

【作者】 张凌

【导师】 项保华;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 工商管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着人们的生活条件的提高和对于交流和沟通便利程度的越来越高的要求,通信市场在20世纪80年代到如今,经历了一个近乎爆炸性的发展。而在这个爆炸性发展的过程中,在通信市场的产业链的各个环节,都诞生了一批优秀的企业,在通信运营市场,有O2,Vodafone,Orange这样的巨鳄,他们在很多国家都握有电信运营牌照,拥有的用户数都以亿计;在通信制造市场,有Ericsson,Nokia,Siemens和Motorola等企业,它们占据了通信设备市场的大部分份额,并且在很多国家通过垄断式的份额而获取了高额利润。通信市场的蓬勃发展也带动了一批国内企业的发展,这些企业依靠国内的庞大的通信市场,完成了原始积累并且发展到了相当的规模,运营方面主要是国家的垄断企业,在通信制造方面,有“巨大中华”之称的四家企业为个中翘楚,它们分别是巨龙,大唐,中兴和华为,而华为目前又是这些企业到目前为止最成功的。本文按照通信产品分类,较为全面的分析了目前的包括国内和国际的通信市场状态和形势,然后描述了华为目前在通信设备制造产业链中所处的位置和竞争态势,并通过运用波特五力模型等管理理论和模型,来发现华为目前所存在的薄弱环节以及面临的种种阻碍发展的问题,以考虑未来华为的竞争策略和应对措施。通过本文的分析,认为华为目前虽然面临着国内市场近乎饱和、政策性决策把握不准以及利润率降低等问题,但也具有自身独特的优势,依靠在研发上的持续高投入以及中国目前相对而言还较低的人力成本,华为相对国际竞争对手在成本上存在优势,以前的技术劣势由于持续的高研发投入而大大缩小了与设备制造顶尖厂商之间的距离。因此,坚定不移的走国际化道路是本文给出的华为发展的战略,同时,在国际化市场竞争时,针对不同的市场,也应该有不同的策略,而不是一概而论,这样,更能够提高华为面对国际化市场时的竞争能力,使华为能够持续发展,真正的成为国内通信制造业的龙头和国际通信制造业的举足轻重的一支力量。

【Abstract】 With the improvement of people’s living conditions and for ease of exchange and communication of the ever-increasing demands, Communications market has experienced an almost explosive development from the 20th century 80’s to the present. In the course of this explosive growth in the communications market, the various segments of the industry chain,a number of outstanding business emerged. In the Operating market, there are crocodiles such as O2, Vodafone, Orange, they hold in many countries, telecommunications operators license, with the number of users are in hundreds millions; In the Manufacture market, Ericsson, Nokia, Siemens and Motorola and other enterprises, which account for most of the communications equipment market share, and in many countries, through monopolistic share of the acquisition of high profits. Vigorous development of the telecommunications market has also led to the development of a number of domestic enterprises, these enterprises rely on the huge domestic communications market, completed the development of primitive accumulation, and to a considerable size, In Operational aspects of the state monopoly of major enterprises, in telecommunications manufacturing, there are "JuDaZhongHua", said four leading enterprises as the secondary, they are the Julong, Datang, ZTE and Huawei, Huawei is now So far, the most successful of these enterprises.This text according to communication products classification, a more comprehensive analysis of the current, including both domestic and international communications market status and situation, and then describes the communications equipment manufacturer Huawei’s current industry chain in the position and competitive posture. And through the use of Porter’s five forces model, etc. management theory and models, to discover the existence of Huawei’s current weaknesses and the obstacles facing the development issues in order to consider the future of Huawei’s competitive strategy and response measures.Through analysis of this text that Huawei is currently face of a near-saturated domestic market, policy decision-making are not allowed to grasp the issues, as well as lower profit margins, but also has its own unique advantages, relying on the continued high R & D investment as well as China at present relatively Also in terms of lower labor costs, Huawei’s relative international competitors exist in the cost advantage, because of the continuing high R & D investment, the disadvantages and the distance between the top manufacturers of the previous technology has been greatly reduced . Thus, in this paper, a firm path of internationalization is presented for Huawei development strategy, while competition in the international market, for different markets, but also should have different strategies, rather than to generalize. Thus, Huawei’s competitiveness can be able to improve to face of international market, and enable Huawei to sustainable development, the true become a leading telecommunications manufacturing industry and international telecommunications industry.

【关键词】 通信制造业国际化3G
【Key words】 Internationalization3GCommunications industry
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】F626
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】2002

