

A Corpus-Based Study of Amplifier-Specific Synonym Differentiation

【作者】 董斐娜

【导师】 张继东;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 在世界各语言中,英语的同义词数量众多。精细繁博的同义词为英语学习者提供了展示语言能力的机会,同时为英语学习者掌握标准的表达方式带来挑战。调查显示,众多英语学习者面临准确甄别、科学记忆和恰当使用同义词的难题。鉴于此,不少国内外词典学家致力于开发英语同义词词典。综观这些词典发现:多数词典采用传统方法对同义词进行辨析,即依赖语感,采用内省式定性法,辅以主观筛选甚至人为杜撰的例句,对同义词词目进行“条分缕析”。这些词典为帮助学习者了解英语同义词的释义起到一定指导作用,但均没有为学习者提供同义词词目间具有显著区别意义的客观信息和翔实数据。基于语料库的研究方法弥补了以上不足:在同义词辨析方面,语料库的优势在于能够提供大量客观翔实的语料数据。目前,国内外不少语料库语言学家分别从不同角度进行研究,探讨用基于语料库的方法对同义词进行辨析的可行性,这些角度包括:同义词的宏观词频差异;同义词在不同语域的词频分布差异;同义词的搭配行为差异。研究同义词的搭配行为差异又具体从搭配词的词频统计和搭配词的语义韵两方面展开。大量实证研究表明,基于语料库的方法不仅为词典学家开发英语同义词词典提供了崭新角度和客观依据,同时为学习者研究英语同义词的内在规律提供了科学的方法论。本文采用基于语料库的研究方法,综合运用定性分析与定量分析技术,着力论述从句法位置角度辨析同义强势词的可行性及其操作步骤。论文共分五章:第一章为引言,概述研究背景、研究意义和研究目的;第二章为文献综述,回顾语料库语言学的发展历史,以及国内外学者基于语料库对英语同义词进行辨析的实证研究案例;第三章为方法论,介绍研究采用的基本方法、辅助工具和操作流程;第四章为讨论章,分析大量科学翔实的语料数据,阐释同义强势词在句法位置方面的差异特征;第五章为结论章,总结研究成果,讨论研究意义,寻找研究的局限性,发现研究的不足点。希望此研究能够为学习者全面了解英语同义词的差异提供科学方法,同时为英语同义词词典编纂工作提供借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 With multitudinous synonyms in English language, learners have great difficulties using them appropriately. Surveys have shown that many English learners are incapable of distinguishing synonyms comprehensively, let alone to use synonyms in a pure and proper way. Consequently, various thesauri (synonym dictionaries) are designed and compiled.In most of the published thesauri, synonymous entries are distinguished by an introspective approach, that is, lexicographers qualitatively contrive a definition for each entry according to their innate knowledge; and meanwhile, they select or even make up examples to explain the definition. These dictionaries can, in a sense, help learners have a preliminary comprehension of the differences between synonyms; however, they do not provide learners with real statistics and valid information that serve to show the significant nuances of synonyms.Corpora, as they are, can offer what the learners really need in language study. In terms of synonym differentiation, corpora have the unique virtue of presenting objective and authentic data. So far, many linguists have conducted corpus-based investigations into synonym differentiation from diverse aspects, including the unitary frequency, register-specific frequency and collocational behaviors. Collocational behaviors are further studied from two sub-aspects, such as frequency of collocates and semantic prosody of collocates. Empirical studies show that corpus-based approach to synonym differentiation has shed light on either lexicography or pedagogy.Adopting the corpus-based approach and applying the qualitative and quantitative analytical techniques, the current research tends to explore and elaborate the possibilities, procedures and implications of distinguishing amplifier-specific synonyms from the perspective of syntactic positions. Five chapters constitute the thesis. Chapter 1 introduces the research background, significance, objectives and the thesis structure. Chapter 2 reviews the development in corpus linguistics and the previous corpus-based studies on synonym differentiation. Chapter 3 describes the approaches, instruments and procedures in the research. Chapter 4 discovers and discusses the different properties of amplifier-specific synonyms in different syntactic positions by the analyses of the real corpus data. Chapter 5 concludes the major findings and clarifies the implications and limitations of the current work. This work is attempting to speculate about the significance of corpus-based approach on both thesauri compilation and synonym instruction and acquisition.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期
  • 【分类号】H313
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】337

