

Studies on the Breeding of Transgenic Cotton "Xiang Q171" and Its Insect-Resistant Haracteristics

【作者】 曾潜

【导师】 张学文; 李育强;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 作物学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 以抗虫基因工程为主的转基因技术为棉花育种带来了革命性的突破。以孟山都“保铃棉”为代表的转基因抗虫棉在我国的推广应用,取得了良好的经济效益、社会效益和环境效益。转基因抗虫棉大范围应用的成功与将抗虫性状转入地方优良品种的实践密不可分。本研究通过以转基因抗虫棉Gk19-10为父本与优良棉种湘棉16作母本杂交,进行了抗虫性状向湖南省地方优良棉花品种的杂交结合。配组杂种F1代进行了湖南省区域试验。从中选出湘Q171,其丰产性得到了有效保持,纤维品质优良,并已通过了省级审定;同时田间监测和抗虫性实验表现出了杂交棉具有较强的抗虫性。通过实验室的分子检测,外源基因表达达到了较高水平,而且在F2代中出现分离,表明基因在F1中的稳定存在。研究主要结果如下:1.通过抗虫棉花与湖南优良棉花的杂交,选育出了湘Q171优良抗虫棉组合。2.湘Q171参加了2007-2008年的湖南省区试,其产量比对照(湘杂棉8号)增产7.44%,纤维品质的纺纱均匀性指数为144~162,成为具有较高品质的抗虫棉新组合。3.对湘Q171的F1和F2代作田间硫酸卡那霉素的检测:F2代的分离符合孟德尔的遗传规律。4.通过对转基因抗虫棉湘Q171的F2代的单株基因检测分析,高表达量的单株,结合其丰产性状,可定株选择出稳定的转基因抗虫育种材料。湘Q171的F1代与F2代相比较,杂种F1代在产量上有明显优势,表现为数量性状遗传;杂种F2代在纤维品质和抗虫转基因表达方面优势明显,表现为质量性状遗传。

【Abstract】 Transgenic based insect resistance genetic engineering in cotton(Gossypium spp.) have brought revolutionary breakthrough to cotton breeding.The propagation and application of transgenic cotton "Bollgard" by Monsato have attained marvelous economic benefit,social benefit and environmental benefit in our country and the world. Actually,the successful application of transgenic insect resistance cotton is much more depend on the achieved breeding practice of integrating the insect resistance traits into excellent local varieties.In this study the insect resistance cotton,transgenic Gk19-10,was used as male parent and hybrid with an excellent cotton variety Xiangmian 16 of Hunan.The selective hybridization F1 stains have made regional test in Hunan province.The high yield property and fiber quality have confirmed in Xiang Q171 and have passed provincial assessment.Field monitoring and pest-resistant experiments have showed that hybrid cotton possess stronger pest-resistant ability.The molecular analyses have proved that Bt gene expression have reached high level and separation appeared in hybridization group F2,which demonstrated that gene is stably existed in F1 genome.The main results of the paper are as follows:1.An excellent strain of "Xiang Q171"is selected after hybridization of transgenic Bollgard with local variety of Hunan cotton.2.Xiang Q171 have participated 2007-2008 regional test in Hunan province.Its quantity of output increase by 7.44%with the yarn evenness index of fiber quality is 144~162.The new breeding is a new transgenic insect-resistance cotton strain with higher quality.3.Karamycin test with Xiang Q171 F1 and F2 in the field showed that the transgenic gene in F2 generation conformed to Mendelian inheritance.4.Molecular analysis of Xiang Q171 F2 individuals showed that the transgenic gene that is highly expressed and its higher yield traits can refer to breed stable transgenic insect resistance cotton.Compared with Xiang Q171 F1 and F2 population that the yield trait of hybrid strain F1 have obvious advantage,assuming inheritance of quantitative character;Its selling F2 population showing obvious advantage in fiber quality and insect resistance,assuming inheritance of qualitative character.

【关键词】 棉花抗虫杂交育种
【Key words】 cottoninsect resistancecrossbreeding
  • 【分类号】S562
  • 【下载频次】31

