

【作者】 吴钧

【导师】 苏勇;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 工商管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 二次世界大战后,日本丰田公司通过其独特的生产方式取得了空前的成功。90年代后期,美国麻省理工学院的有关课题组通过大量细致的研究,并与当时欧美大批量生产方式相比较后,将这种丰田制造方式定义为精益生产。从此,精益生产逐渐为世人所知,并在以后的十余年间发展成为重要的生产制造模式。精益生产的本质是通过最大限度消除各种形式的浪费,不断提升价值流效率。近十几年来,“精益生产”理论又被延伸至企业经营活动全过程,发展成为“精益管理”,其核心都在于最大限度地降低各种形式的浪费。90年代开始,国内外一些知名制造企业都开始导入精益生产理念,如作通用电气(GE)公司和柯达公司以及国内的一汽、东风等大型汽车制造集团等等。这一管理思想也被引入服务业。对于服务型企业而言,精益生产模式通过优化流程、降低过程中的浪费来提升企业内部效率,缩短从顾客需求产生到实现的过程时间,进而提高顾客满意度,从而稳定和不断扩展市场占有率。而作为服务业中公用事业类企业的电力供应商,如何运用精益生产理念降低电力输送和企业内部生产过程中的浪费,提高客户满意度,也是许多电网运行企业关注的问题。2000年后,西班牙国家电力集团(Endesa)和意大利国家电力公司(Enel)的精益生产实践都取得了良好的效果。2004年,上海市电力公司(以下简称上海电力)也率先在在国内引入了精益生产理念,取得了一定的成功。本文主要通过对电力改革背景、上海电力所处的内外部环境和企业现状的思考,指出了上海电力引入精益生产模式的必要性;通过对精益生产的历史回顾、精益管理理论的特点、管理体系和有关工具及电网行业的特点和精益生产理念在国外电网企业应用的研究,分析其对国内电网企业的适用性。电网行业在供需匹配上的巨大矛盾使其相较其它行业更容易出现浪费、波动和不灵活这三种主要的价值损失,妨碍企业最大限度地为客户创造价值,并实现自身的价值增值。而精益生产恰恰提供了一整套运营管理的思路和原则,能够通过消除经营管理中所存在的各种价值损失,引入科学的管理体系,改变员工的理念和行为,达到提高客户满意度,提升企业管理水平和经营业绩。这也是精益生产实践在一些电网企业取得成功的原因。理论和实践都表明精益生产的方法和理念能够跳出原有的行业局限,有助于各行各业根据自身特点因地制宜地寻找对策,全面、系统、有效地提升经营管理水平,为客户实现价值增值,同时实现公司业绩的明显改善。本文也通过上海电力开展精益生产推进模式和推广手段,以及“抢修流程优化”和“集成和优化电网生产计划”两个实际案例,对电网运行行业如何开展精益生产实践进行了较详尽的研究。

【Abstract】 After World WarⅡ, Japanese Toyota company has achieved great success on its special production. In the late 1990s, American Massachusetts Institute of technology defined it as the lean production through many delicate studies and comparison with the high-volume production of the European and American areas. From then on, lean production has gradually been known to others, and has been developed into an important manufacturing mode in the later ten years.The essence of lean production is developing the efficiency of the value flow by eliminating various forms of waste at maximum. In the recent few years, the theory of lean production has extended to the whole process of business activities of enterprises, and has been developed as lean management, whose purpose is to reduce various forms of waste at maximum.Since the 1990s, some well-know manufacturers at home and abroad have imported the philosophy of lean production, for instance, GE, KODAK ,FAW,DONGFENG and some other large automobile manufacturing groups. This manage ideas have been used into services as well. For the service-oriented enterprises, lean production model improves internal efficiency and reduce the demand generated from the customer to the realization of the process time by optimizing processes and reducing waste in the process ,thereby increasing customer satisfaction, stabilizing and expanding market share rate.However, as a service sector business electricity supplier, how to apply lean production concepts to reduce power transmission and internal production process waste in order to improve customer satisfaction is a problem for the power grid companies. After 2000, lean production practice made great effect in the Spanish national electric group (Endesa) and Italian state power company (Enel). In 2004, Shanghai electric power company (hereinafter referred to Shanghai electricity) took the lead in the domestic introducing the concept of lean production and has obtained the certain of success.This paper based on Shanghai electric power reform background, the internal and external environment and status quotation, points out the necessities of importing lean production mode of Shanghai electric power. Through reviewing the history of lean management theory, characteristics, management system and relevant tools and power industry characteristics and lean manufacturing grid enterprises in foreign countries, the paper analyzes the application research of grid enterprises of China. Power industry in the big match its contradiction compared with other industries is more likely to waste, and not be flexible .And these are the three major losses, hindering enterprise utmost ground to create value for customers and realize their value.Thus lean production is providing complete management ideas and principles, which can eliminate management through various values of the loss. It help import the scientific management system, change the idea and behaviors of employees to improve customer satisfaction, the management level of the enterprise and business performance. This is why lean production practice in some grid enterprises can succeed.Theory and practice suggest that methods and ideas of lean production can jump out of the original industry constraints .It can completely promote the effective management level of ascension for the customer value realization, firm performance industry according to its own characteristics and the local search strategies . This paper also carries out the lean production practice in detail. It quotes the Shanghai electric power conducting progression and promotion tools of lean production and two practical cases of electrical industry repair process optimization and integration and optimizing power production plan

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】F273;F426.61
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】414

