

Relationship among Supervisory Support, Work-Family Conflict and Organizational Commitment of College Faculty

【作者】 李碧城

【导师】 王丹;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 企业管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 当今,中国高校面临着国内外激烈的竞争,能否拥有一支稳定的高水平的教师队伍,被看做是一所高校实力的重要体现。因此,吸引和培养一支优秀的教师队伍,被认为是高校的头等大事。在经济迅猛发展的今天,工作家庭冲突已经成为学者们研究的热点,而与工作家庭冲突相联系的其他方面,如组织承诺、组织支持等也已经成为学者们探讨的重要部分。尤其是在高校教师间展开组织支持、工作家庭冲突、组织承诺间关系的研究会给高校今后的良好发展提供有力的理论依据。因此应该引起高校管理人员的足够重视。本文在对已有国内外相关文献研究的基础上,主要依据工作家庭冲突的双向理论,结合组织承诺的三因素理论以及组织支持的两个方面,构建三者间关系的模型。在问卷设计和收集过程中借鉴了前人相关研究成果,并针对高校教师的特点,设计了符合中国国情的有效量表。根据量表设计问卷,采用方便抽样,以黑龙江省高校教师为主要发放对象。在回收问卷后,对问卷信度和效度进行检验,证明该问卷具有较好的信度和效度。在数据分析过程中,本文使用SPSS13.0统计分析软件,首先对样本整体进行分析,然后分别采用了因子分析、描述性统计分析、相关分析和回归分析等方法,对理论模型进行了验证,对假设进行一一验证。总体上来看,理论模型与本研究收集的数据呈现了较为合理的相关性。并得出结论,组织支持影响高校教师工作家庭冲突水平的高低;组织支持影响高校教师组织承诺水平的高低;工作家庭冲突影响高校教师组织承诺水平的高低;但是部分研究变量间的关系否定了文中提出的假设,对于这些问题,文章作出了合理的解释。最后,文章分别从组织支持、工作家庭冲突、组织承诺等角度对我国高校教师提出合理的建议和对策。帮助高校采取有效的组织支持策略,进而降低高校教师的工作家庭冲突水平,提高高校教师的组织承诺水平。研究得出的结论无论是在学术上,还是在实践中都有着一定的指导意义。

【Abstract】 Universities and colleges in China are facing fierce competition inrecent years. If they want to win in this competition, they have to possess a stable and high-quality teaching force. Therefore, to attract and train a good corps of faculties is one of most important task to colleges. In recent years, the economy is developing so rapid. Work-family conflict has become a popular research field. Researchers have paid much attention to other aspects which are closely related to work-family conflict, such as organizational commitment and organizational support. To carry on the research among organizational support, work-family conflict and organizational commitment in the field of university teachers has some practical significances. Because colleges in China are urgent enough to decline the level of work-family conflict and increase the level of organizational commitmentThis paper through studying on the domestic and international literature, build assumptions model of organizational support, work-family conflict and organizational commitment which is based on the bi-directional theory of work-family conflict, three-factor theory of organizational commitment and two respects of organizational support. In the data collection process, we learned from the predecessors’related research, in view of the characteristics of Chinese university faculties and form the effective scale. According to this scale, we design the questionnaire on organizational support, work-family conflict and organizational commitment about Chinese university faculties. Convenienced sampling investigations were made to the college faculties in China, especially in Heilongjiang province. The analysis result shows that the questionnaire has good reliability and validity. And the results are rational.In the process of data analysis, SPSS 13.0 was used as the main statistical software. At first, we analyzed the sample as a whole, and then we used factorial analysis, descriptive statistical analysis, correlation analysis, regression analysis and other methods to verify the assumptions model. Generally speaking, the theoretical model and data collected by this study were more rational and fit each other very well. Moreover, we achieved some conclusions that organizational support influences the level of work-family; organizational support influences the level of organizational commitment; work-family influences the level of organizational commitment. What’s more, we can use organizational support to increase the level of organizational commitment directly; and through influence the level of work-family to enhance the level of organizational commitment indirectly.Finally, we give some advices about organizational support to decline the level of work-family conflict and increase the level of organizational commitment of university faculties. These advices are reasonable and fit for the situation of Chinese society. University managers in China should pay much attention to these advices.


