

Analyzing the Management of Multivariety-small Batch Production

【作者】 吴洪宝

【导师】 程惠芳;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工业大学 , 工商管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济的全球化发展,市场的不断细分,企业竞争的不断加剧,同时伴随着客户的选择日趋度多样化和个性化,企业生产多样化和个性化的产品也逐步发展成了现代经济的一种模式,否则企业就没有市场,没有市场就等于没有销售,没有销售就意味着企业无法在市场上谋得一席之地,企业也就失去了存在的价值。因此,多品种小批量生产是经济发展的一种必然趋势。为了适应多品种小批量生产的需要,习惯了大批量少品种或单件大批量的生产管理方式的许多企业都不能及时适应市场发展趋势,而是依然奉行原有计划经济体制下形成的固有的一成不变的方式管理企业,最终使企业蒙受了损失,而且很多企业因此倒闭或亏损经营,上世纪末中国很多国有企业面临倒闭或破产倒闭的困境,其中一项重要的原因就是生产管理模式被市场所摒弃的表象。本文的研究重点主要是对多品种小批量生产模式中的关键要素进行分析和描述,一般而言,多品种小批量生产管理模式主要包括物料需求管理,采购管理,生产计划管理,5S管理,TPM管理,TQM管理,绩效考核管理,物流管理等八大模块。但本文主要着眼于生产计划管理,而生产计划管理包括订单合同的管理和分析,产能的核算和分析,原材料的采购,外协计划的管理,库存的管理,关键工序的生产计划管理。本文的研究案例是建立在实际运作企业模型上而进行的课题,联德机械(杭州)有限公司是成立于2001年,其典型的生产模式是多品种小批量,专门生产加工高精度的压缩机机体,零件主要是由客户来图指定所需型号,客户的需求量一般是每天需要几十种甚至更多零件,但数量一般不会超出10件,因此,客户的这种需求模式对联德公司的生产柔性化要求非常高,不仅是设备上需要体现这种柔性化,在管理人员的服务意识上也需要柔性化。而联德公司生产过程的关键工序是数控加工,该企业是一家拥有几十台大型数控加工中心及一条柔性加工生产线。在附后文中涉及的相关数据模型和研究模型都是基于联德公司的运作实际模式。总而言之,本文以联德公司为事例分析多品种小批量生产模式的原因如下:一是联德公司的产品是供应给世界各国中央空调、压缩机等制冷行业的领头羊企业的,具有行业领先性;二是联德公司生产的产品品种多,供货数量少,而且以客户定制为主,具有多品种小批量生产模式的代表性;三是联德公司的生产设备是具有世界先进水平,都是从美国、日本、德国等发达国家新采购的设备,具有多品种小批量生产管理的硬件条件。管理落后是目前制约我国企业发展的主要问题。随着社会主义市场经挤的发展,生活水平的提高,追求多样化成为社会风尚.对消费品的要求更高,希望产品有自己的特色。市场要求产品的品种越来越多,而每种产品的批量却越来越小.大批量生产正逐渐被多品种、小批量的生产方式所取代。这种生产类型使得生产管理工作更为复杂和困难,企业必须根据不同用户的要求和订货合同的交货期灵活地安排产品的生产计划。面对这种情况,人们进一步认识到引进科学管理的必要性选用国际上有声望的软件,例如Ⅷ球软件,由于具有功能完善,系统成熟等优点,这对改善管理工作无疑是有好处的,但由于价格昂贵.一些中小企业无力购买.同时受到知识产权的保护.从根本改变我国的企业管理现状,不一定有利。针对这种情况,我国自行研制了多品种小批量生产方式管理系统。

【Abstract】 With the development of group economic, market is continually divided and the competition of enterprise gradually goes fiercely. in the meanwhile, with the development of diversification and individuation of customer choice, production diversification and product individuation are developed to be a model of modern economy. Therefore, a production of versatile and short run becomes a trend, If not adapted it’s change, enterprise will lost marketing which decide a company exist or not.But the changes are failure in many companies which are used to do old fashion, they can’t be able to adapt to the trend of developing marketing, therefore, they go back the invariable product manager style and still hold the old fashion, this directly leads to the lost for company, some company run under loss or evenly goes bankrupt. The reason that Many state enterprise face bankrupt in china in the end of last century is the phenomenon that their product manager model was abandoned by marketing. the emphases of this text is analysis and describing the key element for this kind of product manager model of multi-kind and small-batch.Commonly, this product manager model mainly divided into 8 model of manager including material demand, purchase, production plan,5S, TPM, TQM, performance assess and food-flow.But this text mainly focus on product plan manager which include order-contract manager and analysis, checking and analysis of product capacity, purchasing of material, outer product plan manager, stock manager and the product plan manager of key processThis text research case bases on actual practical enterprise, which name is allied machinery established at 2001, it mainly produces high precision compressor housing, due to the character of machining trade, it decides this company product model is multi-kind and small-batch. Producing which kind of parts is decide by customer passing drawing. Customer demand commonly not exceed 10 piece. This customer model is high demand to allied company, not only need flexible of machine, but also flexible of person’s service. Whereas, the key process of allied company is NC machining, it has many CNC and a flexible machining flow line.In a word,there are some reasons in the case of Allied Machinery for specifying the model of multivariety-small batch production.At the first, Allied Machinery is the most advansted at the manufacturing compressor housing. Sencondly,Allied Machinery had many years’experience for multivariety-small batch production.Thirdly,Allied Machinery owner lots of CNC fit for multivariety-small batch production.

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