

Developing of Direct Sowing Straw Machine with Seeds

【作者】 胡英

【导师】 黄璜;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 作物信息科学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 水稻是我国的重要粮食作物。水稻播种作为水稻生产过程中的重要环节,机械化生产水平一直较低,为突破现有水稻种植农艺方式对生产空间和时间上的制约,寻求一种新的符合生态要求与循环农业发展的种植模式,同时考虑水稻秸秆利用低的情况,本文研制了一种新型的带种直播草绳机。主要研究内容如下:1.根据水稻种植农业技术要求及带种直播草绳加工特点,确定了草绳机各工作部件的整体布局。2.采用竹席带传送外加滚轮压紧方式试制了一种宽幅稻草传送装置,适应于机收和人工收割水稻秸秆,能一次生产多条草绳,生产效率大幅提高。采用立式圆柱滚轮设计了专用分草机构,为实现秸秆有序喂入搓草装置提供有利条件。3.采用了一种专用排种排肥除草剂施放器,将种子、肥料和除草剂按作物需求排入草绳中,生产带种草绳、带肥草绳、带种带肥草绳以及带种带肥带除草剂草绳。实现了作物种植的便捷操作,农业种植生产效率显著提高。4.采用空心圆管旋转拧绳方式,试制了单股和两股草绳搓草装置,比较发现前者性价比高,同时设计了专门的草绳卷绳装置,为搓好的草绳和农业物料进行打包处理,以利于批量机械化生产。5.进行种绳直播和常规直播水稻盆栽试验,结果表明:(1)常规直播种子出苗率与单股、两股带种带肥草绳直播差异不大,其中常规直播出苗率为82.5%,种绳直播出苗率为80%左右;(2)带种带肥直播对植株叶面积产生影响:单股带种草绳加追肥处理绿叶数最多,与其他处理存在显著差异;(3)植株根系各性状比较,单股带种带肥草绳直播优于两股带种带肥草绳直播,两股带种带肥草绳直播优于常规直播,说明带种带肥草绳直播对根系产生积极有效的影响,有利于植株生长和产量形成。其中单股草绳直播最有利于植株根系生长和产量形成。上述研究表明,带种直播草绳机是一种新型节能环保绿色农业机械设备,具有省种、省肥、省水、成本低和生产效率高等优点,为推广水稻带种直播技术提供了可靠的技术参数和理论研究基础。

【Abstract】 Rice is an important food crop.Rice seeding is a vital step in the process of planting rice,but its mechanized fa、farming is always keeping low.In order to break through the constraint of existing rice-growing on time and space,seek a new rice-growing mode,which is conform to the ecological requirements and the cycle of agricultural development,and take the low use of rice straw into consideration,this essay aims at manufacturing a new straw machine that can sow directly.The essay involves the following 5 parts:1.According to the requirements of rice growing techniques and the features of direct sowing with seeds,the whole composition of all parts of straw machine is established.2.A wide rice-straw delivery device is trial manufactured by delivering it with bamboo sheet belt and pressing it with idler wheel,which applies to the harvest of rice straw by machine or manpower,and can produce many straw ropes at a time,and the production efficiency significantly increased.A special distributing straw machine is designed by using a standing column idler wheel.It conveniences the implementation of putting straws into twined-straw device orderly.3.A special seeding,fertilizing and weeding device is used,which can scatter seeds, fertilizer and weedicide according to the given quantity into the straw ropes,and produce straw ropes with seeds,fertilizer,or with both seeds and fertilizer,even with weedicide.This device actualizes the convenient and quick operation of crop-growing,and apparently enhances the efficiency of crop-growing.4.Single-stranded straw device and double-stranded straw device are manufactured by the means of rotating hollow round tubes and screwing straw ropes.According to the comparison,the single-stranded straw is superior to the double-stranded straw in quality and cost.A special straw-rolling machine is also designed to pack the finished straw ropes and agriculture stuff,so that the mechanized production can be implemented in batches.5.By comparing the direct seed-rope sowing with the trial of regular potted-rice sowing,findings are as follows: (1) There is no big difference from regular seed sowing,single-stranded straw ropes sowing and double-stranded straw ropes sowing in the rate of budding.The former’s budding rate is about 82.5%,the latter is about 80%.(2)Sowing with seeds and fertilizer influences the leaves of the plants, for single-stranded straw ropes with seeds under the condition of fertilization,the rate of green leaves is largest,and there is remarkable difference from other conditions differences.(3)By comparing the character of whole plant root-system, single-stranded straw sowing is better than double-stranded straw direce sowing,and double-stranded straw direce sowing is berrer than regular direct sowing.That can have a positive and effective impact on rooting habit,from the straw rope direct sowing with seeds and fertilizer. It helps plants grow and contributes to the increase of productivity.The single-stranded straw direct sowing is the most conducive to plant root growth and the peoduction increase.In a word,the direct sowing straw machine with seeds, which is a new saving-energy, protecting-environment and green-farming machine.It has the features of saving-seeds, saving-fertilizer,saving-water, low-cost and high-efficiency.It also supplies reliable technique parameters and theories to spread the technique of sowing with seeds.

【关键词】 秸秆草绳多功能草绳草绳机
【Key words】 strawstraw ropemultifunctional strawstraw machine

