

The Study on Basic Property and Oil Absorbency of Cattail Fiber

【作者】 王泉泉

【导师】 徐广标; 王府梅;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 纺织材料与纺织品设计, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 我国蕴藏着丰富的蒲绒纤维资源,但目前人们对蒲绒纤维知之不多,对蒲绒纤维的应用价值没有足够重视,致使大部分纤维处于自生自灭的状态,造成了资源的极大浪费。本论文研究了蒲绒纤维的基础性能,并测试评价了蒲绒纤维的吸油性能,以期将纤维用作含油废水处理领域,为蒲绒纤维的开发利用探索出一条新的道路。本课题具体研究内容主要包括四个方面:一、蒲绒纤维基础性能研究研究发现,蒲绒纤维细长,呈条带状,两侧凸出中间凹陷,正反两面都有一系列间断的突出横膜,侧面处有多个凸起的节点,同一侧的节点间距相对固定,左右两侧节点各自分散分布,一般交错排列。蒲绒单纤维的一般长度为8-9cm,蒲绒单纤直径不均匀,粗细从蒲棒根部到尾部有变化,蒲棒根部的蒲绒纤维较粗,到尾部逐渐变细,中间部分细度相对稳定。蒲绒纤维截面为“(?)”状或“(?)”状,类似于异形化纤中的“(?)”或“(?)”形,这种结构大大扩展了纤维外表面,使纤维与外空间有更多的接触面积。蒲绒纤维表面有层致密的蜡质,蜡质平均含量为10.64%,蒲绒纤维的蜡质含量相当高,这种高蜡质含量使其具有良好的吸油性能。蒲绒纤维的结晶度为39.6%,与其他纤维素纤维相比,大于木棉而小于亚麻和棉,为结晶度较低的天然纤维。经红外光谱分析可知,蒲绒纤维与木棉的特征吸收谱带非常相似,蒲绒纤维所含的成分类型和木棉接近,但蒲绒纤维的纤维素纯度不如木棉。二、蒲绒单纤维接触角测试蒲绒纤维与水、大豆油和机油的接触角的平均值分别为130.2°、55.3°和59.7°,蒲绒纤维与水的接触角远远大于纤维与大豆油和机油的接触角,从而证明蒲绒纤维有良好的疏水亲油性能。蒲绒纤维与大豆油的接触角也小于与机油的接触角,蒲绒纤维对大豆油的吸收性能要好于机油。三、蒲绒纤维吸油性能测试与评价研究发现,蒲绒纤维对油类有优良的吸附能力,以大豆油和机油为例,1g蒲绒纤维能吸收20-26g纯大豆油;吸收19-21g纯机油。在油与水的质量之比为1:8的条件下,1g蒲绒纤维能吸收含水大豆油18-23g,能吸收含水机油18-21g,且纤维的除油效率随油纤比的减小而增加。蒲绒纤维吸收含水大豆油和含水机油达到饱和所需时间均约为15min。蒲绒纤维吸油后重复利用率高,纤维吸油后通过施加一定的压力即可回收大豆油和机油,经5次重复试验后,1g蒲绒纤维对大豆油和机油的吸收能力仍保持在9g以上。四、蒲绒纤维吸油效果的影响因素蒲绒纤维吸油效果受诸多因素的影响,如纤维质量、油的种类、纤维成熟程度与放置时间、温度以及溶液的pH值等。研究发现,纤维质量越大,纤维吸油效果越好,但吸油并不随纤维质量增加呈线性增长。油的种类也会对纤维的吸油性能产生影响,油的种类不同,纤维对油的吸收效果也不一样。纤维的成熟程度和放置时间影响纤维的吸油效果。在相同条件下,蒲绒纤维成熟度越低,放置时间越长,纤维的吸油能力越低。此外,温度越高,纤维的吸油能力越低。溶液pH值对纤维的吸油能力基本没有影响,当溶液的pH为7即溶液为中性时,纤维的吸油能力最强。

【Abstract】 There are plenty of cattail fiber resources in our country. But at present, most of people are lack of the understanding of cattail fiber and pay little attention to its application value. So majority of cattail fiber has been running its own course which leads to a great resource waste. In this paper, we studied the basic property of cattail fiber, tested and evaluated the oil absorbency of cattail fiber, which will enlighten new way for the cattail fiber used in the treatment of oily waster water.The main content includes four aspects as following.1 .The study on basic property of cattail fiber.The study shows that cattail fiber is tenuous and stripped. The both sides of fiber prutrude with the middle hollow. There are a series of interrupted prominent horizontal membranes on the fiber and the horizontal membrane spacings are relatively fixed. The horizontal membranes distribute with dispersion. Both sides of fiber have many bulged nodes, and the nodes spacing of same side of fiber is relatively fixed. The average length of cattail fiber is 8-9 cm. The diameter of cattail fiber from root of cattail fruit to rear part is nonuniform. The fiber of the root of cattail fruit is thicker and the rear part gets thinner gradually, while the fineness of middle partial of fibers of cattail fruit is relative stable.The cross section of cattai fiber is " (?) "or " (?) "in shape, which is familiar with the shape " (?) " or " (?) " of differential fiber, and this shape enlarges the surface of fiber consumedly, which causes fiber contacting more exterior space.There is waxiness on the cattail fiber surface and the average content of waxiness is 10.64%, which is quite high and the high waxiness content enables the cattail fiber to have the good oil absorptiveness.The crystallinity of cattail fiber is 39.6%,which is a low crystallinity nature fiber comparing with other cellulose fibers. By IR spectra analysis, the absorption bands of cattail fiber is familiar with the bands of kapok. The ingredients of cattail fiber is closed to kapok’s but the purification of cellulose of cattail fiber is inferior to kapok.2.The contact angle testing of cattail fiberThe average contact angles of cattail fiber with water, soybean oil and motor oil are 130.2°、55.3°and 59.7°. The contact angle of cattail fiber with water is bigger than angle with soybean oil and motor oil, which shows that the cattail fiber has a good hydrophobic performance. The contact angle of cattail fiber with soybean oil is smaller than angle with motor oil. The sorption performance of cattail fiber to soybean oil is better than to motor oil.3. Testing and evaluation of oil absorption capacity of cattail fiberIt is found that the cattail fiber exhibits a high sorption capacity for the oil. Taking the soybean oil and the motor oil as examples, 1g cattail fiber could absorb 20-26g pure soybean oil and 19-21g pure motor oil. At the condition of the ratio of oil to water 1:8, 1g cattail fiber could absorb 18-23g soybean oil and 18-21g motor oil respectively. The sorption rate of soybean oil and motor oil by the cattail fiber increases along with the ratio of oil to water reduces.The same saturated time which the cattail fiber absorbs watery soybean oil and motor oil is 15min. The cattail fiber shows a good reusability. After 5 repeat tests, the sorption capacities of cattail fiber to soybean oil and motor oil are both above 9g.4. The factors of influence on the oil sorptionThere are many factors influencing the oil sorption, such as the weight of the cattail fiber, types of oil, the mature degree and laying time of fiber, temperature as well as solution pH value and so on. It is found that the bigger the weight of cattail fiber is, the more oil absorbs. But oil absorption does not increase linearly with the quality of fiber. The types of oil also have influences to the sorption capacity.The mature degree and laying time of fiber influences the sorption capacity. Under the same conditions, the lower the mature degree and the longer the laying time of the cattail fiber are, the lower the sorption capacity is.In addition, the higher temperature is, the lower oil absorbs. The pH value of solution has no influence on the oil sorption, but when the pH value of solution is 7, the cattail fiber has the biggest oil sorption capacity.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期

