

Kinematics Analysis on the Swinging Leg Take-off Technical of about Chinese Elite Female Triple Jumpers

【作者】 李瑛

【导师】 李建英;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 三级跳远是运动员沿直线助跑后,由单足跳、跨步跳、跳跃组成的连续三次腾越水平距离的跳跃项目,其成绩由三跳的总和距离所得。根据生物力学原理,三次起跳是决定三级跳远成绩的关键。三次起跳中,两腿分为摆动腿和起跳腿,摆动腿的技术占据了相当大的比例。每一次起跳中摆动腿的正确摆动过程和有效用力方法对整个起跳过程都起着关键作用。着地瞬间的摆动腿的摆动角速度、摆动腿膝关节角度变化、水平速度的变化、两大腿的夹角等相关因素都是重要的影响因素。在缓冲阶段,摆动腿的摆动对重心的垂直速度起着主导作用,摆动腿摆腿速度越快,可为后继的蹬伸动作创造更好的条件。正确合理的掌握和应用三次起跳过程中摆动腿技术,对于提高三级跳远运动的成绩能起到积极的推动作用。从查阅过的文献、相关论文资料中得出,关于女子三级跳跳远的研究大多是国内、外优秀运动员助跑技术、起跳腿蹬伸腿、着地技术等方便的研究,而对于摆动腿的摆动技术研究非常少,因此,本文针对三级跳远起跳中摆动腿技术相关指标进行定量的运动学分析,以期寻求摆动腿与起跳腿的最佳结果。本文研究对象是参加2007年全国田径冠军赛暨大奖赛总决赛女子三级跳远进入决赛的八名运动员,主要研究方法为影片拍摄法、图像解析法、数理统计法等,女子三级跳远选手起跳摆动腿技术进行运动学分析,并与国外优秀运动员的技术参数进行比较分析,找寻我国女子运动员起跳摆动腿技术的不足和差距,从而能够改进摆动腿技术,为训练方法和技术提高提供一定的参考,并提出建议。研究结果表明:1、在身体形态指标中的身高这一素质比对上,我国三级跳远运动员平均身高处在一个较为合理的范围内,与世界上的选手相比,不存在显著差异(P>0.05);体重都显得比较轻,肌肉类型不属于优势类型,相比较来看存在着显著性的差异(P<0.05);克托莱指数低,具有非常显著性的差异(P<0.05)。2、我国8名优秀女子三级跳远运动员的年龄分布具有一定的特点,年龄段分布存在不合理的现象,年龄适中者比例过大,且占据重要的名次;年龄较小者比例过小,这必将会影响我国女子三级跳远运动的未来发展之路,不能形成良好的可持续发展。3、优秀运动员呈显著性差异(P<0.05,P<0.01);第二跳着地瞬间两大腿夹角接近于世界优秀运动员,无显著性差异,第二跳离地瞬间两大腿夹角与世界优秀运动员比较偏小;第三跳着地瞬间两大腿夹角偏大,离地瞬间两大腿夹角偏小。4、我国优秀女子三级跳远运动第二跳起跳腿蹬离地面瞬间摆动腿大腿与水平面的夹角都偏小,谢荔梅和李倩在这一技术环节上表现出了良好的技术水平,该角度比较大,剩下的6名运动员都呈负值,总体呈现出摆动幅度不够大;第三跳中8名研究对象起跳腿蹬离地面瞬间摆动腿大腿与水平面的夹角除谢荔梅和邱惠晶稍大外,都保持在一个相对接近的范围内,无太大差异。5、八名研究对象在第一跳起跳中,摆动腿角速度的平均值为378(±4.83°/s);在第二跳起跳过程中,摆动腿角速度的平均值为349(±2.96°/s)。第三跳中,摆动腿角速度的平均值为302(±3.4°/s),8;运动员的摆动角速度普遍较小,保持速度能力较弱,需要进一步的加强。6、我国优秀女子三级跳远运动员第一跳着地角除谢荔梅和于少华外都普遍偏大(71.01°±1.69°);第二跳着地角,我国运动员都保持在一个相对合理的范围内(68.30°±1.54°),无太大差异;第三跳我国运动员着地角普遍偏小。7、我国优秀女子三级跳远运动员起跳腿的着地角与摆动腿摆动角速度呈正相关(r=0.741),在起跳腿着地瞬间,加大起跳腿的着地角,同时获得较小的支撑反作用力,身体重心能够快速前移,摆动腿摆动角速度也会随着增大。8、起跳阶段摆动腿摆动角速度与起跳时间二者呈显著性负相关(r=-0.753,p<0.05),说明摆动腿摆动角速度的增大,能够加快起跳时间;摆动腿角速度与两大腿夹角呈显著性正相关(r=0.782,p<0.05),说明在一定范围内,摆动腿摆动越积极,摆动角速度就会越大,能够快速提高大腿摆动幅度,从而引起两大腿夹角的减小,说明起跳腿与摆动腿动作相辅相成,紧密相连,保证了三跳之间的积极过渡和良好的衔接。9、摆动腿的最大摆动角速度与缓冲阶段身体重心的垂直位移、身体重心垂直速度的增加值均呈显著正相关(r=0.735,p<0.05),与缓冲过程中水平速度的损失(r=0.642,p<0.05)呈负相关。这说明摆动腿摆动速度的加快,对减小水平速度的损失、获得更大的垂直速度有积极的影响。

【Abstract】 Triple jump is a jumping item composed of three jumps over the contour interval, single-leg jump, step jump and last jump, after the athlete’s straight run up. The result is decided by the length of the three jumps. According to the biological mechanics principle, the start of the three jumps is the key of the success of triple jump. In the course of the three take-offs, one leg swings and the other prepares for run up, and the technology of the former is rather decisive. The right swinging and effective method of force play a crucial role of achieving the ideal leap speed and angle. This thesis studies the first eight female athletes of triple jump in the national track and field championship competition and the grand prize contest finals, and analyses the kinematics parameter of links of the swinging leg in the course of take off by means of literature data, investigation, photography, image analysis, mathematic and physical statistic and so on. By comparing with excellent athletes overseas, the author points out the existing technological problems of the swinging leg of the female athletes at home, provides reference and effective advice of promoting swinging technology for coaches and athletes. The investigation result shows:1. Compared with the excellent female athletes in the world, those at home has disparity in the build, but the average height does not have a remarkable difference (P>0.05); however, they are light and obviously different (P>0.05); the Ctori index is low and is rather different.2. The average age characteristic of the outstanding female triple jump athletes at home is proper, but the distribution is unreasonable. Those proper-aged athletes are too many who have not got outstanding achievement. The younger ones are less, but they have got excellent achievements.3. When the triple jump athletes first touchdown and liftoff, their legs are at a large angle and have remarkable difference (P<0.05, P<0.01); the second touchdown angle is close to that of athletes in the world, and the liftoff angle is small; the third touchdown angle is larger and liftoff angle is smaller.4. When they lift off, the angle of swinging leg and the horizon is too small and the swinging range is small except Xie Limei and Li Qian. In the third jump, the angle of the other six athletes in the eight studied is relatively close except Xie Limei and Qiu Huijing.5. Female triple jump players in our country vibrate their legs in their first up-spring at an average angle of is 386°/s (±4.45); In the second,352°/s (±3.6); and in the third, 3167s (±2.4), 8; it can be concluded that Athlete’s vibration angle is small, and they are not strong in maintaining a steady speed. Therefore, they need further enhancement in these aspects.6. The landing angle in the first jump is generally too large except Xie Limei and Yu Shaohua (71.01°±1.69). The touchdown angle in the second jump of the athletes is in a relatively reasonable scope (68.30°±1.54). In the third jump, the touchdown angle is generally small.7. The landing angle of the take-off leg and the swinging angle of the swinging leg are positively related (r=0. 722, P<0.05). When the take-off leg lands, the landing angle is large, the support reacting force backward is small, the gravity moves faster and the swinging angle becomes larger.8. The speed of swinging leg and the start time are negatively related (r = -0.732, p<0.05) . This shows that the faster the leg swings, the faster the athlete takes off. The speed of swinging leg and the angle of two legs are positively related (r = 0.764, p<0.05 ), which shows that to certain extension, the more active the swinging leg, the faster the leg swings and the larger the swinging range. The speed of swinging leg and buffer stage are negatively related (r=-0.705, P<0.05) .9. The highest swinging speed of swinging leg and the vertical movement and velocity of gravity are positively related (r = 0.729, p<0.05) .It is negatively related with the loss of lineal velocity in the buffer stage (r = 0.643, p<0.05) . This shows that the increase of swinging speed has active influence on the reduce of the lineal velocity loss and getting higher vertical velocity.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期

