

Research on China’s Foreign Trade Frictions and Strategies

【作者】 李淑静

【导师】 姜国庆;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳工业大学 , 国际贸易学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪90年代以来中国的经济发展取得了举世瞩目的成就。随着中国经济的繁荣发展,经济全球化进一步加深,我国面临的贸易摩擦也逐渐增加,如何在国际化背景下研究对外贸易摩擦,以及找到相应的解决途径,无疑具有非常重要的现实意义。本文致力于研究我国对外贸易摩擦及应对策略,深入地分析贸易摩擦产生根源及效应,其最终目的在于找到减少我国对外贸易摩擦的有效途径。本文首先对贸易摩擦进行了界定,对其表现形式进行深入细致的分析,在详细阐述入世前后中外贸易摩擦演变状况的基础上,全面剖析中国与主要发达国家,发展中国家的贸易摩擦现状;其次,文章结合案例,从国外、国内两方面深入探讨中外贸易摩擦的成因,并从积极和消极两个角度分析贸易摩擦对中国经济和外贸发展的影响;在如何解决贸易摩擦问题的过程中,重点介绍WTO争端解决机制的作用;最后,从政府和企业的角度出发,对如何调整对外经贸发展战略以减少贸易摩擦进行比较深入的探讨。本文在写作过程中利用大量最新的案例与数据资料,运用以定性与定量相结合的研究方法来进行分析完成,对中国对外贸易摩擦进行了细致的分析,创造性提出从根本上解决贸易摩擦的具体策略。总之,解决贸易摩擦并非一朝一夕的事,政府、企业必须携手应对,不断完善贸易制度和产业政策,提高我国企业的国际竞争力,进一步与国际社会接轨,只有这样才能够有效地减少我国对外贸易摩擦,最大化地降低我国在贸易摩擦中的经济损失。

【Abstract】 Since 1990’s, China’s economy has gained great achievements. With the prosperity and development of China’s economic, China’s trade frictions are gradually increasing. It’s no doubt that how to study trade frictions in the context of international economic and find the appropriate avenue for settlement is very practical important. This article dedicates to the research of China’s foreign trade friction, coping strategies and in-depth analysis of the causes and effects of trade friction. The ultimate aim is to find effective means to reduce China’s foreign trade frictions.Firstly, this thesis defines trade frictions, and analyses its representation, development conditions and the difference between China and the main developed countries. Secondly, this thesis discusses the cause of those frictions from external and internal environment, and analyses the influence on the development of China’economy and foreign trade from positive and negative sides. On the way how to resolve trade frictions, the most important introduction is the role of WTO dispute settlement mechanism. Finally, on the side of government and enterprise, this thesis discusses the adjustment of foreign trade strategy in order to reduce the occurrences of trade frictions. In the writing process of this paper, a great number of cases and the latest data have been used. Combined qualitative and quantitative research analysis methods have been used too. The paper carries out a detailed analysis of the trade friction and creatively proposes specific strategies to resolve trade frictions.Overall government and enterprise must work together to deal with trade frictions which can’t be resolved in a short time. The industry and trade policies must be constantly improved. The international competitiveness of industry and enterprise must be enhanced. Only in this way can we maximize avoid international trade frictions or reduce losses in the international trade frictions.


