

【作者】 谭胜国

【导师】 孙志良; 胡述光;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 兽医, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究在参考国内诸多学者文献的基础上,针对目前规模化养殖中大肠杆菌病发病多、危害大的现状,在总结古人原有资料成果《白头翁汤》的基础上,对原药方进行科学筛选与重组(白头翁45g、穿心莲45g、痢菌净10g),进行复方白头翁散的研制及性状研究,并用自配的复方白头翁散进行了稳定性试验(加速试验、光加速试验、长期试验);用复方白头翁散、白头翁、穿心莲三种药物水煎剂对猪大肠杆菌O78进行体外抑菌试验;用复方白头翁散进行了对猪大肠杆菌病的临床疗效试验;并进行了复方白头翁散的安全性试验。试验结果如下:1、复方白头翁散在加速试验、光加速试验、长期试验中其性状、水份、外观、药物含量均无明显变化,质量稳定。2、复方白头翁散、白头翁、穿心莲三种药物水煎剂对猪大肠杆菌O78的体外抑菌试验MIC值分别26.041、31.250、125.0,复方白头翁散对猪大肠杆菌O78的体外抑菌效果明显优于单味药物白头翁与穿心莲。3、复方白头翁散对猪大肠杆菌病的临床疗效试验中表明:复方白头翁散高、中剂量组拌料对猪大肠杆菌病有良好的治疗效果,与其它用药组相比能显著提高有效率,且不影响增重,每1000kg饲料500g混饲,连用5天,可取得对仔猪白痢良好的治疗效果。4、复方白头翁散的安全性试验表明:复方白头翁散为安全、无毒性药物。在正常添加量范围内复方白头翁散对小白鼠生长发育、各主要脏器基本无影响和毒性作用。

【Abstract】 On the basis of many references from the scholars at home and abroad and summing up the results of the original information "Pulsatilla Decoction" , and in view of frequently occuring E. coli disease and causing great harm among the current large-scale culture, I made the scientific selection and reorganization ( Pulsatilla Root 45g, Andrographis Paniculata Extract 45g, Mequindox 10g) to the original prescription, then studied the Pulsa tilla root compound and its characters, then did the following experiments with the Pulsa tilla root compound made up by myself: to test stability (accelerated, light to speed up, long-term); to test bacteriostasis in vitro of porcine E. coli O78 with the decoction of Pulsatilla Root compound, Pulsatilla Root and Andrographis Paniculata Extract respectively; to test the clinical efficacy of Pulsatilla Root compound on porcine E. coli; to test security of Pulsatilla Root compound.Test results are as follows:1, there are not significant change on the trait, the moisture, the appearance and the drug content of Pulsatilla Root compound. The quality is steady.2, Among the bacteriostasis in vitro of porcine E. coli O78 test with the decoction of Pulsatilla Root compound, Pulsatilla Root and Mequindox, the MIC values are respectively 26.041, 31.250, 125.0. Obviously, the bacteriostasis efficacy of Pulsatilla Root compound is better than that of Pulsatilla Root and Mequindox.3, The test of the clinical efficacy of Pulsatilla Root compound on porcine E. coli shows that high and medium dose groups had good efficacy on curing porcine E. coli disease. Compared with other drugs, it can significantly improve the efficiency and had no influence on weight increase. Add 500g drugs to 1000kg feed, then feed sick pigs for five days, which can get a good treatment on white scour of newborn piglets.4, The security of Pulsatilla Root compound test shows that it is a kind of safety, non-toxic drug. There are no influence and toxicity on the growth of mice and all the major organs if we add the amount in the normal range.


