

Discuss on Habitat Landscape Design Integrating the Nature

【作者】 常璐

【导师】 杨文会;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 设计艺术学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 从人居环境的集中主义到分散主义再到生态主义,无论欧洲还是中国,都经历了一个漫长而又曲折的过程。人类从来没有停止对理想人居环境的积极探索和追求。在这种形势下,人类应该尊重自然、顺应自然、与自然和谐相处。本文结合生态主义,自然观以及人居景观设计理念为指导,选择北京山水文园居民小区,香山饭店以及秦皇岛汤河公园为主要研究对象对其自然设计理念与自然性的实际运用进行了研究。首先,本文对国内外人居环境的形成、发展和近况作了总体的研究、分析与比较。其次,从各方面探讨了人居景观设计的原则,并从人与自然的关系以及自然观的人居设计两个方面进行诠释。第三,从方法上探讨人居景观设计与自然的融合,从人居景观存在形式说明设计如何源于自然,融于自然的。最后,从三个不同角度研究并分析了目前人居景观的现实案例。本文通过理论与实践的反复验证,最终确立了人居景观的新的发展方向。

【Abstract】 The development of Habitat Landscape has experienced from concentration to decentralism, and then to ecolism, either in Europe or in China, it has gone through a long and tortuous process. Human have never stopped pursuing for the ideal living environment. In such situation, Human should respect nature, comply with nature, and live with nature friendly and harmonious.In this paper, we combined ecolism with natural view, habitat landscape design ideas as guidance, the followed three research target were selected respectively: shanshuiwenyuan residential zone and Xiangshan Hotel in Beijing, and Tanghe park of Qinhuangdao. We studied their natural design concept and the natural practical application. First, the formation, development and recent situation of the human living environment in china and in broad have been researched and compared in overall. Second, we investigated the design principles of Habitat landscape in all aspects, then, explained it from the relationship between man and nature and the natural design of the Habitat interpretation. Third, we investigated the integration of landscape design and nature in methods, and we also explained how the landscape design originated from and combined nature, based on the exiting form of habitat environment. Finally, the current landscape analysis of reality Habitat cases were carried out from three different aspects.Through the repeated verification of theory and practice, the paper established ultimately the new development direction of habitat landscape.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】TU986.2
  • 【下载频次】121

