

The Research on Performance of New Metal-Foam Stuffed Shield Against Hypervelocity Impact

【作者】 李锋

【导师】 贾斌;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 固体力学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 航天事业的迅速发展,给人类带来了巨大的经济效益。同时,也产生了大量的空间碎片。这些空间碎片严重威胁着在轨航天器的安全运行。毫米级的空间碎片由于体积太小并且数量太多,只能采取被动的防护手段。研究轻质、高效且具有优良防护性能的航天器防护结构越来越受到人们的重视。通过超高速撞击试验研究比较了泡沫铝填充结构和夹层结构的防护性能,同时研究比较了纯铝基泡沫与铝硅合金基泡沫结构的防护性能,实验结果表明在速度范围2.6-6.3km/s内填充结构的防护效果优于夹层结构,在速度范围3.0-5.0km/s内,整体上面密度相当的铝硅合金基泡沫结构的防护能力要稍强于纯铝基泡沫结构。通过撞击试验和数值仿真研究了影响泡沫铝填充结构防护性能的因素——防护结构布局、泡沫铝孔隙率、平均孔径。选择3种孔隙率的泡沫铝——50%、60%、70%,通过改变泡沫金属的厚度使其具有相同面密度,建立了3种泡沫铝填充结构和2种填充实心铝板结构,使这些结构的防护结构面密度都约为0.55 g cm 2。超高速撞击试验的速度约为2.0km/s和4.0km/s。实验结果表明泡沫铝填充结构的防护效果优于填充实心铝板结构,并得到了防护效果好的结构;实验结果表明在速度为2.0km/s时3种孔隙率的泡沫铝填充式结构的防护效果相当,速度为4.0km/s孔隙率为70%的泡沫铝填充式结构的防护效果稍好。泡沫铝的平均孔径选择了0.5mm、1.0mm、2.5mm三种,仿真了低速(2.0km/s)、高速(6.0km/s)的工况,泡沫铝平均孔径为0.5mm的填充结构的后板损伤最小,防护效果最好。对铝硅合金基、AL 7075-T651基、钛基3种不同基体材料的泡沫金属进行了数值仿真研究,在低速(2.0km/s)时,AL 7075-T651基泡沫填充式结构优于钛基泡沫填充式结构的防护效果,且二者均优于铝硅合金基泡沫填充式结构;在4.0km/s时,钛基泡沫填充式结构防护效果稍好;在高速(6.0-8.0km/s)时铝硅合金基泡沫填充式结构的防护效果好于另外两种。对镍基泡沫填充式结构与铝硅合金基泡沫填充式结构进行超高速撞击试验研究,结果表明在速度2.7km/s左右时填充铝硅合金基泡沫防护结构的防护效果优于填充镍基泡沫防护结构。

【Abstract】 The rapid development of space industry, it brought huge economic benefits to human beings. At the same time, there are also a large amount of space debris. These space debris are a serious threat to the safe operation of spacecraft in orbit. Spacecraft that can only be protected by means of passive protection because mm-class space debris are too small and the number are too much. Study of light, efficient and has an excellent protective properties of the structure of spacecraft protection is receiving increasing attention.the Al-foam stuffed structure and the sandwich structure as well as Al-foam and Al-Si alloy foam was studied by impact test, The experimental result indicated that in speed range 2.6-6.3km/s the Al-foam stuffed structure is better than the sandwich structure. in speed range 3.0-5.0km/s, in the whole areal density, the Al-Si alloy foam structure is better than the Al-foam structure. Studied the influence factor of Al-foam stuffed shield by impact test and value simulation——shield configuration, porosity and average aperture of metal foam. Chooses Al-foam with three kind of porosities—50%, 60%, 70% , enables it to have the same areal recording density through change thickness of Al-foam, has established 3 kind of Al-foam stuffed structure and 2 kind of solid Al-plate stuffed structure, these structures’areal density approximately is 0.55 g cm 2. The hypervelocity impact experiment’s speed approximately is 2.0km/s and 4.0km/s. The experimental result indicated that the Al-foam stuffed structure is better than solid Al-plate stuffed structure, the structure has good protection effect is obtained. The experimaental result indicated when the speed is 2.0km/s metal foam with 3 kind of porosities structure’s protection effect quite good, the speed is the 4.0km/s metal foam with porosity 70% stuffed structure protection effect is fairly good. The average aperture of Al-foam has chosen 0.5mm, 1.0mm and 2.5mm, when the average aperture of metal foam is the 0.5mm, backwall’s damage of stuffed structure is smallest, the protection effect is best at 2.0km/s and 6.0km/s by value simulation.The stuffed shield of 3 kind of different matrix material’s metal-foam—the the Al-Si alloy, the AL 7075-T651, the Titanium—were studied through the value simulation in this article, when at low speed (2.0km/s), the AL 7075-T651 foam stuffed structure is better than the Ti-foam which is better than the Al-Si alloy foam; When speed is at 4.0km/s protection performance of the Ti-foam stuffed structure is fairly good; When at high speed (6.0-8.0km/s) protection performance of Al-Si alloy foam stuffed structure is best among the three kinds. The Nickel foam stuffed structure and the Al-Si alloy foam stuffed structure by experiments, the results indicated that, when speed at 2.7km/s, the Al-Si alloy foam stuffed structure’s protection effect is better.


