

【作者】 符天山

【导师】 陈浩然;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 法律, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 刑罚权是随着国家出现而产生的,由血族复仇、同态复仇演变而来,是人类理性的结晶,刑罚对社会的调节作用有目共睹,它能够有效地维护社会秩序及公民合法权益,给人民以安全感。刑罚权作为一种权力,具有无限扩张性,发动成本的昂贵性、惩罚的严厉性和手段的有限性,这不仅与司法资源的有限和稀缺形成尖锐的矛盾,而且刑罚的过量和滥用,会强化犯罪人的反社会情绪,影响改造的效果,造成了再犯增多和再犯危害性增大的不良后果。刑罚本来是积极干预,目的是实现一般预防和特殊预防,但面对“民不畏死,何以死惧之”时,刑罚其实已经无能为力,此时死刑已经失去意义。这也印证了马克思所言:“自该隐以来,用杀人的方法来防止杀人的行为,都未成功过”。刑罚这种暴力不是国家固有的,是维持社会稳定与秩序的需要,国家在运用时必须体现自我节制,有的放矢地将部分刑罚权移交给社会,这是刑罚谦抑主义思想的要求,也是和谐社会发展的必然。犯罪的产生是多种元素的进发,刑罚权打击的单一性和犯罪产生原因的多样性就凸现了二者的力量不对称性。正如李斯特所言:最好的社会政策就是最好的刑事政策。这告诫我们对犯罪的预防不能单靠刑罚的镇压与威吓,刑罚权必须进行必要的退让。社会发展到今天,人类文明化程度不断提高,国家管理和调控社会的形式日趋多样化,刑罚权只是管理社会的一种非主流的手段,它的运用受到刑事法治理念、人权保障意识、司法成本、刑法谦抑性、自身强制性和破坏性的影响和限制。随着现代法治理念的深入而发生了悄然的变化,其基本脉络是由死刑向自由刑转变、由身体刑向精神刑转变、由惩罚目的向矫正目的转变。恢复性司法、刑事和解为我们增添很多新的刑罚内容,也表明刑罚目的的多层次性,从而降低刑罚本身所带来的“标签”及“社会心理”等负面效应,彰显刑罚权已经从国家刑法主义转变成市民刑法主义这一人类文明进步的思想。当前,我国在建立以人为本的和谐社会背景下,提出了宽严相济的刑事政策,改变和调整“严打”的策略,使刑罚权的运转走向常态化和程序化。宽严相济刑事政策的提出是对过去报复主义、惩罚主义和重刑主义的反省,赋予了刑罚更多的理性主义、人道主义和科学主义内涵,展示了在刑罚过程中注重人权保障,关注罪犯的合法权益,实行“轻轻重重”的做法。这样有利于合理的配置刑罚资源,充分发挥刑法防卫社会的功能,为和谐社会的构建发挥刑罚权的积极效用。刑罚不仅是剥夺人的权利,刑罚同时应当赋予人权利。刑罚权的历史发展表明:人类对刑罚权的选择是理性思索的结果,是人类进步的足迹,在人类限定的范围内,刑罚权的行使已经从单一的惩罚功能,向恢复正义、保障人权、关注被害人的多层功能并发,非罪化、非刑罚化、轻刑化、非监禁化的成功实践,对刑罚权的运用和功能发挥在社会发展和人权意识深化的推动下应该和必然日益多样化。

【Abstract】 Penalty power, the crystal of human rationality, came into being with the foundin g of a country and was developed from the revenge of bloodlines and homomorphism. Its effect on regulating the society is well known. It can maintain the legal rights of s ociety and citizens and gives people a sense of security.As a power, it has the characteristics of unlimited expansion, costliness, severe p enalty and limited means which are strongly conflict to the limited and scarce judicial resources. Moreover, the overuse and abuse of penalty may strengthen the antisocial emotions of criminals which will affect the results of reformation and increase the rates of crimes.Penalty is originally positive interferences aiming at the realization of ordinary a nd special prevention. But if the people are not afraid of death, how can death threaten s them and penalty is powerless and meaningless at that time. Just as what Max once s aid: since Cain, the behaviors of preventing killing by means of killing have never suc ceeded.Sentence is not inherent in state but the demands of maintaining the society stability and order. The sentence deferential thoughts require that state should use self-restraint when use it and part sentence right should be handed over targeted to the society, which are also the necessity for the development of harmonious society.Crime comes out from many factors. Sentence is executed to certain crime, while crime has verities, where asymmetry appears. Just as Liszt said that: the best criminal policy comes from the best social policy, which warns us that precaution of crime should not only reply on sentence suppress and threaten. Sentence should make necessary concessions.In the modern society, human civilization constantly improves, state management and styles of Social Regulation varies. Sentence is the main way of managing society, and its usage is effected and restricted by criminal Rule of law, human rights protection, judicial costs, sentence differential, self mandatory and destructive .With the in-depth of the modern rule of law concept, great changes have taken place quietly. Its basic routes is changing from death sentence to imprisonment, from physical punishment to mental punishment and from the purpose of punishing to that of correcting. Restorative justice, criminal reconciliation add many new content of penalty for us, but also shows the multilevel of the purpose of penalty, thereby reducing many negative effects, such as the "label" of the penalty and "Social Psychology", highlighting that the right of punishment has been changed from State Criminal Law Doctrine into the public doctrine, the progress of human civilization.Nowadays, in the background of building harmonious society which is people-oriented, China put forward the criminal policy of tempering justice with mercy, and at the same time change and adjust strike-hard strategy to enable the running of the power of criminal penalty to become normal and programmed. The promotion of the criminal policy of tempering justice with mercy is a self-reflection of previous retaliation, punishment and penalty, and it gives more rationalistic, humanitarian and scientific Marxist connotations, showing focus on human rights protection during the process of punishment and concern about the legitimate rights and interests of criminals to carry out "heavy softly" approach. This helps dispatch penal resources appropriately, which will give full play to the social function of criminal defense, playing a positive effect of the power of criminal penalty on building harmonious society.Penalty not only deprives of the rights of persons but also should offer rights. The historical development of the penalty power shows that the choice of the penalty power by human is the result of rational consideration, the footprint of human progress, and within the limits of mankind, the running of penalty has grown from a single penalty function to the muti-function of restoring justice, protecting human rights, concerning about the victims. The successful practice of decriminalization, depenalization,dispunishmentlization and non- imprisonment, the operation and functions should be and will be increasingly diversified with the promotion of social development and deepening of human rights awareness.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】D914
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】82

