

The Study of Inermectin-fenbendazole Compound Powder and Experimental Treatment

【作者】 吕华林

【导师】 孙志良;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 兽医, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国养殖业的集约化方向的发展,寄生虫病给养殖业带的经济损失越来越大,并且寄生虫的耐药性也不断被发现。为开发一种广谱(能驱除体内和体外寄生虫)、耐药性低、使用便利的复方制剂驱杀养殖业中的寄生虫混合感染。本研究以伊维菌素(Ivemectin)和芬苯哒唑(Fenbendazole)为原料,大豆油为稳定剂,碳酸钙、淀粉等为辅料,配制而成一系列粉剂,通过以下几个方面的研究,成功研制出复方伊维菌素粉剂。1、本文采用6个月加温加湿试验和10天光加速试验对复方伊维菌素粉剂进行了稳定性研究。2、本文中采用高效液相色谱法(HPLC-UV)测定复方伊维菌素粉剂的含量,伊维菌素在70~130μg·ml-1浓度范围内与峰面积呈现良好线性关系,相关系数r=0.9952,(n=7);芬苯哒唑在70~130μg·ml-1浓度范围内与峰面积呈现良好线性关系,相关系数r=0.9867,(n=7)。加温加湿试验6个月末和光加速试验第10天的结果表明伊维菌素和芬苯哒唑的相对标示量均在90%以上。所有参试样品的外观色泽、粒度、分解产物等指标均无明显变化。试验结果表明:该制剂稳定性良好。3、疗效试验结果表明,加入伊维菌素复配芬苯哒唑后提高了产品的疗效,增宽了抗虫谱。临床疗效试验结果表明本制剂对常见动物各种体内外寄生虫均有良好的疗效,比二者的单方制具有更强的驱虫效果,经济性和适用更强。综上所述,本文试验成功研制出复方伊维菌素—芬苯哒唑粉剂,同时对它的稳定性和临床治疗效果进行了研究。试验证明该制剂稳定性好,工艺简单,应用广泛;该制剂质量标准的建立表明标准方法具有稳定性强、可靠性好、分离度高的特点。临床试验结果表明,本制剂对动物常见的体内外寄生虫均有强大的杀灭作用,使用疗程足够有利于杀虫和减少耐药虫株的出现。

【Abstract】 With the development of aquaculture industry in our country, Increasingly focused on breeding,inter-borne parasitic diseases, annual economic losses of aquaculture industry can not be ignored every year,according to Statistics:drug prevention and treatment of parasitic diseases accounted for the total farm dosage of 42.7%.With the widely uses of Vermifuges of aquaculture industry in our country,the drug resistance of parasites become increasingly serious. The development of a broad-spectrum(to get rid of parasites in vivo and in vitro),low resistance,convenient in use of the compound preparation has become immediate needs.The purpose of this study is select different mechanism of pesticides ivermectin and albendazole benzene tdazole fun as the main raw materials,develop an easy-to-use,broad spectrum insect repellent medicine.In this paper, ivermectin(Ivemectin) pyridaben benzene and triazole-fen (Fenbendazole) for raw materials,soya bean oil as a stabilizer,calcium carbonate,starch,such as accessories,from a series of powder preparation,through the following aspects of the study,successfully developed the compound powder of Ivermectin.In this paper,6 months humidification heating test and accelerated test of 10days sky Ivermectin are be take to research the Stability of the Compound powder.In this paper,we use high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC-UV) to determint the content of the compound powder of ivermectin,ivermectin in 140~260μg·ml-1 concentration range with the peak area showed good linear relationship,correlation coefficient r=0.9952,(n=7),fenbendazole in the 70~130μg·ml-1 concentration range with the peak area showed good linear relationship,correlation coefficient r=0.9857,(n=7).The results of Humidification test heating and light at the end of 6 months and accelerated test at the first 10 days show that the relative marked of ivermectin and fenbendazole are more than 90%in both.Tested samples of all the appearance of color, grain size,and other indicators of decomposition products did not change significantly.The results showed that:the stability of the preparation is good.Clinical trial results show that ivermectin-fun mix of fenbendazole can improve product efficacy,increased the efficacy of a wider spectrum of insect-resistant.The results show that the clinical efficacy of this preparation on a variety of common animal parasites in vitro and in vivo effects are good,than a unilateral system of the two is more repellent effect,and the application of a stronger economy.To sum up,this article developed a compound ivermectin successfenbendazole powder,at the same time its stability and clinical therapeutic effects were studied.Tested the stability of the preparation, and process is simple,widely used;quality standards for the preparation of the establishment of standard methods show that it is shtability,reliability,and high isolation characteristics.Clinical trial results indicate that the preparation of the animals common both in vivo and in vitro parasite killing a powerful role,the use of pesticides in favor of adequate treatment and reduce the emergence of drug-resistant strains of insects.

  • 【分类号】S859.79
  • 【下载频次】179

