

【作者】 顾春华

【导师】 李枫;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 公共卫生, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 性格是人格的具体体现,表现在人对现实的态度以及与之相适应的、习惯化的行为方式方面的个性心理特征。是个人世界观、人生观的集中体现,一旦形成即比较稳定,性格有很大的个别差异,性格不同行为方式迥异。但性格也具有可塑性,因为除了先天遗传作用外,还受到社会、家庭等诸多因素的影响。学龄儿童心理刚刚开始发展,生理机能发育还未定型,受到外界影响极大,是一个人性格学习和培养的关键时期。知晓此时期孩子性格特征和可能影响因素,提出合理性建议显得尤为必要。本研究采用随机整群抽样的方式确定了辖区内两所小学四、五年级和两所初中的一年级学生作为调查对象,应用艾森克人格问卷(儿童版)知晓学龄儿童的性格倾向,通过自编的家长问卷了解儿童家庭环境和家庭教育方式,将数据进行电脑输入后进行分析,探讨儿童性格倾向与家庭氛围、成长环境之间的关系,探索影响学龄儿童性格形成的可能影响因素,为建立比较科学的儿童家庭教育模式提供积累数据。结果如下:1.儿童的性别、年龄、成长经历与孩子的性格有关。不同性别儿童的E维度(内外向)得分和N维度(神经质)得分不一样,女性的两个得分都低于男性,提示处于该年龄段的儿童,女孩比男孩性格更外向,女孩更善于自我控制情绪;年龄和寄宿制幼儿园经历影响儿童性格量表的P值,曾经在寄宿制幼儿园的孩子比非寄宿制幼儿园的孩子性格更倔强;随着孩子年龄的增加,P维度得分更低,表现更加成熟。结果显示儿童是否是独生子女与其性格无统计学意义。2.父母的文化程度、职业、家庭经济状况、家庭的和睦情况与孩子的性格有关。家长的文化程度、父母职业与子女的内外向呈高度正相关,父母学历高、职业比较稳定的其孩子的E值相对较高,孩子性格比较外向,活泼;家庭人均收入影响孩子的P维度得分;孩子的零花钱的多少与孩子的N值和P值都呈正相关关系;邻里关系紧张家庭的子女P值明显高于关系融洽的孩子。父母的婚姻状况、是否为独生子女不影响孩子的性格。3.家庭教养方式的不同与孩子性格有关。家长采取与孩子商量或考虑孩子爱好方式解决问题,其孩子N值(神经质)和P值(精神质)明显低于不考虑家庭孩子的得分,说明家长是否尊重孩子的想法对孩子的性格有影响;若父母经常私下检查孩子的私人物品,信件等,其孩子的神经质(N得分)指标高于“不常检查”家庭的孩子,不尊重孩子的做法会造成孩子的情绪不稳定;当孩子考试失利或碰到困难等时候,父母采取鼓励等积极教育方式,其孩子性格量表中N值和P值低于采取“延长学习时间”和“体罚”简单粗暴措施的家庭子女得分;家长和孩子经常就某事进行交流的家庭的孩子N值和P值都低于“愿意听,但不发表意见”的家庭,更低于“不关心孩子说什么”的家庭;当孩子回来诉说跟朋友或同学的争执时,选择与孩子一起埋怨他人,比和孩子一起分析原因,更易造成孩子N值和P值提高;“随口答应”孩子的事情,其P值高于“努力去做,基本每次成功”和“做不到,但会解释原因”家庭的孩子;父母之间发生争执时,做法不同其子女性格量表的N值和P值有差异,选择避开孩子做法的家庭其孩子的N值和P值都低于选择不避开的家庭子女;家长不注意自己的平时的一些不良习性,都会造成孩子神经质和精神质得分偏高;不和睦的家庭,父母不良行为都会对孩子的性格有影响,孩子易成为“问题”孩子,行为比较容易冲动;家长对孩子学习成绩关注的侧重点不同,其子女性格量表P指标值也不一样,关心在班级排名和分数情况的家长,其孩子的P值更高;家长“从不陪同孩子作业”家庭的子女其P值高于“全程陪同”的家庭子女;家长在检查作业时,只看孩子“是否完成”和“除了检查完成还要坚持正确情况”的家庭其子女的P值有统计学意义;从不参加家长会家庭的孩子其P值明显高于其他的孩子,家长是否与学校老师进行积极沟通能影响孩子的性格;支持孩子进行特长培养的家庭其子女的P值低于不重视或认为“应该培养,并努力一鸣惊人”家长的子女;对于孩子更喜欢进行非正规的兴趣,家长反对的家庭,其子女的E值和P值高于认为“完成作业后可以”和“节假日可以”家庭的孩子;经常带孩子出去游玩家庭的孩子的E维度和N纬度指标值明显高于不经常和父母一块儿出去游玩的孩子,说明家长经常带着孩子出去,能影响孩子的性格指标,孩子更易形成外向性格。结论:儿童性格受到自身成长经历、父母家庭情况和家庭内的教养方式等多方面的影响。父母应该在可能的条件下给孩子提供一个和睦平等的家庭环境,营造亲密融洽的家庭氛围,采取积极的教养方式,避免惩罚措施和漠然态度;尊重孩子,注重孩子的想法,多与孩子沟通,促进孩子身心健康和良好人格的形成。

【Abstract】 Character is a concrete manifestation of personality. Character is reflected in man’ s attitude toward reality and in the corresponding individual psychological characteristics embodied in habitual behavior. Made up of both a concentrated world view and outlook on life, character is relatively stable once formed. However, character has plasticity, because in addition to inherited aspects, it is also influenced by society, family and other factors. While school-aged children are greatly influenced by the outside world, this phase of life is a crucial period for ascertaining and handling individual differences. It is very necessary to know children’ s characters and the influential factors in this phase, in order to give appropriate suggestions for therapy.To study childhood character, random cluster sampling was carried out in four primary and secondary schools, to recruit a total of 795 students and 779 parents. The Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (child version) was used to assess school-aged children’ s characters and another questionnaire was administered to parents, to understand each child’s home environment and the educational methods applied. Computerized data analysis was performed to study the relationships among children’ characters, the home atmosphere, the learning environment, etc. Once we found out which possible factors influence a child’ s character, we were positioned to give out scientific advice. Study results are as follows:1. Children’ s characters are related to their gender, age and learning-related experiences. Gender had impact on E dimension scores and N dimension scores: girls scored lower than boys, suggesting that girls are more inward-looking or introspective than boys and better at self-control of emotions. Age and boarding experiences affected children’ s character P value: children with the kindergarten boarding experience were more stubborn than children without. As children’ s age increased, their P dimension scores became lower and lower, as their performance became more mature. The fact that a child is an only child or not, was not important. 2. Children’ s characters are related to parental environment: educational level, occupation, family economic status and degree of family harmony. The parents’ educational level and occupation correlated positively with a child’ s tendency to have an inwardly or outwardly-leaning character. The children whose parents had a good education and a stable job had relatively high E scores. Household per capita income affected a child’s P dimension scores. The pocket money provided had a positive relationship with N and P values. Children staying in a tense neighborhood or family relationship had higher P dimension scores than those raised in harmony. The parents’ declared marital status did not affect children’s characters.3. The family’ s educational methods are related with children’ s characters. If the parents respected children, adopting interactive or child-preferred methods to solve problems, their children’ s N value (denoting neuroticism) and P value (denoting phschoticism ) were apparently lower than if using non-respectful methods. If parents privately check children’s personal items (such as letters) often, their children’s N score index was higher than those children who were rarely checked. Parents’ disrespectful behaviors will likely cause children more emotional instability. If parents take active methods to encourage children when they encounter difficulties (such as taking exams), children’ s N and P values result in lower values than those who are treated by simple and crude parental measures (such as "extended learning time" and "corporal punishment"). N and P values of children whose family members communicated often were lower than those with members willing to listen to a child, but who keep silent, and were much lower than the values of those coming from a family that does not care about children’ s words. When children come back to parents, speaking badly of a friend or classmate, the parental choice of analyzing the reasons for this, rather than complaining together, lowered P values and N values. Parents’ "casual premise" or lack of encouraging behavior, instead of an "achieve it through hard work" response or a " cannot do it, but will explain" response increased P values. Avoidance of disputes in front of children lowered their N and P values, compared with scores of those children with parents not avoiding it. If parents do not pay attention to their bad habits, it will result in high child neuroticism and psychoticism scores: Within inharmonious families, bad parental behavior affected children’s character, creating "problem" children and impulsive behavior. The focus of parental attention also influences. For example, if parents focused on class ranking and academic scores, their children’s P values were higher. If parents "never accompany their children to do homework," instead of often "doing the accompanying role," or if they "only check to see if homework is finished or not, " instead of "also checking for accuracy, " or if they "never take part in parents’ meetings, " instead of "actively communicating with teachers, " then their children’ s P values were higher. If parents prefered to encourage children to develop expertise, rather than discourage them, their children’ s P values were lower; and if parents prefered to be against their children’ s hobbies rather than be for them, after homework or during holidays, then their children’ s E values and P values were higher. If parents went out to play with their children often, rather than not going out so often, their children’ s E and N values were lower, plus the children were more outgoing.Conclusion: Children’s characters are influenced by various factors, such as the individual’ s self-growth experiences, their family situation, the ways the family educates, and more. Parents should provide their children a harmonious family environment, a culturally close atmosphere, respect children and their ideas, adopt positive education methods, avoid punishment and situations involving wordlessness, and communicate often with their children, so that the parents can actively promote the formation of a healthy body, mind and good personality in their children.

【关键词】 儿童性格家庭环境教养方式
【Key words】 childrenpersonalityeducationparenting style
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】B844.1
  • 【下载频次】1058

