

The Research on the Supervision over Law Enforcement of Our Country Environmental Administration

【作者】 武文燕

【导师】 沈明生;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 行政管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 自人类进入后工业时代以来面临的最重要的社会问题之一就是环境问题。环境的破坏不仅影响到了人们的正常生活,而且威胁到人类的生存和子孙后代的健康。在我国,对于环境保护更关注的是采用经济与技术等手段,而对于作为法律手段之一的环境保护行政执法问题,理论和实践中都缺乏深入的研究探讨。我国的环境法制是一种环境行政管理机关占据主导地位的环境法律秩序结构,在很大程度上,环境保护目标的实现取决于环境行政机关行使环境行政权力的状况。然而环境行政机关是否能正确、积极地行使环境行政权力呢?我们知道同样的人在经济活动中是自利的,到了公务活动的时候就变得大公无私,通常情况下可能性并不大。从事环境行政管理的官员有他们自己的利益,由这些官员组成的机关也是如此,种种利益必然不总是和公共的环境利益相吻合。如果两种利益发生冲突,怎样才能保证公共环境利益不会遭到损害呢?一是靠行政部门及其官员的自律;二是靠外部力量的监督。在社会急剧转型,多元化的道德和价值观念相互碰撞下,自律往往是不稳定、不可靠的,整体上的约束作用也非常脆弱。因此必须建立一定的监督机制对行政组织和官员的行为进行制约,通过监督制度的设立来改变公务人员的决策环境和重塑行政行为的外在条件,使之按照法定的规范和社会期望的方式行动。我国的环境执法监督机制由于结构、信息获取和责任制度等方面的原因,整个监督机制的作用并没有得到有效地发挥,而且各种监督方式之间也缺乏相应的沟通机制,难以形成监督合力,体现监督的整体效应。环境执法监督某种程度上的缺失和低效使得享有环境行政执法权的地方政府和环境管理部门可以较为随意地“放松”或“加强”环境管制,环境执法的统一性和规范性遭到破坏,公众和国家的长远环境利益因此受到损害.为了推动各地的环境行政执法,应该加强对环境执法的监督,改进各监督主体的监督方式,并注意各监督主体之间的衔接和协调,建立制度性的沟通渠道和参与途径,以发挥环境执法监督机制的综合效应和影响。本文共分为三章,第一章阐述环境行政执法、环境行政执法监督的相关理论以及分析监督对环境行政执法的必要性;第二章主要是对我国环境行政执法监督的缺陷以及产生问题的原因进行分析;第三章对如何完善我国环境行政执法监督进行论述,并提出了具体的对策。

【Abstract】 One of the most important social problems being confronted with since human being enters the queen industry times is environment problem. The environment destroying affects the regular life to people, moreover survival and descendants that can bully human being health not only. Adopt means such as technology , economy in being that our country , people show solicitude for more to protect the environment, but enforce the law to the protect the environment administration being one of law means problem, is short of thorough investigation and discussion and studies equally in theory and practice. Structure environment of our country public good legal action system , be going to be created by right to environment on entity law first, be relaxed then on the procedural law currently in effect civil, plaintiff qualification in Administrative Appeal Law, expand may mentioning civil, the administrative lawsuit law case range , adopt various reasonableness , effective guarantee together measure. Current actual state of affairs sets off from our country, structure the effective non-governmental organization outside superintending mechanism, the gauge requiring that the government and society administer commonly, can’t be from especially the government makes. But that government departments reinforce the management does not ought to is that they produce a marked effect restrict, but being need , key ensuring national security , social stability and citizen self-interest is to need to achieve managing appropriate measure. The purpose supervising is that organization sets up, uses personal influence according to law according to law, the autonomy, health develop according to law make popular. Environment of our country legal institutions is that one kind of environmental administration organ occupying leading factor position environment law order structure , protect the environment target realization depends on environment administration authority exercises status to a great extent. Procedure follows the behavior restraining administrative organ and their administration of the staff member since our country does not have a volume administration , the overall quality adding a state personnel remains to be improved , the law is aware of low current situation and fact , the feasible administrative organ discretion is too big, authority sepsis there being existing a free rein in inevitable field in environment administration law enforcement enforcing the law with abuse of power for personal gains , existence. Environment administration supervision over law enforcement is the important step reinforcing and perfecting socialism rule by law. Environment administration supervision over law enforcement is to alter the functions of the government, measure adapting to importance that development of a socialist market economy needs. And perform official duties according to law, strengthen supervision over law enforcement, perfect supervision mechanism, correct break the law and improper administration in time enforcing the law behavior, investigates and affixes the law-executor who breaks the law’s responsibility for legal liability according to law, ability urge government function’s changing according to law, developing for the socialist market economy health creates the fine legal institutions environment. The main body of a book is allotted together for three chapters, the first chapters set forth environment administration enforcing the law , environment administration supervision over law enforcement relevance theory and analysis superintend enforcing the law to environment administration; Second chapters are that administration supervision over law enforcement defect the cause producing problem carry out analysis on our country; How perfect our country environment administration supervision over law enforcement go along has discussed third chapters to , has brought forward the concrete countermeasure .

【关键词】 环境行政执法监督
【Key words】 EnvironmentAdministration enforce the lawSupervision
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期

