

Create and Maintain Seed Marketing Networks

【作者】 郭敏

【导师】 陈光辉;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 种子科学与工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 我国是世界上最大的种子生产国和种子消费国,拥有世界上最大的种子生产与供应系统。种子市场营销是以市场营销理论为指导,结合种子生产经营实际,以种子产品为市场营销对象的一系列的活动。种子营销网络创建与维护是种子产业化重要一环,决定优良的农作物品种(种子)能否及时、快速到达种植农户手中,应用于农业生产实际,成功实现转化。与此同时,种子营销网络的创建与维护又与农民增收、种子企业创效息息相关,还关系到整个种业、农业、粮食安全等一系列的问题。本研究以经济学营销理论为指导,运用系统分析、对比分析、辩证分析和调查分析等方法,并结合典型案例,对种子营销网络的现状、问题、影响因素及创建与维护进行研究。获得如下结论:1、种子营销网络具有信息发信与传递、促销、交流、配合、谈判、物流、理财、风险承担八大功能。2、现行种子营销网络中存在的问题有:①结构不合理、模式单一;②运作中心以代理商和批发商为中心;③成员关系属松散交易型关系;④功能不够健全;⑤管理者整体素质较为低下;⑥信息沟通为单向式,多层次等。3、影响种子营销网络的主要因素有:种子的特性和市场特点、种子用户、种子企业、竞争者渠道和宏观环境因素。4、种子营销网络设计应遵循网络经济性原则、网络可控性原则和网络的适应性原则。5、新型种子营销网络构建和设计应注意:优化传统网络结构,构建扁平化网络体系;运用网络逆向重构策略,应对种子市场激烈竞争;网络重心下移,加强零售终端管理;树立网络专家形象,完善技术服种务功能;加强物流体系建设,提升网络整体效率。6、种子营销网络的维护中要注意:①选择合适的网络成员;②建立激励机制;③及时调整营销网络的不足;④加强对营销网络中冲突的管理。

【Abstract】 China is the biggest seeds planting and consuming country, owns the biggest seeds planting and supplying system. Seeds marketing is a series of activities which is guided by marketing theories and use seeds as marketing object under considing the reality of seed’s planting and saling. The creation and maintenance of seed marketing network is an important step of the industrialize of seed,it decides whether good crops can be got by farmers timely and quickly and be applied to agricultural. At the same time,this work is closely associated with the increase of farmer’s income,whole seed industry, agricultural and food safty.This dissertation studied the situation,issues,impacting factors ,creation and maintenance of seed marketing network under the guidance of marketing theories,various analyzing methods are used. This dissertation reached such following results:1. Seed marketing network is of such functions as sending and transfering of information,promotion,communication,cooperation,negotiation,logistics,financing and risk undertaking.2.The current seed marketing network has following problems:structure is not rational and single,agent and wholesaler are the core of operating center, relationship is not close between members,functions are not perfect, quality of managers is not high,communication is unidirectional and multi-level, etc.3. Impacting factors of seed marketing network are: the characteristic of seed and the traits of market, farmer, seed companies, competitor’s channels and macro environment factors.4.The design of seed marketing network should conform to the principles of economy, controllability and adaptability.5. The design of new seed marketing network should pay attention to: the optimization of traditional network structure,the reverse reconstructing polices of network, management of terminals, perfection of service functions, improving of network efficiency. 6. The maintenace of seed marketing network should pay attention to: the selection of network members, the creation of incentive mechanism, the adjustment of shortcomings of network, and the management of collision in marketing network.


