

Research of Power Dispatching Data Network Transmission System

【作者】 杨爱州

【导师】 张波;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 电气工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济的发展与科技的进步,现代电力系统正朝着大电网、大机组、高电压、高自动化的方向发展。电力生产运营的管理者希望能够更加及时准确全面地了解电力生产、传输和供应的实时运行情况。各级电力调度自动化系统之间数据的准确快捷传输就越来越受到广泛的重视。本论文研究的对象是基于电力调度数据网的调度数据传输系统实现。研究的任务是通过计算机网络互联技术实现电力调度数据的远程传输。本文解决了在传统远动系统中由于通道狭窄无法实现大量数据远程传输的局限;由于通道情况复杂、管理上各自为政带来的维护上的困难等问题。针对现场实际情况的调查,本论文提出了基于计算机网络技术的电网数据传输系统的总体设计方案与具体实现,较好的解决了大容量电网监控数据远距离多对多传输问题,并为系统的后续改进打下了良好的基础。在深入地分析了电力调度数据传输系统的总体设计方案的基础上,本论文论述了利用多项技术,开发一套基于计算机网络的跨软硬件平台的电力系统数据传输系统软件。在系统的开发过程中充分利用并遵循各种国际国内标准,为软件的互联互通互操作性打下了坚实的基础。基于Qt平台开发的系统界面软件克服了传统远动系统软件的用户界面不统一、代码难以维护、移植性差等缺点。系统软件采用了标准的C++语言及其STL为主要开发工具,较好地解决了电力系统实时数据、历史数据以及图形信息在计算机网络上的传输问题;充分利用C++的面向对象特性,减少了将来系统版本维护和改进的工作量。电力调度业务的实时性、准确性和安全性是关键属性,保证业务关键属性是数据网络设计的出发点。而系统的安全性设计是电力调度数据网络传输必须考虑的重点。

【Abstract】 With economic development and technological advancement of modern power system is moving in large power grids, large units, high-voltage, high-automation direction. Power production operations managers want to be able to more timely and accurate comprehensive understanding of electricity production, transmission and supply of real-time operation. Power dispatching automation system at all levels between the fast and accurate transmission of data on more and more widely attention.The object of this thesis research is based on the power dispatch data network scheduling data transmission system implementation. The research mission is through the Internet computer network technology to achieve power dispatching data remote transmission. This paper solves the traditional telecontrol system because of the narrow channel can not achieve substantial long-distance transmission of data limitations; because of channel complexity, management brought about by the maintenance of their own on the difficult issues. The actual situation at the scene for investigation, this thesis is proposed based on computer network technology, data transmission grid system design program with the specific implementation, the better solution of the large-capacity long-distance power grid monitoring data many-to-many transmission problems, and system improve follow-up has laid a good foundation.Depth analysis of power dispatching data transmission system design program, based on the use of this thesis a number of technologies, has developed a computer-based network hardware and software platform, cross-power systems data transmission system software. In the system development process to make full use of and follow a variety of international and domestic standards for software interoperability interoperability laid a solid foundation. The Qt based platform interface software development system to overcome the traditional telecontrol system software user interface are not unified, the code difficult to maintain, poor portability disadvantage. System software using the standard C++ language and STL as the main development language, a better solution to the power system real-time data, historical data and graphic information on the computer network at the transmission problem; make full use of C++ object-oriented features, a decrease of future versions of the maintenance and improvement of the system workload.Real-time power dispatch operations, accuracy and safety are key attributes to ensure that business-critical data network design are property of the starting point. And the safety of the system design are power dispatching data network transmission must be considered priority.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】TM734
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】165

