

On the Evolution of the CPC’s Development Outlook from Being "More, Faster, Better and More Economical" to Being "Sound and Faster"

【作者】 张海山

【导师】 高健生;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 中共党史, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 新中国成立以来,发展问题一直是中国共产党面临的历史任务的核心。党的四代领导集体在探索中国发展道路的过程中,把马克思主义发展理论与中国革命、建设、改革的实践紧密结合,同时借鉴世界各国的发展经验,不断探索创新,形成了有中国特色的指导中国社会主义现代化建设的发展观。四代领导集体的发展观有着相同的理论渊源,发展方向、发展宗旨以及发展立足点。但由于他们各自所处的时代的历史条件不同、时代背景不同以及主观认识程度不同,他们所阐述的发展观在其主要内容、基本特征及理论价值等方面都存在着差异。本文由四部分组成,论述了从“多快好省”到“又快又好”再到“又好又快”党的发展思路经历了渐进变化的过程。党的发展观由片面强调速度到以速度为前提,兼顾质量与效益,再到强调以“好”为前提,在“好”的基础上加快我国社会主义现代化建设,实现了质的飞跃。中国共产党发展观的演进既体现了一脉相承的发展方向,又体现了与时俱进的理论品质。第一部分论述了“多快好省”是以毛泽东为核心的第一代领导集体领导中国人民建设社会主义的发展理念,分析了在这一指导思想下所取得的有益探索,及探索中的失误。第二部分把以邓小平为核心的第二代领导集体的发展观和以江泽民为核心的第三代领导集体的发展观归结为“又快又好”的发展观,论述了邓小平和江泽民两代领导人在探索中国特色社会主义道路上的理论创新与伟大实践。第三部分论述了“又好又快”是以胡锦涛为核心的党的新一届领导集体所提出的科学发展观的本质要求,分析了党提出实现“又好又快”发展的现实依据,以及在建设中国特色社会主义的新阶段如何实现“又好又快”发展。第四部分为结论启示部分,指出中国共产党发展观的演进具有继承性和创新性的特点,论述了“又好又快”是对“多快好省”和“又快又好”的超越。

【Abstract】 Development problem has been the core of history mission faced by the Communist Party of China since New China was founded. During the course of exploring the path of China’s development, combining the Marxist development theory with the practice of the revolution, the construction and the reform in China, meanwhile using the foreign theories of development for reference, reforming and innovating constantly, the Party’s four generations of central collective leadership have formed their own concepts of development with Chinese characteristic to guide China’s socialist modernization construction. The development views of the Party’s four generations of central collective leadership have the same theory origin, development direction, development principles and basement, however, there exit some obvious differences in the main contents, basic characteristics and theory values, because historical conditions, background of time and subjective awareness vary from time to time.The thesis consists of four parts in which the evolution of the Party’s development ideas are discussed from being "more, faster, better and more economical" to being "faster and sound", and then to being "sound and faster". The Party’s development views have been experiencing a gradual evolution process. The CPC’s development outlooks have achieved a qualitative leap, which have experienced from one-sided emphasis on the speed of development to emphasizing the speed compatible with quality and efficiency, then to emphasizing to be "sound" and accelerate the socialist modernization construction based on "sound". The evolution of the Chinese Communist Party’s development views reflects not only the development direction coming down in a continuous line but also the nature of theory keeping pace with times.In the first part, it is discussed that "policy of more-fast-better-economizing growth" is the development idea of the Party’s first generation of central collective leadership with Mao Zedong at its core in leading Chinese people to construct socialism country. It is also analyzed the useful explorations we’ve got with the guidance of the thought, as well as the mistakes in exploring.In the second part, the development viewpoints of the Party’s second generation of central collective leadership with Deng Xiaoping at its core and the ones of the Party’s third generation of central collective leadership with Jiang Zemin at its core are summarized as a phase of "faster and sound" development, it is discussed the theoretical innovation and great practice done by Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin, the two generations of leadersIn the third part, it is discussed that "sound and faster" is the essential requirement of the scientific outlook on development brought forward by the Party’s new generation of central collective leadership with Hu Jintao at its core. This part analyses the reality basis by which the Party put forward to achieve "sound and faster" development, it also analyses how we can promote sound and rapid development during the new phase of building socialism with Chinese characteristics.The fourth part is about conclusions and enlightenments. It points out that the evolution of the Chinese Communist Party’s development viewpoints has features of succession and innovation. It is discussed that being "sound and faster" has succeeded and exceeded the minds of "policy of more-fast-better-economizing growth" and being "sound and faster".

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期

