

On the School Carrying Out Social Education

【作者】 郭萍萍

【导师】 侯怀银;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 教育学原理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 我国学习型社会的建立、和谐社会的构建离不开学校兼办社会教育的实施。但是当下学术界对学校兼办社会教育始终缺乏全面、系统的研究。有鉴于此,本文试图从多方面对学校兼办社会教育进行较为深入的分析研究。总体来讲,本文包括以下几个方面的内容:第一部分,学校兼办社会教育概论。具体介绍了学校兼办社会教育的概念、必要性和可行性。伴随时代的进步和社会的发展,终身教育观念已越来越深入人心,学习型社会的建立,中华民族的伟大复兴都需要高素质的人才队伍,而学校兼办社会教育正是提高人口素质和教育水平的有效途径;学校具有兼办社会教育的有利条件,教育部门出台的相关法律法规也正在为学校兼办社会教育提供更为宽松有利的政策保障,这些都使学校兼办社会教育事业大有可为。可以使我们对学校兼办社会教育形成更为清晰、准确的认识和了解。第二部分,学校兼办社会教育的目标与内容。实施目标是学校兼办社会教育的出发点和归宿,即促进人的发展和学习型社会的最终构建。依据学校的固有职能,在职责允许的范围内兼办一部分与之相关的社会教育:利用学校的政治职能进行公民意识教育和环境教育,利用学校的经济职能进行知识技能教育,利用学校促进人的身心全面发展的职能进行休闲教育与亲职教育等,是学校兼办社会教育的实施内容。通过对以上职能的有效利用,可以对学生、家长以及社会大众产生一定的积极影响,促进我国教育事业更快、更好的发展。第三部分,学校兼办社会教育的原则及途径。实施原则是学校兼办社会教育的行动指南和依据,是学校在兼办社会教育过程中必不可少的行为准则。学校兼办社会教育的实施途径主要有,利用学校现有的资源设备以及社会教育资源,充分调动和发挥社会教育机构的力量,共同开展多方面的社会教育工作。如展览咨询、邀请校外人士举行讲座等。第四部分,学校兼办社会教育的保障条件。学校需要转变以往的传统教育观念,探索学校兼办社会教育的新体制、新方法;党和政府需要对学校兼办社会教育予以大力支持,从人力、物力、财力等方面为学校兼办社会教育的实施提供力所能及的帮助,唯有如此,学校兼办社会教育才能够得以顺利进行。

【Abstract】 The establishment of a learning society and the construction of a harmonious society in China cannot be separated from the implementation of the school carry out social education. But the present research on the school carry out social education is always lack of comprehensive and systematic. In view of this, this article attempts to do in-depth analysis and research of the school carry out social education.Generally speaking, this includes the following aspects:The first part, the introduce of the school carry out social education. It introduces the concept of the school carry out social education, the necessity and feasibility, etc. Along with the development of the Times and society, the lifelong education concept has become more and more popular, establishment of the learning-oriented society, Chinese nation needs high quality talent team, and social education also requires schools improve population quality. The school has the advantages of social education. The relevant laws and regulations of the school social education are to provide more favorable policy. We can make clear, accurate knowledge and understanding of the school carry out social education.The second part, the goals and contents of the school carry out social education. The goal of the school carry out social education is promoting the development of people and the construction of learning-oriented society eventually. Using the political functions, school carry out environmental education and consciousness of citizen education. Using the economic function, school education carry out knowledge skill education. Promoting physical development functions of education carry out leisure education and the parental education. Based on the above functions, effective utilization of students, parents, and the social public have positive impact on education, promoting the development of career quicker and better.The third part, principles and ways of the school carry out social education. the main ways to use existing school resources and equipment, such as schools do not affect the basis of their own teaching, the school and opening up the classroom, library, playground and other equipment and the use of school teachers and the creation of lecture material, schools to carry out discussions on a question such as seminars and mass media. So that students, parents and the community take full advantage of these resources to improve themselves, develop themselves. Schools and social education in the use of schools based on their own resources also need to make use of social education resources to fully mobilize and give full play to the strength of the community of educational institutions such as schools and social educational resources linked to the consultation carried out the exhibition, invited talks, such as external members. In general, schools and social education, whether using their own resources or the use of social education resources, the overall approach to special lectures, discussion seminars, exhibitions advice, the mass media.The fourth part, the support condition of the school carry out social education. Schools need to change the traditional education ideas, the previous school education society to explore the new system matters. School carry out social education need to government, human, material and financial resources support, the school carry out social education smoothly.

【关键词】 学校兼办社会教育
【Key words】 SchoolCarry outSocial education
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期

