

The Marketing Research of Agricultaral in China

【作者】 李健

【导师】 杜红梅;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 农村区域与发展, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本文首先阐述了本论文的研究背景和国内外农产品营销渠道的研究现状。然后,介绍了农产品营销渠道的定义及相关理论。即:在对农产品营销渠道的涵义定义的基础上,对农产品和农产品市场的特点,以及营销渠道模式及其参与成员等理论进行了充分的分析。接着,对我国农产品营销渠道的进行分析。得出了我国农产品营销渠道体系中存在的问题,如:渠道上游主体缺乏竞争力;农产品的销售终端以农贸市场为主,连锁店和超市的销售量只占较低份额;农产品的销售终端以农贸市场为主,连锁店和超市的销售量只占较低份额;交易方式和结算方式落后。然后,本文对国内外农产品营销渠道体系进行了比较分析。得出美国农产品营销渠道的特点:渠道短、环节少、效率高,产地市场集中,农产品营销渠道服务组织齐全;拥有密切衔接农产品产销的发达的、高组织化的流通中间组织;分析了日本农产品营销渠道模式的特点:渠道管理规范化、法制化,渠道环节多,流通成本高,农协担当着连接生产者和消费者的纽带作用。在此基础上,提出了营销渠道建设对我国的借鉴意义最后,本文从对提升渠道上游主体的竞争力、加快农产品批发市场升级改造、建立农产品超市连锁经营、和推进农产品交易方式的创新四个方面提出了优化我国农产品营销渠道的措施。

【Abstract】 This text elaborated the research background of this thesis with the research present condition of domestic and international agricultural product marketing outlet first.Then, introduced the definition and related theory of agricultural product marketing outlet.Namely:At to the foundation of the connotation definition of agricultural product marketing outlet up, to the characteristics of the agricultural product and the agricultural product market, and marketing outlet mode and it participation the member wait theory to carry on full analysis.Carry on analysis to the our country agricultural product marketing outlet immediately after. Get the our country agricultural product marketing outlet system in existent problem, such as:The outlet upper stream corpus lacks a competition ability;The sale terminal of agricultural product takes agriculture Mao market as a lord, sale quantity of chain store and supermarket has a lower quota;The sale terminal of agricultural product takes agriculture Mao market as a lord, sale quantity of chain store and supermarket has a lower quota;Trade way and balance of accounts method to fall behind.Then, this text carried on to the domestic and international agricultural product marketing outlet system more analytical.Get the characteristics of American agricultural product marketing outlet:The outlet is short, little link, efficiency Gao, market in the habitat concentration, the agricultural product marketing outlet serves to organize well-found;Own to closely link up an agricultural product production & sales of flourishing of, circulating of high regimentation in the center organization; Analyzed the characteristics of Japanese the agricultural product marketing outlet mode:The outlet management norm turns, legalization, the outlet link is many, circulate cost Gao, the agriculture helps to take the Niu linking a manufacturer and consumer to take a function. On this foundation, putting forward marketing outlet’s construction the meaning is to the drawing lessons from of our countryFinally, this text from to the competition ability that promotes outlet upper stream corpus, speed agricultural product wholesale the market get stripe a reformation, catena management in the supermarket of the establishment agricultural product and push forward an innovating of agricultural product bargain method four put forward is excellent and turn an our country agricultural product of the measure of the marketing outlet.


