

The Effectiveness of the Continuing Education for Teachers in Primary and Secondary Schools in Rural Areas

【作者】 李冠芳

【导师】 宋永泽;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 成人教育学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 2008年新年伊始,教育部提出了“重点提高农村教师素质,进一步加强教师队伍建设”的工作重点。推进农村基础教育健康、稳步地发展,建设一支高素质的农村中小学教师队伍,是全面建设社会主义新农村的重要组成部分。鉴于此,本文在阐述当前我国中小学教师继续教育目标的前提下,探讨新时期农村中小学教师继续教育的意义,以山西省大同县农村中小学教师继续教育效能的现状为个案,通过与中小学教师继续教育的预期目标对照,对其效能偏低的原因进行了研究、分析。在此基础上,针对目前农村中小学教师继续教育效能偏低的原因提出了一些提高农村中小学教师继续教育效能的对策,以期能够丰富农村中小学教师继续教育理论,提高农村中小学教师继续教育的效能。从而为振兴我国的教育事业,特别是农村的教育事业以及早日实现社会主义新农村建设的宏伟目标贡献一份绵薄之力。论文共分三章:第一章:本章阐述了研究“农村中小学教师继续教育效能”的必要性。首先对论文中所涉及到的中小学教师继续教育、效能和中小学教师继续教育的效能三个基本概念进行了界定,然后结合农村的实际情况探讨了提高农村中小学教师继续教育效能的现实要求。第二章:从山西省对大同县农村中小学教师继续教育现状调研的情况入手,对调查问卷的各项内容进行了数据分析,通过对照中小学教师继续教育的目标,针对农村中小学教师继续教育效能偏低的原因从教师个人、教师所在学校、教育培训机构以及教育行政管理部门四个方面进行了全面、详细的分析,这是论文的主体部分,为下面进行对策思考提供了理论依据。第三章:针对山西省大同县农村中小学教师继续教育效能偏低的原因,对今后大同县以及与山西省大同县经济、文化发展情况相近的其他农村中小学教师继续教育如何提高效能提出了相应的对策。

【Abstract】 At the Beginning of the new year of 2008, the Ministry of Education proposed that concentration on improving the quality of rural teachers, to enhance the quality of the teachers. It is of great importance to boost the basic education healthily and steadily and form the high standard team of the teachers well. In view of this, this article summing up the current primary and secondary school teachers of our goal of continuing education ,under the premise of exploring the new era of rural primary and secondary school teachers of the significance of continuing education to rural primary and secondary school teachers in Datong county, the effectiveness of the status quo of continuing education for the cases with primary and secondary schools teachers continue to target the control of education, their reasons for the low performance of the research, analysis. On this basis, the view of the current primary and secondary school teachers in rural areas to continue the performance of the low status of education put forward some tentative proposals with a view to be able to continue to enrich the rural primary and secondary school teachers in educational theory, rural primary and secondary school teachers improve the effectiveness of continuing education. So as to revitalize our country’s education and the early implementation of a new socialist countryside construction of a modest contribution to the grand goal.The paper divides into three parts:The first part: this chapter expounds "the necessity of studying for the effectiveness teachers’ continuing education in rural primary and secondary school "Firstly it discussed the definitions of ascribed the teachers continuing education in primary and secondary school , effectiveness and the effectiveness of the teachers’ continuing education in primary and secondary school .Then exploring the practical requirements of developing the effectiveness of the teachers’ continuing education in rural primary and secondary school. The second part: conducted data analysis on the contents of the questionnaire from Datong county in rural primary and secondary school teachers start with an overview of continuing education. Through the primary and secondary school teachers’ continuing education objectives, analysis systemly and detailly continuing education of the reasons for low performance from the teacher individual, school teachers, training institutions, as well as input, supervision and control four aspects. This is the main body of the thesis. It provided a theoretical basis to consider the following Countermeasures.The third part: on the basis of analysising objectively that Datong county in rural primary and secondary school teachers of the effectiveness of continuing education, Try to put forward some recommendations to enhance the effectiveness of Datong county in the future, as well as with the Datong county, economic, and cultural developments in other similar rural primary and secondary school teachers made a number of continuing education is expected.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期

