

Study on the Enterprises’ Investment Behavior in Financial Crisis

【作者】 蒋炜君

【导师】 龚建立;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工业大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 民营企业是我国社会主义市场经济的重要组成部分,它促进了社会生产力的发展,扩大了就业岗位,为社会主义市场经济的繁荣带来了活力与生机。但由于近几年来,国内宏观经济政策趋紧,融资困难,人民币汇率上升使得民营企业的生存十分艰难,现今加上全球金融危机的爆发,民营企业的发展更面临前所未有的困难。本文以民营企业的投资行为及影响因素做为研究对象,并选择具有一定代表性的台州民营企业为例,对当前环境下民营企业投资行为的现状进行研究分析。在归纳分析前人研究结果的基础上,提炼出影响民营企业投资行为的评价体系,将影响民营企业投资行为的影响因素归为5个一级指标、24个二级指标、14个三级指标。并且以台州民营企业投资行为的调查问卷(回收有效问卷730份)为数据基础:将投资行为的分析分两块,一块是企业的当前投资概况,一块是影响企业投资行为的影响因素。通过对数据的统计分析,得出在现今经济环境中,企业的投资意愿明显回落,行业和规模的区别差异较小。通过对影响投资行为的因素进行回归分析得出:影响民营企业投资行为的主要因素依次为政府约束、技术创新、融资约束、投资环境和企业自身财务状况;政府约束、融资约束、技术创新、企业自身财务和投资环境对企业的投资行均有显著的相关性。最后,通过前面的研究,总结出当前环境下台州民营企业投资的主要问题,在分析归纳民营企业投资行为相关影响因素的基础上,对提高民营企业投资行为的有效性提出了相应的政策性建议。

【Abstract】 Private enterprises are China’s socialist market economy, an important component of the market economy, which promoted the development of social productivity and expanded employment opportunities for the prosperity of the socialist market economy, has brought vigor and vitality. However, in recent years, the domestic tightening macroeconomic policies, financing difficulties, the RMB exchange rate makes the survival of private enterprises very difficult, today’s global financial crisis coupled with the outbreak of the development of private enterprises have been facing unprecedented difficulties.This paper studies the investment behavior of private enterprises as the research object, and selects Taizhou as a representative of a certain private enterprises, for example, the current environment, the investment behavior of private enterprises under the current situation of research and analysis. In the inductive analysis of the results of previous studies, based on private enterprise to extract the impact of investment behavior evaluation system, will affect the behavior of private enterprises to invest in the factors classified as five-level indicators, 24 secondary indicators, 14 indicators of three. And the investment behavior of private enterprises in Taizhou questionnaire (730 valid questionnaires) for data base: an analysis of the investment behavior of sub-2, an enterprise’s current investment profile, a behavior that affect business investment factor. Through statistical analysis of data obtained in the current economic environment, business investment will decline markedly and the difference between the industry and the size of the smaller differences; by factors that affect the investment behavior of regression analysis, government constraints, financial constraints, technological innovation, enterprises own financial and investment environment for business investment are obvious correlation line. Finally, by the previous studies, we summed up the main problems of private enterprises to invest in Taizhou in the current environment. And analyzing the investment behavior of private enterprises related to inductive factors, based on the investment behavior of private enterprises to improve the validity of the corresponding policy recommendations.


