

Research on Production Organization and Specialization Mood of Tobacco

【作者】 陈明章

【导师】 周清明; 陈顺辉;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 作物学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 作为烟草行业基础的烟叶生产,由于其相对独特的生产经营特征,现阶段在农业产业蓬勃发展的建瓯市,呈现其明显的弱质性。主要表现在生产过程复杂,用工量大,成本偏高,比较效益偏低,烟农种烟积极性不高。这直接危及到本市烟叶生产的稳定和发展。如何在经济相对发达的烟区巩固和发展烟叶产业,文章从生产主体要素烟农出发,通过调查分析和实验论证,提出了通过变革烟叶生产组织模式,从全程式生产向专业化生产转变,从分散式经营向规模化经营转变的论点。并通过大量具体的调查数据、个案的论证,对不同组织模式的经济效益,社会效益,生态效益进行了比较,发现:户均16亩左右烟叶单价最高;20亩左右亩产值、亩产量最高;小规模生产户虽然单产、均价较高,但用工成本过大,经营效益明显低于适度规模户;家庭农场由于大量使用专业化生产,虽然单位效益低于小规模户和适度规模户,但实现规模效益,成为职业烟农。专业化分工后亩均用工量减少达37.4%,亩均用工成本减少696元,每公斤烟叶利润增加1.22元,得出专业化分工生产优于全程式生产,规模化经营优于分散式经营的结论。论文结合建瓯烟区实际,提出现阶段建瓯烟叶生产模式,继续以户为经营单位,适度规模的最佳点定位在18-20亩/户。在专业化分工、基础设施建设比较完善的区域,及时扩大生产规模,发展家庭农场,不宜搞烟叶生产合作[社。论文结合当前实际,提出现阶段在专业化分工上应加快大田准备、烘烤、分级、病虫综合防治过程专业化生产模式的建立。论文还就生产组织模式变革和专业化分工过程中存在的问题,提出自己的看法并寻求解决方法,规划出建瓯烟区组织模式变革和推进专业化分工的思路和途径及具体的技术措施和政策取向,是对发展现代烟草农业有益的探索。

【Abstract】 Tobacco production, as the foundation, due to its unique characters of the production and management, showed the obvious weakness, even in Jianou City where the local agriculture is developing flourishingly. It is mainly showed that the production process is complex, the labor force and costs are high and the comparative benefits are low and the farmer positivity is not enough. This directly harms the stable development of the local tobacco production. How to confirm and develop the tobacco production in the relatively developed tobacco region? This paper started from the main production element, tobacco farmer, due to the investigation and analysis, believed it should reform the mood of the tobacco production organization and the tobacco production should convert the whole-process into specialization and convert separated management into big-scaled management. According to the abundant investigation data and the case demonstration, this paper compared the benefits of economy, society and ecology and showed the results that the production of specialization was better than that of whole-process and the big-scaled management was better than the separated management.According to the investigation and analysis of the production organization mood, the results were as following:1. Tobacco production must be converted from whole-process to specialization.2. Tobacco production must be converted from separation to moderate-scale. According to the practices and investigation of the pilots in Jianou, here was theobvious changes as follows:1. The costs decreased apparently.2. The work intension decreased much and the production standards improved obviously.3. Farmer’s positivity to grow tobacco increased and the production plan was easy to active.4. The speed of the spreading of agricultural mechanic and the technology of rebuilding the flue-cured rooms was accelerated.5. The management and costs of the local government and tobacco firms were controlled effectively.

【关键词】 烟叶生产组织专业化模式
【Key words】 tobaccoproduction organizationspecializationpattern

