

【作者】 冯晓

【导师】 李元旭;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 工商管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 中国乳业连续十年的高发展速度不仅书写了一个行业的神话,也成为众多行业的一个典范。中国乳制品市场的竞争到达了空前激烈的程度,乳制品成为中国市场最为活跃的快速消费品之一。受2008年三鹿奶粉事件和国际金融危机的双重影响,我国乳业发展陷入暂时的困难和危机之中,这场行业危机对乳企来说既是一场沉重的灾难,也是一次崛起的机遇和健康发展的开端。乳品企业如何抓住当前机遇,走出信任危机、重建消费信心;如何构建营销网络、选择目标市场成为企业必须关注和急需解决的问题。据此,研究乳品企业的营销战略将具有非常重要的现实意义,中国的乳品企业要想在未来的3—5年内有所作为,就必须改变当前的营销观念,必须从竞争战略的高度去考虑未来的发展。正是在这种背景下,本论文选择光明乳业股份有限公司液态奶市场营销战略作为研究对象,运用PESTEL分析模型从政治因素、经济因素、社会因素、技术因素、环境因素、法律因素六个方面入手分析了乳制品行业的战略环境,随后通过价值链、生命周期、波特五力模型对产业环境进行了分析,着重阐述产业内竞争对手情况、产业需求等内容。通过对有形资源与能力、无形资源与能力、VRIO框架的分析,从资源战略观的角度对企业拥有的资源、能力及核心竞争力进行深入的研究。论文将战略管理理论、营销理论与企业实际情况相结合,采用SWOT工具将企业所面临的外部环境、内部环境、内部的优势与劣势以及外部的机会和威胁进行详细的分析,通过目标市场的定位,确定了企业的营销战略。为了确保营销战略的成功实施,文章进一步探讨了适应营销战略的产品、价格、渠道、促销等营销手段及实施保障体系,并提出光明乳业只有坚持差异化竞争战略,利用一流的技术和研发优势,进行新产品开发,创造差异化,增加产品附加值,同时,要打造一个完善的销售管理体系,组建一支强势的销售团队,扩展销售渠道,开发优质的经销商资源,快速、有效地开拓市场,在中国乳业日趋走向成熟的竞争发展中,敢于创新、坚定不移走健康、可持续发展的道路。本文只对光明乳业股份有限公司的国内营销战略进行研究,没有涉及到全球乳品市场,这将是今后研究的方向。

【Abstract】 The consecutive 10-years high speed development of China dairy industry has not only created an industry myth, but also has built a monument among manufacturing. The years competition of China dairy industry has been getting white-hot, which has brought the dairy industry to become one of the most vital fast consumer goods in China. China dairy industry had been involved in temporary straits under the double influence of Sanlu milk powder case in 2008 and the international financial crisis. Principally it is a sort of disaster as well as a chance of starting over. At the present time it is in need to do great efforts on the marketing strategy for the dairy enterprises, so that they can learn how to catch the opportunities, how to re-build creditability, how to construct the new marketing network and how to choose the target market, all of that are the most key points for the dairy enterprises. China dairy manufactures have to stand on the new platform of competition strategy for further development if they want to grow great in the forthcoming 3-5 years.Under this circumstance, herewith we example Bright Dairy Co., Ltd to analyze the strategic environment with PESTEL from 6 aspects, i.e. political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal. After that we go on pursuing further on industrial surroundings through the following elements of value chain, life cycle, Porter’s 5-forces model to expound the competitors and demands in dairy industry. Apart from above, we still explore the resources, capabilities and core competitiveness of the enterprises at the point of resource strategy by analyzing the physical resources and capabilities, intangible resources and capabilities and VRIO framework.This article combines the strategy management theories and marketing theories and the actual enterprise condition and aims to determine the marketing strategy through SWOT analysis to account for internal and external situation, self-advantages and disadvantages, future opportunities and threats and target market positioning.For the good of the success of marketing strategy, we discuss as well the marketing steps and the implement security system that befit the product, price, place and promotion. Meanwhile we propose that Bright Dairy Co., Ltd has to keep insisting on differentiation development strategy, which will be beneficial to advanced technology R&D, develop new products, increase the added value and form an efficient promotion network. This article only dedicates Bright Dairy Co., Ltd for the future marketing strategy research in China.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】F274;F426.82
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1283

