

The Configuration Mode and Run Way Optimization of CCHP of an Energy Center in Shanghai

【作者】 肖荪

【导师】 杨洪海; 吴植华;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 热能工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 伴随着采暖和空调设备的普及率不断攀升以及世界能源危机的加剧,建筑节能愈加受到人们的重视。而随着天然气的大量开采、能源结构的调整以及环境保护要求的不断提高,具有节能环保、资源利用合理、综合效率高、经济性较好、冷热电负荷分配灵活等优势的冷热电三联产系统将成为中国城市最有发展潜力的能源供应模式之一。冷热电联产(Combined Cooling Heat and Power—CCHP)又称为分布式能源系统,是一种建立在能量梯级利用概念基础上,将制冷、供热(采暖和供热水)及发电过程一体化的多联产总能系统,目的在于提高系统能源利用效率和能源系统的安全性,减少CO2,SO2,NOx等有害气体的排放。本课题首先采用清华大学开发的DeST软件对上海市新江湾城F3地块(规划中)进行能耗模拟,得到了较准确的基于实际运行时间的冷热负荷以及全年能耗。再根据负荷的模拟计算结果对不同冷热电三联供系统的配置方式和运行策略进行优化分析。本课题以“初投资、(火用)经济系数较小、单位成本的年运行收益和净现值较大、投资回收期较短为目标函数建立了三联供的优化模型,并提出一种新的三联供配置方式,即“以应急电量大小确定三联供的容量,并用此三联供系统替代应急电源”,运用Matlab及VB对模型进行模拟计算后,结果表明:“用三联供系统替代应急电源”方案的单位成本的年运行收益和净现值比不替代应急电源的三联供方案更高,(火用)经济系数更小,投资回收期更短。最后再与常规冷热源方案进行比较分析,最终得出“用三联供系统替代应急电源”的热电冷三联供方案的经济效益最好。

【Abstract】 With the increasing of heating and air-conditioning, consumption of energy increase, so the energy-saving has been emphasis. For the requirements of environment and the adjustment of energy structure, the CCHP will become one of the most development potential energy supply modes in China which is energy-saving、environmental protection、rational of resources、high efficiency、better economy and flecible in load distribution.As is also called distributed energy system, CCHP is a kind of multi-generation system that is base on the concept of energy cascade utilization. This system can improve the efficiency and security of energy utilization and reduce the harmful gases such as CO2, SO2 and NOX by Combined Cooling Heat and Power.Firstly, this paper simulated the energy comsumption of an energy center in Shanghai (planning) with the DeST developed by Tsinghua University. Then got an accurate load based on the actual running time. According the load, this paper has optimized the configuration and operation strategies of CCHP.This topic designed a CCHP simulation model in order to get the best CCHP program with low initial investment、less economic factor、more annual operating income and NPV of unit cost and short payback period by using Matlab and VB. Then compared the best CCHP program with the program that used CCHP to replace the emergency power, the result showed the economy of the CCHP program was less than the CCHP program can replace the emergency. Last compared the CCHP with the conventional cooling and heating source program, showed the economic and environmental benefits of the CCHP used to replace the emergency power were the most in alll the energy supply programs.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期

