

In Pursuit of a Harmonious Home

【作者】 张俊英

【导师】 秦明霞;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 英语语言文学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 在当今世界日益壮大和发展的环境保护运动和妇女解放运动中,生态女性主义(ecofeminism or ecological feminism)是不可忽视的一个流派,它是这两种运动相结合的产物。20世纪70年代,由法国女性主义学者F.奥波尼(Francois d’ Eaubonne)提出,又以美国的研究为最前沿,旨在解放妇女与自然,并围绕自然、女性、发展等主题批判了父权制的统治和压迫,进而高扬女性文化、女性原则对解决生态问题的作用。在生态女性主义者看来,“妇女们必须认识到,在一个基本的关系模式仍然是统治模式的社会中,她们根本不可能获得解放,生态危机也不可能解决。要想实现重建基本的社会经济关系和支撑着这个社会的价值观的目的,她们必须把妇女运动的要求与生态运动的要求结合起来。”生态女性主义既是一种女性主义理论,又是一种生态伦理学,同时生态女性主义把种族歧视主义、帝国主义、殖民主义等各种社会统治形式之间复杂的内在联系纳入了对妇女与自然之间关系的分析之中。因此,它在结构上又是跨文化,多元的,有联系的。威拉·凯瑟(1873-1947)是美国20世纪初的一位女作家。女性和自然是她拓荒小说系列的两个最常见主题,这就为把生态女性主义运用至其作品分析提供了契机。早于生态女性主义批评提出半个世纪之前,凯瑟的作品中就流露出了对人与自然,人与人关系的思考和关注。她希望在物欲横流的精神荒野上寻找自身的价值,寻找人与自然和谐共处的原则。从女性生态批评的视角欣赏她的这部《我的安东尼亚》,能让我们意识到女性在建设和谐、健康的社会中所起的重大作用。女性不仅应该具有男性和女性都有的优点,也要强调自身的特质一即以一种与父权文化不同的,包容性的态度在两性之间,人与自然之间,以及各种文化之间都建立起和谐共生的新关系。在这部作品中,通过对安东尼亚成才过程的描写,凯瑟颠覆了二元对立思想,指出:人与大地的关系是相互依存、彼此关怀和联系的。并且抨击了男性中心主义对妇女的压迫、诋毁。凯瑟试图构建一个充满爱、理解和信任的理想和谐的社会,这也是生态女性主义者的企盼。

【Abstract】 Ecofeminsm or ecological feminism emerged alongside second-wave feminism and the ecological movement. It is a convergence of these two movements. It was coined by Francois d’Eabone in the 1970s. American study of eofeminism is the most advance. Ecofeminism tries to liberate both women and nature. It criticises the patriarchal domination and oppression on the subjects of nature, female and development in order to celebrate the importance of female cuture and principles in solving the ecological crisis. The ecofeminists holds "Women must see that there can be no liberation for them and no solution to the ecological crisis within a society whose fundamental model of relationships continues to be one of domination. They must unite the demands of the women’s movement with those of the ecological movement to envision a radical reshaping of the basic sociaeconomic relations and the underlying values of this modern industrial society."[1]p204 In this sense, ecofeminism is regarded both as feminism and ecological ethnics.Ecofeminists also study the relationship between nature and women through the analyse of complicated relations between racialism, imperialism and colonialism. Therefore, it’s struction is multicultual, multianalysis and relational.Willa Cather(1873-1947) is a well-known American female writer at the beginning of 20th century. It happens that women and nature are the two prominent themes of Willa Cather’s frontier novels, which provides a chance to interprete her novels in ecofeminist theory. As a writer living more than half a century ago, Cather’s writings emerged as environmentally-conscious texts characterized by detailed depiction of nature as well as the close relationship between the female and nature. She loooked for both her own value and the the living balance between man and nature in a material world. It makes us realize the women’s importance role in reconstructing a harmonious and healthy society through the analyse of Cather’s My Antonia in Eofeminism. A woman should keep her uniqueness as a female while sharing the good qualities of both sexes.By holding a comprehensive and tolerant attitude, which is totally different from the patriarchal taditions, a woman can embrace men, nature, and different cultures in her life. Through the description of Antonia’s growth, Cather overthrows the anthropocentrism and androcentrism and points out:the relationship of man and land is interdependent, relational and caring. Cather also criticises androcentrists’domination and oppression towards women. She tries to reconstruct an ideal harmonious society, where is full of love,understanding and trust, which is also ecofeminists’ pursuit.

【关键词】 威拉·凯瑟生态女性主义《我的安东尼娅》和谐
【Key words】 CatherEcofeminismMy AntoniaHarmony
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】I712
  • 【下载频次】196

