

Design and Anylasis of Hypersonic Glide Missile Trajectory Base on Energy Management

【作者】 鄂羽佳

【导师】 齐乃明;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 飞行器设计, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 高超声速飞行器是一种基于助推-滑翔概念的超声速跨大气层飞行器,是一种非常规弹道、能突破防御系统或航空母舰战斗群防线的精确制导武器。本文针对高超声速飞行器的再入滑翔段的弹道进行了分析和设计,通过引入末端能量管理的概念,在飞行器的再入滑翔段加入形机动,以增加飞行器的机动能力,并对飞行器的弹道进行了仿真与分析。完成的工作如下:介绍助推—滑翔式导弹的研究背景、助推—滑翔式导弹的研究对我国军事以及民用方面的重大作用和目前国内外有关部门研究的现状。在初始条件下,考虑了简化条件,在假设地球是均质圆球的基础上,建立了高超声速飞行器再入滑翔段质心的动力学方程和运动学方程。利用三自由度仿真对飞行器以最大升阻比飞行时的弹道进行仿真分析。借鉴美国航天飞机TAEM段的设计方法,针对高超声速飞行器的再入滑翔段具有高速度、高能量、速度的变化对飞行器能量的影响较大等特性,采用基于能量—射程剖面的能量管理办法,对在高超声速飞行器的再入滑翔段加入形机动进行了初步设计。采用美国通用大气飞行器(Commo-nAeroVehicle, CAV)的气动参数作为参考,对形机动弹道进行了三自由度仿真分析,并与原初始弹道进行了比较,从仿真结果可得,基于能量管理的方法,可以有效的对飞行器实施减速控制,并进行形机动。

【Abstract】 Hypersonic glide spacecraft is one type of supersonic stride aerosphere vehicle that based on supersonic volplane trajectory conception, is a type of unconventionality trajectory, breaking through contravallation or aircraft carrier battle group line of defense precision-guided weapon. This paper analysis and design for hypersonic glide vehicle’s reentry glide section trajectory. For the concept of energy management of the extremity, adding the S maneuvering on the vehicle reentry glide section increase the mobility of vehicle. And carry out the simulation and analysis of the trajectory of vehicle.First, introducing the background of hypersonic gliding vehicle, and the important role of its research on our military and civilian use and the current status of relevant departments at home and abroad.Secondly, the general kinetics equation of the hypersonic gliding vehicle in reentry glide section have been established. And the gentroid dynamic equation and kinematics equations have been also established in half speed frame.Thirdly, the use of three-degree-of-freedom simulation can do analysis of the ballistic of a vehicle flying with maximum lift-drag ratio.Fourthly, for the analysis TAEM paragraph of the space shuttle, we take into account the similarity of the gliding hypersonic vehicle re-entry of space shuttle glider TAEM paragraph above and vehicle re-entry glider paragraph, and introduce the concept of energy management. As hypersonic glider vehicles in the beginning with high gliding speed, according to the weight of the aircraft unit of energy expression, we can see that the rate of change on the impact of higher energy vehicle, which was established in the mobile TAEM shaped section of the program.Fifthly, taking the U.S. General atmospheric vehicle (Common Aero Vehicle, CAV) as a reference of the aerodynamic parameters, we take the simulation of the motor form a three-degree-of-freedom trajectory, and the original compared to the initial trajectory, the simulation results reveal that based on energy management method, we can effectively slow down the implementation of the vehicle control, and motor-shaped. Finally, the full text of the work are summarized and explained the insufficiency in this paper and the need for further research.

  • 【分类号】TJ760.2
  • 【下载频次】429

