

Study on Food Traceability Legal System

【作者】 杜文波

【导师】 王继军; 左世忠;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 法律, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 “民以食为天”,食品安全关系到广大人民群众的身体健康和生命安全,关系到经济发展和社会稳定,关系到政府和国家的形象,甚至关系到我国的对外国际贸易和国际声誉。长期以来我国的食品供应体系是围绕着增加食品供给数量而建立起来的,粮食安全重于食品安全。经过多年的发展,我国的食品供给格局发生了根本性的变化:品种丰富,数量充足,供给有余。随着经济日益全球化和国际食品贸易的日益扩大,我国应该把食品安全更加重视起来,频发的食品安全事件也时刻警醒我们应该高度重视食品安全问题。食品安全是个法律问题,进一步讲食品安全是个经济法问题,经济法是社会化大生产的产物,是生产力要求国家干预市场和政府参与经济的反应,食品市场出现其自身无法解决的问题,就需要国家干预和政府参与。通过考察研究国内外的食品安全和管理方面的经验和教训可以得出结论,食品安全追溯法律制度作为重要的食品安全法律制度来规制食品安全问题势在必行。选本题旨在通过对我国的食品安全现状的分析,指出我国在食品安全法律制度方面的问题,论述建立食品安全追溯法律制度的必要性,提出如何构建我国的食品安全追溯法律制度,以期推进我国食品安全法律制度方面的研究和应用。以往这方面的研究都是从社会和经济角度进行的,本文的创新之处就在于从法律的角度对食品安全追溯展开分析研究,而研究角度的创新也带来研究内容上的创新。本文综合运用文献研究法、比较研究法、归纳与演绎相结合法、实证分析法展开了对食品安全追溯法律制度的研究。本文首先从三鹿奶粉事件入手分析了我国的食品安全现状,指出我国食品安全存在的问题,并进一步分析其原因;接下来从规制食品安全的法律手段、克服信息不对称、经济持续发展的保障、与国际接轨四个方面论述了建立食品安全追溯法律制度的必要性;之后在对比国内外食品安全追溯制度的基础上提出了我国构建该制度的合理化建议:①完善食品安全法律体系;②强化食品安全法律责任;③加强管理部门协调管理;④建立食品安全追溯数据库;⑤改进和完善标识识别技术。

【Abstract】 Food is essential to the people. Food safety relates people’s health and life, the economical development, the social stability, the national and government image, even our country’s foreign international trade and the international prestige. Since long our country’s food supply system is to increase the food supply around the quantity of food. Pay more attention on food quantity not quality. After many years development, our country’s food supply pattern has had the essential change that the variety is rich and quantity is sufficient. But along with the economical globalization and the international food trade expansion, our country should even more take food security. The frequency food safety events also warn us to do so. Food safety is the matter about law. Further food safety is the matter about economic law that is the response of the productive forces requesting state intervention market and the government participating in the economy. By studying the domestic and foreign food safety and the management experience it is to discover that food traceability system is an effective item of food safety supervising and managing system and it is necessary.By analyzing the present situation of our country’s food safety, the dissertation points out the legislation system question in food safety of china. And discuss the importance of food traceability system. Then propose how to establish our country’s food traceability system in order to advancing the research and the application of our country food safety system. The former relative research all was carries on from the society and the economical angle, and the innovation of the dissertation lies in researching food safety traceability from the legal angle. The dissertation uses five methods on studying China food traceability system, Which include literature, comparison, induction and deduction unified, thorough investigation and real diagnosis. Firstly has analyzed the present situation of our country’s food safety from the event of three deer powdered milk. Point out the present problems and the reasons of food safety. Secondly discuss the importance of food traceability system from four aspects, which contain legal method, conquering dissymmetry of information, safeguarding the economy continually developing, and international trade connection. Finally based on the comparison of domestic and foreign food traceability system, put forward four rationalization proposals about how to establish this system of china, which is perfecting food safety legislation system, consummating food safety legislation responsibility, enhancing department cooperation, establishing food traceability system database, improving and consummating the marking recognition technology.

【关键词】 食品安全追溯制度法律体系构建
【Key words】 Food safetyTraceability systemLaw systemConstruction
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期

