

Study on New Mechanisms for Law Enforcement and Supervision of Land Resources Management in Changsha City

【作者】 郑懿

【导师】 段建南;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 土地资源管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 国土资源是人类赖以生存和发展的物质基础。我国人多地少,耕地资源稀缺,当前又正处于工业化、城镇化快速发展时期,建设用地供需矛盾十分突出。执法监察作为国土资源管理的一项重要工作内容,也是国土资源工作参与宏观调控,落实“保护资源、保障发展、维护权益、服务社会”的重要环节。开展国土资源执法监察工作能够充分保护有限的国土资源。本研究针对目前国家国土资源管理现状,根据长沙市的经济社会发展面对国土资源违法量大面广特点的巨大压力下,提出了更有效、更适合我国国情以及长沙市实际的执法监察新机制。在长沙市国土执法监察目前的“事前防范”、“事中监督”、“事后跟踪”三大机制的基础上提出“日常防范监管”、“批前监察”、“批后跟踪管理”、“立案查处”和“信息分析显示”的执法监察五大系统的新机制,建立全方位的国土资源执法监察立体网络体系,更加规范了执法工作的操作、管理、分析、考评等过程。论文采用了博弈分析、系统分析、理论分析与实证分析相结合的研究方法,对如何提高执法监察效率,降低违法案件发生找到了有效措施。除此之外,一些新的技术手段也对保障执法监察提供了宽广丰富的信息平台。

【Abstract】 Land resources is the basic substances of human survival and development. It is vast population and limited farmland in our country; while the scarcity of arable land resources is worrying the government. At present, it is the rapid development period in industrialization and urbanization that we have the prominent contradiction between supply and demand of construction land. Supervision of law enforcement, as an important job by land resources management, participate in macro-control job and carry out the vital aspect about "Conservation of resources, Ensuring development, Keeping balance, Serving the community". Carrying on land resources and supervision of law enforcement can protect the limited land and resources fully.In this paper, according to the land resource management in China, meanwhile economic and social development in Changsha in the face of illegal land resources much and widely under the tremendous pressure, it put forward the new mechanism that is more effective and suitable to our national conditions. At present, "before the event in prevention," "event in supervision", " track after the event" of the three mechanisms, it offers five mechanisms, there are daily defending and supervising system, supervising before administration examining and approving system, tracking management after administration examining and approving system, putting on record and check system, information analyzing and displaying system. This new mechanism strike up a full range of law enforcement and supervision of land resources three-dimensional network system. It could standardize the operation, management, analysis, evaluation and so on in law enforcement.This paper used the play chess-analytical method, systems analytical method, the integration of theory and practice method to advance the rate of supervision and reduce the illegal cases. Some advanced technologies are guaranteed the supervision and supplied a widely information plat.


