

A Research into the Point of Poor College Students’ Values

【作者】 张鹏娟

【导师】 潘峰;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 随着我国高等教育体制改革的不断深化,高等教育规模不断扩大和高等学校收费标准的逐年攀升,贫困生问题已成为媒体报道和学术界研究的焦点问题,这也是高校学生工作的重点问题。经济贫困给这些学生带来了生活、学习、思想、心理等各方面的困惑。政府和社会各界纷纷行动起来,从物质资助、心理扶持等方面来帮扶贫困生,这些努力或多或少都在一定程度上帮助贫困生解决了一些问题,促进了高校贫困生问题的解决。然而却有一种“贫困现象”潜存在于贫困生群体中而少有人关注到。贫困生的精神层面暴露出越来越多的问题,有关贫困生的全面发展问题引起社会各界的思考。本文尝试着从一个更高、更新的角度来关注贫困大学生的健康成长,提出解决贫困生问题的新思路。文章采用了文献研究、问卷调查和访谈法等方法对高校贫困生价值取向状况进行了剖析。笔者首先采用了访谈法,通过与中北大学近70位贫困大学生和10位辅导员近距离接触和面对面交流沟通,从而获得贫困生的价值取向概况;同时还在查阅了大量资料,借鉴他人已有的研究成果,并广泛征求意见的基础上,自制了价值取向调查问卷,对中北大学理学院、经济管理学院、人文社会科学学院、机电工程学院等四个学院的200名贫困大学生进行抽样调查,共发放问卷200份,收回有效问卷190份,其中男生105人,女生85人。本文试图通过对中北大学贫困生价值取向问题的调查研究,结合我国高校贫困生的具体情况,对如何解决我国高校贫困生价值取向的问题做进一步探讨。全文主要分四大部分:第一部分进行高校贫困生及其价值取向的概念界定,阐述当前研究高校贫困生价值取向的意义,即有利于高校贫困生自身的健康发展和自我完善,有利于高校贫困生工作的有效开展,有利于国家、社会和学校的稳定与和谐发展。第二部分分析目前高校贫困生价值取向存在的问题,即价值取向从理想主义向现实主义转化,价值主体选择由社会本位向个人本位转化,自身价值观念冲突、心理问题日趋严重,实现价值目标的手段由单一转向多种方法和行为并重,以及诚信缺失问题严重等五个方面的问题。第三部分对目前高校贫困生价值取向所存在问题的原因进行了深入剖析。第四部分提出了引导高校贫困生树立正确的价值取向的方法和对策。本文概述了价值取向的涵义,阐述了高校贫困生价值取向存在的问题,分析了导致贫困生价值取向出现问题的原因,即贫困生自身特点、学校教育与现实的脱节、社会主义市场经济的双面效应、社会价值导向失衡、社会思潮等五个方面进行了因素分析。最后,提出了引导高校贫困生树立正确价值取向的方法和对策。

【Abstract】 With the on-going deepening of the reform of the system of higher education in China, the continual enlarging of higher education scale and annually elevation of tuition-fee standard, poor students, as the important issue of college student work, has became the focus in media reports and also in academic research area. At present the government and other social circles have helped poor students solve some problems in aspects of material and money, psychological guidance so that the settlement of poor students’ issues can be promoted to some extent. However, it is not overlooked that economic poverty is bringing these students some perplexity ranging from life, study, thought, mentality, and so forth.From a higher and newer perspective, this article tries to pay attention to the healthy grow-up of poor students and put forward a new train of thought for these students’ issues. By means of literature consult, questionnaire and face-to-face interview, poor students’ values are analyzed in this thesis. First, through a face-to-face interview with nearly 70 poor students and 10 assistants a rough state of poor students’ values is acquired. Next is the questionnaire. The status quo and features of poor students’ values are investigated and analyzed under this carefully designed questionnaire. Third, plenty of data has been consulted in order that the basic situation of college students in our country can be known, including the emergence of poor college students and the status quo of researches and solutions into this problem.Investigating the poor students’ values in the North University of China and with concrete situations of poor college students in our country, this thesis move a single step to probe how to solve this problem. My text can be divided into four parts:The first part of poor students to college and to define the concept of value orientation, the current research of University poor students the meaning of values, that is, colleges and universities will help poor students to develop their own health and self-improvement is conducive to the work of College Students effectively, there are national, social and school stability and harmonious development.The second part analysis the current values of poor College Students’ Problems. That is, from the values of idealism to realism into the main choice of the value of community-based to an individual-based transformation of their own values conflict, becoming more and more serious psychological problems and realize the value of goals means by a single act of turning a number of ways and both, as well as the serious problem of credibility, such as loss of the five issues.The third part analysis of the current values of Poor college Students.The fourth part puts forwards Blueprint for System and Content of Poor College students’ Values and counter measures for it.This article summarizes the connation of values, expounds the status quo and features of poor college students’ values, analyzes the relevant factors influencing the conversion of poor college students’ values, and puts forwards some practical counter measures that guide the correct establishment of poor college students’ values. Based on a survey, five problems existed in values has been summed up: Conversion from Idealism to Realism in Their Values; Value Subject’s Choices from Social Particolarismo Giuridico to Individual one; Mental Diseases Exacerbating with Students’ Values Contradiction; Methods for Their Value Aims Changing from Mono-way to both Multi-ways and Multi-activities; Lack of Integrity. And then factors analysis is done in these four respects: Features of College Poor Students; School Education; Social Value Orientation; Thought Trends. Finally, beginning with the strengthening of the core value concept, Blueprint for System and Content of Poor College students’ Values including education in ideals and beliefs, patriotic education, socialist ideal of education, collectivism education and so forth is put forward and the practical counter measures that guide the correct value concept from such three perspectives as Carrying on Integrity Education; Implementing Perfect Personal Education; Strengthening Setback Education; Create a healthy and progressive atmosphere of the campus culture.

【关键词】 高校贫困生价值取向问题研究
【Key words】 Poor college studentsValuesResearch
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期

