

The Development of Double Weld Gun Stud Welding Equipment for Heat-transfer Component

【作者】 陈超

【导师】 刘政军;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳工业大学 , 材料加工工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 钉头管是一种通过在光管外表面上焊接钉头的方法加工成型的换热元件,它广泛应用于石油、化工等行业的工业加热炉的对流段内,满足管内和管外不同流体传热的需要。传统的钉头管加工采用手工装载钉头、利用普通焊枪施焊,其劳动强度大,生产效率低,能耗高,且焊接质量不稳定,已不能满足现代生产的需要。本文提出的钉头管双枪无瘤焊接设备,采用先进的无瘤焊接技术及基于PLC控制的伺服系统,实现了钉头管的半自动化焊接加工,具有较高的生产率和稳定的加工质量。本文分析了钉头管现有加工方法的优缺点,结合作为本课题中的具体焊接对象:钉头和光管,选取电阻点焊为钉头管的焊接方法。在深入分析钉头管加工所需的工序,并实际考察工厂的实际制造技术之后,研究与设计了钉头管双枪无瘤焊接设备。具体工作如下:1.在分析本设备所需的运动及焊接工艺中的关键技术的基础上,设计一套结构新颖的机械结构。该结构组成简单、方便制造、工作可靠,能实现转位、行走及焊接等操作。2.针对本设备中气动执行元件的不同工作条件和形式设计了简单可靠的气动回路。并根据所驱动负载和所需的运动速度,确定气动回路各个元件的参数规格。3.结合本设备中被控对象的特性和控制方法,提出了基于可编程控制器的电气控制策略,对其硬件系统和软件系统进行了详细的剖析,并给出了相应的电路图和程序。4.根据电阻点焊的工艺特点,对钉头和钢管组成的焊接接头进行了力学性能试验、焊接接头接触面积试验、金相分析实验及断口分析实验,并给出了最佳的工艺参数,对指导实际生产有重要的意义。

【Abstract】 Pin tube which is made by welding Pin to outer surface of tube is one type of heat-transfer components. It is used to fix in the section of convention chamber of heating-furnace in petrochemical and chemical industry in order to meet the heat transfer of two different fluids between shells and tubes. The traditional manufacturing method of pin tube,which pin is loaded by manual and welt by ordinary weld gun,with heavy labor intensity,low productivity,high energy consumption and instable welding quality, cannot adapt to the requirement of modem manufacturing. Automatic welding machine of pin tube,which is designed by the author and made by theory of quick manufacture,can make pin tube machined automatically,has higher productivity and stabile machining quality.Advantages and disadvantages of current machine methods of pin tube are analyzed sufficiently,specific welding objects-pin and tube are taken in to account,short-cycle stud welding is close as welding method of pin tube. According to automatic machining procedure and needs of pin tube,and with the consideration of realistic manufacturing technology of factory,an automatic welding machine of pin tube is designed. Research content of this paper is arranged as followed:1.By doing much research on necessary movements of machine and key technique of welding procedure,a newly mechanical structure is confirmed. The structure is simple,reliable,easy to make,can make indexing, feeding,positioning and welding operated automatically.2.Meeting all kinds of working conditions and forms of pneumatic actuators in the machine,a simple and reliable pneumatic circuit is put forward. Parameters and specifications of pneumatic components are calculated based on different load and needed velocity.3.According to characteristic and control mode of controlled objects,control strategy for machine is designed based on PLC. Hardware and software system are introduced in detail; some circuit diagrams related to specific hardware structure are provided; lad programs related to main program are also provided. 4. According to characteristic of stud welding, doing some research to de joint such as: mechanical property, contact area experiment, metallographic analysis, fracture analysis. And giving the best parameter , which is very important to actual production.

【关键词】 钉头管气动技术PLC电阻点焊伺服系统
【Key words】 Pin TubePneumatic TechniquePLCStud WeldingServo System

