, and make a good foundation for other products application of SR.The domestic study of Postponement Strategy is at a primary stage, the text offers theory of postponement strategy and cases of how to operate an enterprise, and also it provides a reference for postponement strategy wide application in manufacturers.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】F276.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】52

