

Cognitive Turn of Contemporary Anti-realism Theory of Meaning

【作者】 赵雁林

【导师】 胡瑞娜;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 外国哲学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 意义问题长期以来都是哲学研究的内容之一。它主要研究语言符号依据于什么而具有意义,什么是命题的意义的标准,意义是否具有确定性等问题。这一问题不仅是分析哲学关心的问题,而且它还广泛地映射到其它哲学领域。随着20世纪初语言学转向的深入,引领这股潮流的分析哲学家们对意义理论这一古老问题重新进行思考,并且赋予了它新的内容。正是在这一大背景之下,20世纪的分析哲学乃至整个当代西方科学哲学都围绕着意义问题的不同层面不断地生成、展开和转向。实在论与反实在论对意义理论所进行的一系列论争就是这一现象的具体表现之一。由于反实在论哲学家从意义问题的各个方面对实在论不断予以攻击,实在论的哲学家不得不做出回应和辩护,从而促进了意义理论在当代科学哲学中的繁荣发展。本文共分为五个部分。第一部分是全文的引言部分,简要地说明了意义理论、反实在论等背景知识。第二部分论述了当代反实在论意义理论认知转向的动因,一方面它是当代反实在论发展的内在要求,另一方面也是认知科学研究外部推动的结果。第三部分论述了当代反实在论意义理论认知转向的特征,这是全文的重心所在。通过阐述几位反实在论哲学家的意义理论及相关哲学思想,剖析当代反实在论意义理论发生认知转向的发展轨迹及具体特征。维特根斯坦的“语言游戏说”强调语境条件、突出主体参与,创造了认知转向的契机;卡尔纳普的意义证实理论重视逻辑分析、引入经验证实,提供了认知转向的催化剂;罗蒂对符合论真理观的主客二分进行批判,凸现主体间性,导致认知转向的形成;而达米特的隐含知识论运用类比思维、注重意向扩张,正是认知转向深化的结果。当代反实在论意义理论就是沿着上述路径不断发展深化的。第四部分论述了当代反实在论意义理论认知转向的意义,一共列举了四方面的意义。第一,促使当代实在论与反实在论从对立走向相互渗透;第二,加强了欧陆哲学和英美哲学、解释哲学和分析哲学的沟通;第三,为后现代主义提供了方法论的启示;第四,拓展了意义理论研究的新领域。最后的第五部分,是本文的结束语。就整个文章做出概括性的总结,并简要说明了文章的写作意义。

【Abstract】 The Meaning problem has been the core issue of philosophy study for a long time. It mainly studies on the issue what the meaning language sign can rely on, what is the criteria for a proposition’s meaning, and whether the meaning is definitive. This is not merely the analytical philosophy-oriented issue; furthermore, it widely spreads to the other philosophy fields. With the deepening of the linguistic turn in the early twentieth century, the analytical philosopher thought old Theory of Meaning and endowed it with the new vitality. And it is just under such a circumstance that the twentieth century’s analytical philosophy, as well as the whole contemporary western scientific philosophy began to born, development and change revolving around the different levels of meaning problem. A series of disputes between Realism and Anti-realism are one of the concrete performances of this phenomenon. Since the philosophers of Anti-realism attacked the Realism from different levels on the basis of meaning problem, the philosophers of Scientific Realism had to make the feedbacks and defenses accordingly, and thus this situation promoted the further development of Theory of Meaning in the Contemporary scientific philosophy. In another word, the efforts the philosophers of Contemporary Anti-realism have made played a great contribution to the prosperity and development of the whole western scientific philosophy.The thesis is divided into five parts.The first part is the introduction of the thesis, which introduces the background knowledge of Theory of Meaning and Anti-realism in brief.The second part states the motive of Contemporary Anti-realism Theory of Meaning cognitive turn. On one hand, it is the inner demand of Contemporary Anti-realism; on the other hand, it is also the result of the outer motivation of cognitive science study.The third part illustrates the characteristics of Contemporary Anti-realism Theory of Meaning cognitive turn, and this is also the core of the whole thesis. This thesis analyzes the development and detailed features of Contemporary Anti-realism Theory of Meaning cognitive turn through the representation of the Theory of Meaning and relative philosophy thinking of some Anti-realism philosophers. Wittgenstein’s "Theory of Language Game" insists on the Context and the subject participation in order to create the chance for cognitive turn. Carmap’s Theory of Meaning emphasizes on the logic analysis and experienced confirm in order to provide the catalyst of cognitive turn. Rorty’s Concept of Truth criticizes the Subject-Object Division, in order to show the Inter-subjective and lead the form of cognitive turn. Moreover, The Implicit Knowledge Theory of Dummett applies the analogical thinking, pays attention to the Intentionality expansion, which is just the result of the deepening of cognitive turn. The Contemporary Anti-realism Theory of Meaning is developing and deepening in the above mentioned way.The fourth part discussed the significance of the cognitive turn of Contemporary Anti-realism Theory of Meaning in four aspects. Firstly, it urges the Contemporary Realism and Anti-realism to penetrate each other from opposing. Secondly, it strengthens the communication between Continental philosophy and British and American philosophy; hermeneutics philosophy and analytic philosophy. Thirdly, it provides methodological revelation to Postmodernism. Last but not least, it expands some new fields for the study of Theory of Meaning.The fifth part is the conclusion. It makes a general conclusion of the whole thesis and illustrates its meaning.

【关键词】 反实在论意义理论认知
【Key words】 Anti-realismTheory of MeaningCognition
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期

