

Introspection and Reconstruction on Core Category of Philosophy of Law

【作者】 陈会会

【导师】 史凤林;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 法学理论, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 法哲学核心范畴是法哲学和法学研究的基础性命题,但我国法学从理论法学到应用法学,其范畴的研究始终是薄弱环节,虽然上世纪末在我国法学界对法哲学核心范畴曾经有过激烈的争论,但总体而言,学界对这一重大理论问题的关注不多,此课题有进一步研究的必要。本文分为五个部分。引言部分简要阐述了国内外关于法哲学核心范畴的研究现状,认为学界对于法哲学核心范畴的研究有待加强。指出法哲学核心范畴的研究不仅具有理论意义,是法哲学和法学研究的基础课题,而且具有实践应用价值,可以指导法学实践,使法学理论研究更好地服务于社会主义法治实践。正文分为三个部分。第一部分阐述了法哲学核心范畴在法哲学范畴体系中的地位和作用。首先厘清了法哲学范畴和范畴体系的含义,然后阐明了法哲学核心范畴的内涵及其特征,最后指出了法哲学核心范畴对法学研究的意义。第二部分笔者就学界关于法哲学核心范畴的几种具有代表性的观点进行了分析和反思。法的历史类型、权利和义务、社会权利、法律规则和法律关系这五种观点是学界关于法哲学核心范畴的代表性观点,通过对这几种观点的深入分析,结合现今法学实践,笔者指出,应当以法律关系为法哲学的核心范畴。第三部分就法律关系作为法哲学的核心范畴进行了多方面的构想和论证,是本文的落脚点和重点。这一部分层次分明地论证了法律关系作为法哲学核心范畴的可行性。在理论构想部分主要有三方面内容。首先,赋予法律关系以新的内涵,认为法律关系分为广义和狭义两个方面;然后从三个方面对法律关系作为法哲学核心范畴进行了法哲学体系解构的理论构想,认为可以以法律关系为核心确定法哲学的研究对象。通过论述法律关系与法、法律规范、法律行为等九个法哲学基本范畴的关系,证明法律关系对其具有逻辑的统摄能力,可以以法律关系为核心范畴解构法哲学基本范畴体系。论述了法律关系与公法、私法、社会法的关系,认为以法律关系为核心范畴解构法律部门及其体系也是可行的。论证部分从六个方面进行了阐述,认为法律关系范畴及其本质是法哲学的根本问题,法律关系范畴是揭示法的内在矛盾与本质的必要前提,法律关系与法哲学基本范畴具有普遍联系并对其具有逻辑统摄功能,法的运行是法律关系的存在和运行过程,法律关系范畴为部门法学的发展指明正确方向,以法律关系为法哲学的核心范畴为研究法律问题提供了正确思路。结语部分再次重申法哲学核心范畴研究的重要性和法律关系作为法哲学核心范畴的理论和实践价值,指出以法律关系为法哲学的核心范畴可以为研究法学现象,处理司法实践问题提供一个新的视角和思路,是法哲学范畴体系构建中的有益尝试。

【Abstract】 Core category of philosophy of law is a foundational proposition of the law philosophy and the legal science research, but the category research is the weak link throughout from the theory legal science to the application legal science in our country legal science. There are intense arguments on the core category of law philosophy in the end of last century, but academicians have not pay enough attention to this significant theory question overall. It’s necessary to research this subject further.This thesis is divided into five parts. The introduction part briefly elaborates the status on domestic and foreign research of law philosophy core category, and indicates that the research on law philosophy core category has to be strengthened. The research on the law philosophy core category is the foundational topic in law philosophy and legal science research. It is of theoretical significance, and practical application value. It can be used to instruct the legal practice, and promote the theoretical legal research to serve the socialist law practice.The main text is divided into three parts. The first part elaborates the status and the function of the law philosophy core category in the law philosophy category system. This part firstly clarifies the meaning of the law philosophy category and the category system clearly, and then expounds the connotation and the characteristic of the law philosophy core category, finally pointes out the significance of law philosophy core category in the legal science research.In the second part, the author carries on analysis and the reconsideration on several kinds of representative viewpoints of the core category of law philosophy. Such five viewpoints as historical type of law, the right and the voluntary, the social rights, the legal rules and legal relationship are the representative viewpoints of the law philosophy core category. By analyzing these viewpoints, and combining nowadays legal practice, the author pointes out that the legal relationship should be taken as the core category of law philosophy.In the third part, the author presents various conception and proof on the legal relationship as the law philosophy core category. They are the foothold and main part of this thesis. In this part, the author proves that it is feasible to take legal relationship as law philosophy core category. The theory conception part is divided into three aspects. Firstly, the legal relationship is given a new connotation, and the legal relationship is divided into generalized and the narrow two aspects. Then the theoretical conception that the legal relationship should be taken as the law philosophy core category is presented from three aspects. And the author thinks that the object of law philosophy study should take the legal relationship as the core part. By elaborating the relationship between legal relationship and the law, the legal rules, the legal act and other nine basic law philosophy categories, it is proved that the legal relationship has logical control ability to these categories. And the legal relationship as the core category can be used to resolve the basic law philosophy category system. The author elaborates the relationship between legal relationship and the public law, the civil law, the social law, think that it is also feasible to take the legal relationship as the core category to resolve the department law.Finally, the proof part consists of six aspects. The legal relationship and its essence are the basic question of law philosophy. The legal relationship is the essential prerequisite for revealing the inherent contradictions and the essence of law. There is universal relation between the legal relationship and the law philosophy basic categories and the legal relationship can logically control basic law philosophy categories. The application of law is actually the existence and the application process of legal relationship. The legal relationship category indicates the correct direction for the department legal science development, and provides the correct idea to solve the legal research matter by taking the legal relationship as the law philosophy core category.In the conclusion part, the author reaffirms once again the importance of law philosophy core category research and the theoretical and the practical value to take legal relationship as the law philosophy core category, pointes out that the legal relationship as the law philosophy core category provides a new angle of view and the mentality for study and explain the legal science phenomenon and judicature practice. It is a beneficial attempt in the law philosophy category system construction.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期

